Is final fantasy better?

I’m thinking of trying it out? Do you guys like it?


Ask the final fantasy forums.


I like it for the story and sometimes the gameplay is fun but honestly I would try it out yourself.

What I played of it I enjoyed

I like SWTOR and ESO more but it depends really atm I’m playing wow

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Final Fantasy is…different

For some it’s better and for others it’s worse.

I personally prefer wow


Depends on what you want.

If you care about story, yes.

If you care about raids, debatable and depends.

If you care about PvP, absolutely not.

If you think you can manage the first 40 or so hours of pretty dry storytelling, then might as well try. Pretty sure it’s free to play up to maybe Stormblood, anyway? So may as well give it a go.


There are some good aspects about FF14, but I don’t know if you’d like it.

I personally enjoyed the materia system and the crafting, that was fun. But the quests were all the same, they all followed the same template and it gets boring very fast, so leveling is a grind after level 20 or so.


Chore gameplay? No. Story and endgame content and Social aspect? Waaayy better

You cant comapre the two. I take pride in 100% completing every FF game out. Of course you cant complete ff14 but the stories and social aspect of square is unmatched to any game out there.


So, what’s the endgame like in FF14?

Final Fantasy is different, and it is fun. You can enjoy both games.


Subjective, it depends on the person. There are some things I like about FFXIV more and some things I like about WoW more. But what is better to you is up to you.

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It depends on what you want to do. They have challenging raid content like wow. I think they have pvp but I don’t know what it’s like. There are a lot of good things about both games.

Apples to oranges. WoW does some stuff a lot better. FFXIV does other stuff a lot better.


it’s a ok game, but streamers over-hyped it, wow is better in ever way imo AS A GAME. I personally perfer wows story and love the books/etc…but I see why people like FF14 which is mostly contained in the game alone.

FF14 is about the journey, not the destination

FF14 main feature is it’s story, after that you unsub imo it’s end game has less to do then wow


There’s not much to it. It’s more LFR stuff and spam dungeon to get currency to acquire gear. There’s Savage which can be kind of hard and more heroic/mythic difficulty but it’s only 4 boss fight per major patch cycle.

Ultimate is really difficult but but that’s a one high pressure boss gauntlet that’s about 20 minutes of intense action and mechanic to follow. That one is too much for me personally. That one they do 1 or 2 per expension.

Crafting is part of endgame but making profit from crafting on FF unless you no life it, is very minimal, because the economy is kind of crashed due to the amount of people botting.

Story is much better overall, game play is ok, my opinion only but I say give it a try

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Gameplay is extremely boring compared to WoW.

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Both are pretty trash until you enter the endgame, frankly.

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Tried it, I love the franchise but the MMO wasn’t for me.
Try it and see for yourself.

On the flipside, I enjoy being able to get a couple runs in when I have 20 minutes or so to spare, with BIS gear being an achievable goal for anyone with the skill to down the content. Without investing months of my life grinding.

And deterministic loot. Even the rare mount drops are guaranteed after 100 kills.