Is final fantasy better?

I have tried it out a few times. To me, it is okay. I can’t even explain why, but I always come back to WoW as this is “my” game no matter what else I try out. I have friends who have permanently left to play FFXIV and now prefer it, so the best thing to do is just try it out. It won’t even cost you anything as the trial lets you play quite far into it.

For me personally, WoW is ‘it’ for me no matter what else I might try :slight_smile:

Square Enix trophies are some of the worst. I’ve been trying to feed 100 dragons in Chrono Cross’ remaster, and I’ve sworn more than playing Elden Ring.

Also, lightning dodges in FF X. I hate you Square Enix.

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Honestly, I understand why people like one over the other. Both have their good sides and their downsides. I moved mostly over to FF14 because nerve issues in my hands essentially killed my ability to do any content in WoW for more than an hour without needing to slap ice on it.

And I do enjoy me some fishing, which FF14 does better than WoW.

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You know what’s funny is I am often researching “what’s best” about various things and a fair bit of the time when someone asks a question like this on the official forum the answer the person gets is “Why ask here, of course we are going to say ‘our thing’?”.

So now OP has one person telling him to ask there and when he asks there someone will tell him to ask somewhere else :laughing:


Just give the trial a whirl, it’s not timed and goes to 60 with the first expansion. Personally? I do find a lot about that game to be better than over here. The only real grind is the Main Story Quests because of how long it is…but it tells a cohesive story that follows a distinct path unlike WoW.

Gearing is probably the best tied with ESO, which are the two games that I believe have the BEST ways to get gear for yourself. But yeah, go give it a whirl. If you don’t like it WoW will still be here.

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I mean for one unlocking an appearance requires you to take it back to the dresser whereas in wow it’s automatic.

I don’t believe the glamour dresser is account wide, although I suppose there’s no reason for it to be as there’s nearly no reason to have alts in the first place.

Not really the fault of the glamour system itself but more items are tied together, giving you fewer options. Where FF has chest armor, wow has shoulders/chest/back/shirt/belt/tabard.

There’s a limit on how many appearances you can store. WoW has no limit.

The glamour dressing is behind a damn loading screen.

I don’t know about you, but I get a kick out of people that are overly defensive about their videogames.

“How dare you mention another game in my presence!” *clutches pearls

Tbf though he was giving a reasoned response. It’s likely they‘ll get the same thing on the FF forums.

I’m on both and the ironic thing is there is a fair bit of WoW chat that goes in too, mostly in replies though.

It’s insanely good. I pushed it off for over a year. My only regret is not joining in on it 4 years ago.

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Huh? I’m agreeing with Kaurmine and saying that type of behavior is funny.

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I reread it and I agree. It is a bit sad that some people have such a strained investment in their game that they need to hate on others.

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My thoughts on FF14 were:

  1. Story telling and presentation are really good. It was clearly written by the same staff of people from start to finish unlike WoW which basically has been yolo since end of WOTLK.
  2. Graphics look really-really dated on the earlier zones. These were zones created to run on a PS3. The maps were so poorly designed artistically that it just boggled my mind.
  3. Combat system reminded me a lot of Aion online’s combat which utilized combos. Not great, not bad. It’s not as crisp and customizable as WoWs system.
  4. No real way to skip the story.
  5. Games a lot more social oriented and lowkey. You get that actual community vibe which only existed in Vanilla WoW for a few years.
  6. UI is pretty bad and dated. I think it had the worst map system I’ve seen in an MMO.

I kind of just hit a wall on the way to level 30 and didn’t push past it. It’s not a game that was meant to rival WoW as much as people hyped it up to be. I was overall disappointed, but I was going in with unrealistic expectations.

So TLDR is just try it.

Some say yes, some no… it’s subjective.

My opinion? FF14, has a fantastic job system all for just one character… but they all kinda feel the same. Wow’s PVP is obviously one sided towards certain classes and over the top damage… but it’s fun. FF14, just no… bad. Both have raiding, haven’t done any FF14. FF14 has a slower leveling process… it’s a good game, but not my cup of tea.

They changed the creative director at end of Stormblood. Shadowbringers and Endwalker have a different plot pacing to them (though were received well)

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Dressing up in FF is a lot of fun; clothes look great, and are so varied. I also loved the social aspect, although in some cities the unabashed RP can be a little confronting! :no_mouth:

In FFXIV, at all times, I felt as though I were actively playing a Game. In WoW the Gameplay is organic, dynamic, and seems more like ‘home’.

Maybe I just know WoW better.

I do love FFXIV, but I’m not subscribed at the moment because I’m meant to be studying.



I love my Character. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Catgirl master race.




I tried it. It didn’t stick.

i just did it again on the remake on steam! i had to take 2 shots of vodka to get completely lose lol

OP: its different.

Heavy on story, very slow start, combat feels more proactive than reactive, the one-character-all-classes thing is very cool, pvp barely existent (that could change with the new mode released tuesday).

Raiding is very fun but is usually 8 man. The 24 mans are generally fun catch-up raids that are PUGable.

No talent trees. Rotations get pretty heavy for some jobs (classes).

All content is relevant.

I personally love the game. But it will NOT be everyone’s cup of tea.

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I didn’t like how disconnected everything felt. WoW really spoiled me with its smooth transition between zones. FFXIV makes it feel like there’s different sections that are separated from each other, and really makes it feel like a less cohesive world.

I definitely prefer WoW.

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