Better? In ways, but in other ways no. Its definitely slower paced. You CAN play thru most of it single player if you like, other than dungeons which you que for.
Its extremely story driven, so expect many… many cutscenes. And pay attention to them, or youll be lost.
I liked their crafting system a lot. I also like that classes aren’t locked to races. However, I cannot get into the graphics and every race being a person cosplaying a monster race is too disappointing.
Try it out for yourself. We can’t tell you what you’ll like and won’t like.
It is a lot of fun. Tons of group AND solo content. Very cool classes. The trinity is very solid.
Give it a try. You may end up loving it.
i cant enjoy final fantasy cause there are no ugly/fat characters. its all handsome boring pretty boys
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Wow is more like EQ2 than it is FF14 (yes, I went there). FF14 is a different game. It’s more RPG. If you enjoy the story aspect of gaming, you will love FF14.
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Both are fairly even in what they get right and wrong, however only one of them is winning any awards recently… (and it isn’t WoW, in fact the entire game publisher got kicked off the awards night guest list and got a joke award.). Just an unbiased observation.
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I actually like the FFXIV glam system. I don’t have to dig through tons of ugly looking gear to find what I want. Plus, I can dye almost everything! And my summer clothing looks like summer clothing! And… they have actual shorts, not old lady capri pants like WoW has.
That’s fair.
I really enjoy the MMO elements of endgame in XIV like Bozja, Diadem/Ishgard reconstruction, maps and raids etc . But they are VERY different from WoWs.
I think the EQ and WoW comparisons are a lot more apt. XiV feels like a different subgenre that just also has tab targeting combat
Flagging this post and no it is not a fun MMORPG.
Nah. You have Roes and Highlander Hyurs. Hrothgar as well I guess.
None have the pure awesome brutality of Orcs tho.
“Fun” is subjective, I worked with a guy at my first job who’s idea of “fun” was robbing a bank when he was bored… (he had the ankle brace on they make paroled prisoners wear).
WoW’s PvP has the potential to be fun but it’s never realized since we cater to the top 1% of the players. The cornerstone of good pvp is to have a fair fight, and that’s defeated the second you let gladiator gear stomp over people trying to just farm for their basic honor set which even if they do finish will never compete with the glad gear.
PvP is just like this gimmick I think we all think we want in our MMO’s but is never really something anyone actually enjoys. It’s why on a pvp server, everyone flocked to the dominant faction so they could quest in peace and maybe gank someone dumb enough to be on the wrong faction. Or why in random BG’s they just make premades so they can walk all over the unorganized groups and get free wins to maximize their gains. Or why MMO’s that have lootable pvp bodies nobody really goes into those and if they do then anything you can risk being lost was never really that hard to get in the first place… making the entire gear system pointless.
FF’s PvP sucks only because your entire class is changed when you queue for it. Like you spend the entire game learning how to play dragoon for instance. Then you go into a BG and all your skillbars are reset. You got a totally different rotation, new abilities, a lot of essentials you’re used to are just gone. While it may make for better balance in a pvp environment it shatters the class fantasy you came to that class to enjoy in the first place and it makes you feel like you’re playing a different game.
So since both games have flawed PvP not worth participating in I wouldn’t even factor them into the equation. FF wins in every other category.
As someone who played since Beta, not really, no.
I love it but if someone loves or hates it heavily depends on what someone’s focus is in MMOs.
FF14 has a loooooong leveling phase with a deep and fleshed out story. Also professions are really engaging and fun and not just flying around, staring at the minimap and looting stuff.
If you just want to jump in and rush to raiding and endgame this game might not be for you.
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Final Fantasy console games, great. Final Fantasy online MMOs, never could get into them.
It is probably better if you just dive right in and try it yourself. “Better” is subjective because people will always have varying opinions based on their own enjoyment of a game, especially if you go into a game’s forum where people will have a more biased lean.
That being said, I enjoy it - as I am subbed to that and WoW. I enjoy playing all MMOs - eastern/western art styles, tab-target/action combat, open-world/dungeon hub, PvE/PvP/RP. There are some things it does better than WoW, there are some things it does worse, but I like it for all the stuff WoW doesn’t have.
Some people like stories, and that “boring” questing and story earned more awards than there are words in your ragepost.
I mean, you could always try the WoW free trial if you want to see Durotar and a bit of northern barrens in GLORIOUS ps2 graphics before hitting the level cap if you really want to blow 45 minutes frostbolting boars.
That wonderful FF14 community at work here in within the WoW community.
At no point did I “ragepost.” I posted an honest accounting of my experience in FF14 in response to a question ‘is FF better?’ The answer to that question is no. It’s not. In terms of gameplay, the two games are worlds apart in quality.
FF14 feels like a barely premium MMO that is mostly better than WoW’s not serious competitors such as ESO and SWOTOR, but lacks the polished moment to moment gameplay that WoW offers. It feels old and dated in much more noticeable ways than a nearly 20 year old MMO does.
Does WoW have problems? Sure does. Is it better than FF14? Yes. By a whole lot.