Is ganking cyberbullying?

Unfortunately OP. No… Ganking someone and corpse camping is no way cyberbullying. If you play on a PVP realm that is the risk of playing on those realms and you would have to use your resources like guild members or general chat to ask for help or leave the character dead for a while and do something else for the time being. Eventually the person will get bored and move on to someone else.

Don’t try to convince him because guess what in some cases it is.

Even if 1000 of us answer to say in some way or another that “ganking is not cyberbullying”, that would not convince him that he should want to roll on a PvP server.

He is thinking about how he would feel as the victim of repeated ganking, and that is personal and individual to him. The only way you’d convince him to roll on a PvP server with you is by offering ways he could avoid being the victim of that situation.

Are you willing to log in at any time to come to his defense, or always group with him so he can’t be ganked? Can you recommend leveling paths that are less contested? As you’re Horde, and all we hear about are how they outnumber the Alliance, maybe that fact would help.

Way late in replying but, as an exemple :

Before BFA I was on the European realms. A guild member of mine, when TBC came out, decided to pick a random target among the newly created blood elves and tracked him down (using an alt account with /who command) during his leveling.

The day that poor Horde got to Stonetalon Peak, he got ganked by a level 60 rogue. Non stop. He went afk for hours, came back, got killed. He logged in the next day, got killed again, by the same guy. I actually found the picture of the players discussion with a GM, because the GM actually used a “Hold” effect on his character to stop him at some point.

I would guess, since he got reprimanded, that the GM considered two entire days of constant ganking on a lone lowbie “Cyberbullying”.

Those where the days.

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It is wholly an issue of personal interpretation. I grew up in schools with an older mentality, where friends wrestled and punched each other, and this kind of comradeship doesn’t affect me at all. But my son grew up on modern schools, and anyone who even pushes him for any reason is immediately a horrible person and a bully.

that being said, it’s a fine line between friendly scuffles and vindictive behavior, which is hard to interpret on the interwebz. People will make their own choices about it. I personally don’t bother with it, don’t really care to try. Obviously your friend is in that camp as well.

I think the real question is for you, not them. If they are important enough as a friend, are you willing to play on a PvE server with them? Why is it all on them to make the changes? relationships go both ways, and while you can’t force another person to feel or act different, you can change yourself.

Perfect example of real cyberbullying. Anyone who would take pleasure out of tormenting someone that much for that long is not a decent person, and IMO should have gotten more then a reprimand.

30m or so? I get it. 2 days? worth an account deletion IMO. But that’s one of the reasons I don’t play on PvP servers anymore. My life is too short to deal with horrible people like that.

In the World of Warcraft, you can choose to quit (reroll) or get some friends to come and help. What’s more, you consented in the PK by joining a PvP server.

Actual Cyberbullying usually spill out of the net and into the actual world and is directed at a person. You can change avatar, server, name, etc. in WoW (it’s not like there was the RealID thing back then, so it was easy to disappear.) So no, IMO, both player chose to let it happen. The ganker by, honestly, wasting time doing it. The gankee by, well, not doing any of the possible action that would have put a stop to it.

And, to be honest, screwing with someone on a PvP server is usually how massive zone / guild wars erupt, which are glorious.

I do agree that the victim didn’t take advantage of tools he had. Heck, I myself would have simply swapped toons and played another toon until they perp got bored.

However, Lack of action does not justify horrible behavior. Should a man continue beating his wife because she doesn’t leave him? She certainly should leave…but if she doesn’t, does it justify the behavior?

But I certainly have seen my share of this kind of behavior on PvP servers, which is why I don’t frequent them. And I would give the same advice to that player as well. But there’s a big difference between the victim’s responses and the perps actions. One just not justify the other.

And I’m glad you have enjoyed those glorious battles. I just hope they didn’t come at the expense of torturing a single person for days on end.

SNOWFLAKE ALERT! This generation is pathetic

PVP servers aren’t for everyone. I myself vastly prefer playing on a pve server, but my all of my friends wanted to play on a PVP server. It’s not that I don’t like PVP, but constantly worrying about getting ganked when im trying to farm/quest is annoying.

I bet a Blizz Developer is laughing at this post.

Call the bully hunters!

On the off chance that you aren’t trolling, OP, I wonder how you can equate playing a game in an environment that permits strikes against your character by another player’s character as “cyber bullying”. The player isn’t being attacked, the character they are playing is.

It’s a rather significant difference.

If you play on a PvE server, your character is still attacked. Only difference is, the attacks are generated by the software, not by any one individual.

But I am still thinking this isn’t a Terribly Serious Post…


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I’ll just gank them too!! Muhaha.

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Monks don’t exist in vanilla. Take your panda-fu elsewhere!

They were in warcraft lore. :triumph: You can’t handle the truth!!!

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Well so did death knights and demon hunters. But none were around… go back to your turtle.

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Shaming people for participating in PvP on a PvP server is cyberbullying.

Selecting a PvP server and then whining at Blizzard and players to make changes just for you is cyberbullying.

Selecting a server type (PvP) that YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T HANDLE, and then blaming others for it, is cyberbullying.

Shaming others for playing the game the way it was intended to be played…and then calling it “bullying” when it is not bullying, is…can you guess what that is? It’s actually bullying.

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poor guy. either drop him as a friend or have a miserable time on a pve server.

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Never thought I would see the day when “consent” leaked its way into WoW. Someone actually thinks you need “consent” to play the game the way it was designed. What a joke.