Is having a destro warlock in the group

no I was just joking around, because I had agreed with you in the thread I was reading just before this one <3

All. The. Damn. Time.

Bad tank positioning. Face the pull away from group, walk backwards and side step as needed. Your pulls shouldn’t be moving that much until the pull is <10% HP and you go to start gathering the next pull.

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Do mages with Blizzard have this problem?

Or, I guess it slows them so its less pronounced.

Whereas RoF lights their butts on fire and probably speeds them up!

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Haven’t tried frost recently but I’m sure they experience the same to some degree.

frost has that ability that has a cast time and hits the ground… I don’t know what it’s called, but I get yelled at (friendly like) by my mage friend all the time for moving out of it… but there’s no indicator that it’s coming, which is annoying. if I knew it was happening I’d stay still for it.

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It genuinely just sounds like you have had an awful tank, and an awful destruction warlock to deal with.

No. There’s just a lot of bad players when one isn’t playing at particularly high keys. Get to higher keys and you don’t have to deal with this issue neigh on at all.

Its not as big of a deal for Frost because Blizzard itself doesn’t do that much damage. The AoE is all ice lance cleave and frozen orb.

And usually when you’re using Blizzard, it’ll be an instant cast.

Rain of Fire deals like 4.5x more damage than Blizzard, so when RoF isn’t being used it’s much more noticeable.

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Thanx! :+1:

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Absolutely. Meanwhile when I do a pull like the lasher + bug pull, or really anything with mobs that leap out at players, I play on top of the tank as a shadow priest so the mobs stay grouped in the cleave if they choose me.

Everyone can do things to maximise damage efficiency.


Yeah that’s obvious but thank you.

I can’t say I’ve experienced the same frustration with any other spec I’ve played no matter the difficulty level though.

If a tank moves the mobs out of my one shadow crash I’m basically afk on protest for the next 20 seconds.


I’ve only played shadow in group content rarely. Usually prefer to stay to disc. I have had that experience but it feels like I’m in a bit more control with shadow crash. The closer you are, the faster that lands, correct?

Incorrect. The travel time is normalised. Further you stand the faster it goes.

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Well it’s fairly similar overall to cataclysm minus the cast time which I guess is offset by travel time. I can definitely see that being equally frustrating then.

Difference is with cataclysm you have a second to cancel it if something happens. Once crash is in the air it’s gone.

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It’s second nature for a tank to move out of stuff. There are mobs that cast rain of fire. They probably can’t identify whether it’s a mob or someone in the group casting the spell. It’s just habit. It takes time for people to be able to identify spells and effects from their group mates versus enemies.

Where? Neltharus? RLP?

Tank has algethar route memorized but thinks the packs before the bird boss are dropping rain on him?

Information overload and constant “go go go” mentality have done a lot of damage to stationary AoE effects like Rain of Fire, Earthquake, etc.

Tanks feel the need to move to the next pull as fast as possible, or move to avoid hazards on the floor, or move because they’re conditioned to be actively twitchy because of the aforementioned things.

Generally, stationary AoE effects aren’t as fun as bursty ones anymore in retail.


There’s no rain of fire esque effects in mythic+ season 4 dungeons.

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