Is final fantasy better?

If it’s so good, why do you have to keep arguing in an echo chamber with other satisfied WoW customers that it’s so great? Surely a successful multibillion dollar company doesn’t need you to defend it in every FF14 thread to tell us how much you dislike it and WoW is super secretly better.

In the time it took to read this, FF probably won another GOTY award to throw on the pile… so /shrug.

Oh well, see you in the next FF thread.

I know there will be one since WoW andies surely don’t need to convince themselves how good their game is, over and over, and over, and over…


It’s funny how frustrated FF14 fans get when you point out the story isn’t as great as they sell it for.

Sorry, being decent for a MMORPG is a low bar to clear. It doesn’t come close to some of the great single player game stories. It’s a solid 6.5 ~ 7 out of 10. It has its high points with a lot of drudgery and slow cut scenes between them.

It COULD be great with quite a bit of trimming, but the nature of MMORPGs makes that impossible.

You do understand that what’s actually happening is that you see someone saying WoW is better and then you lose your mind right? I’m not defending WoW. I’m stating that it is objectively and demonstrably better than FF14 in every category that matters in an MMO.

WoW isn’t super secretly better. It’s better period. It’s not an unknown thing to anyone. WoW is currently in a rocky state, but a rocky state in WoW is still better than any other MMO to date.

What does this even mean? FF14 finally caught up to WoW in subscribers last year because FF14 became relevant due to stupidity at Blizzard and grandstanding by streamers. FF14 is a 2021 meme tbh. You’re about 8 months late to the party with all of this. Go ahead and take the time to look up which game has the most awards. WoW will beat FF14 in this category handily, and I’m not even sure why you think this matters anyway.

Except no one is defending WoW. The OP asked if FF was better than WoW. It’s not. That’s not defense. It’s a statement of fact. We get it. You like FF14. For the rest of us that don’t worship at the altar of a 300 hour long boring as hell MSQ and completely dry endgame, we’ll keep doing what we do over here without the need to get on the forums and berate people that disagree with us.

The WoW community has it’s turds, but my experience with the FF14 community is that the entire thing is a gigantic turd. One need look no further than your forum posts.

Sounds like you really don’t like Final Fantasy.
Which is fine. :man_shrugging:

Hard disagree to, quite literally, every single thing you wrote out, but you do you.

I truly hope you’re still enjoying ZM in the spring of 2023.

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Again, your reading comprehension fails you. I didn’t say I don’t like Final Fantasy. I said WoW is better than Final Fantasy 14.

reading comprehension… I don’t think this means whatever you think it means.
But good luck to you!

I’m certain time will continue to prove just how great Shadowlands is!

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To you as well, but without any of the snark.

I’m not here to evangelize for WoW in the way you are for FF14. If a thread questioning is one better than the other, I have plenty of experience in both to have a qualified opinion on the matter.

Nice glam.

Oh my god, You’re beautiful!

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Right, it wasn’t for you, totally makes sense.

Personally, I think both the story side of FF and the MMO side blow current WoW out of the water. And I have played WoW since vanilla beta.

But that’s simply MY opinion. Others may vary.

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I won’t argue about the story, as the WoW story is a giant mess. I will say that I never cared about it though.

What about the MMO side is to your preference in FF14 though? Genuinely curious.

It was very hostile toward the idea of leveling with a friend. You can absolutely dungeon and raid with friends however, and there is certainly value in that.

I think FFXIV and WoW both have strengths and weaknesses, so just giving it a shot will help you see if you can handle how FFXIV plays.

To me, things FFXIV has over WoW are

(1) story is more cohesive: Just like in WoW, sometimes you have to just overlook things that make no sense, but the story had a long arc and it was overall done decently well.
Bad part: They have an antagonist they can’t seem to let go of who keeps turning up in the story like a bad penny. My friend and I jokingly call it “the Syvlanas effect” lol.

(2) armor looks great and can be dyed: FFXIV armor doesn’t look painted on and most armor can be dyed so you can create a specific look for your character. Dyes, though, can be super expensive.
Bad part: The way you store glamours is a massive pain the bum. Organizing them well is nigh impossible unless you want to use glamour plates. Also, you can run out of space.

(3) loot is deterministic at max level: When you first reach max level, you can start earning Tomestones that you spend to buy ilvl 580 gear. You could buy every slot except you can only buy one ring. When they added the 4 Savage bosses, they also added crafted gear, so now you can just visit the AH to kit out your character in ilvl 580 gear. (Max ilvl gear is 600, with the weapon being (I think) 605, all earned in Savage raiding.)
Bad part: To maximize getting these Tomestones, you must do the Daily Roulette. That means that your level 90 character can land in a level 16 dungeon with 90% of their job’s buttons grayed out. It feels terrible to play.

(4) there are few chores at max level: Besides Daily Roulette for Tomestones, there’s very little daily upkeep for your character.
Bad part: Honestly, there’s very little to do at max level on your character unless you are part of a Static team that’s progressing in Savage raiding. There’s no challenging dungeons like mythic 0 or mythic+. The small man content is practically fail-proof.

WoW, however, has FFXIV beat in the small man content. You have ever-increasing challenges in mythic+ to aspire to if you so desire, which adds a lot of fun end game content for those with a team of friends for grouping.

I don’t do PvP in either game, so I have no insight regarding that. I also don’t craft in FFXIV so I cannot compare the two games.

There’s other minutia about FFXIV I like, but I’m out of time so no more posting.

TLDR; I’d say give the game a shot and if you can make it into the first expansion, which is Heavensward, the story vastly improves. It’s rough, though, the base game’s story because it is such a slog. Good luck!

Well finish everything in an MMO? No, probably not. Personally, I consider it “beating the game” if you beat the current raid tier before the release of the next one on normal difficulty or higher. It’s all relative though.

I wouldn’t say FF is better, just different.

I tried a ranged class a year ago, didn’t like it much, and stopped playing at L18. Tried a new class and server last week, and so far it’s been very good.

I’m on an oceanic server, there is double exp active, and no queues. The only downside to the double exp is I am doing L20 campaign quests on a L34 toon. This means any instanced content syncs me back to L20, and I lose any abilities gained after that level.


  • All low lvl story dungeons can be run with npc’s, giving instant access regardless of class.
  • Quests are good. A nice mixture of heavy story, gather, kill, seek out, dungeons and instanced events.
  • Main story quest flow is very good, with no need to do any other quests except at L20 to get your first mount.
  • Trial account allows base game and 1st exp. 100’s of hours of play for free with very few restrictions. Plenty of inventory space for example.
  • The combat is very good, even at low levels. Stunning visuals, and clearly marked colored patches to avoid.
  • Music and sound effects are top notch. I play wow with no sound these days because it’s so bad.
  • No flight paths just portals. Except the short distance city portals, you can just click a destination from the map, and go there in 2 secs.


  • World map is very difficult to navigate. In wow you can left click to zoom, right to move out. In FF you have to zoom out with a button on the map, which often disappears.
  • It’s very difficult to figure out if quest objectives are above or below you. In big cities it’s a pain moving around only to discover your level can’t get you any further. You then need a big backtrack to one of the very few elevators or ramps, which are usually hidden away and difficult to find. You might even be looking down one level at where you need to go, but cannot jump down because there is an invisible wall in the way.
  • There is no wowhead for FF, so finding info on quests means sifting through reddit or forum posts. Yes you can google the quest, but you still often have to read several links to find any useful info.
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Bruh… if you’re having fun now? Holy moly are you in for a treat from Heavensward on.

I’m legit excited for you!

Do you like loading screens almost everywhere you move? … like if you are in Orgi and if you walk from Valley Of Strength to Valley of Wisdom, you need to go through a loading screen .
Do you like GCD’s which are so long that you can make yourself a sandwich as you wait to press the next button ?
Do you like cut scenes almost as long as Netflix shows ?
Do you like quest texts so long that you get an headache reading through it ?
Do you like seeing scantily clad cat girls and boys everywhere you look ?

If you do then FF14 is for you . Otherwise naaah

Good points there Dooman.

I’ve started just skipping all the quest text and cut scenes, because it’s all just useless information, which is no help to me whatsoever.

I’ve also started looking at the class system, and after reading a lot of info and watching vids on it, I am extremely confused:

  • I am L34 but only up to L20 story quests. So do the class quests match the story quest level OR my toons’ level? I cannot find any info anywhere to answer this.
  • It appears that classes break into multiple sub classes, which I assume were the result of changes during expansions.
  • I know class/job quests are gold exclamations, on blue in a tear drop gold border, with a big plus sign on them. However I’ve seen a lot of these, and the info I’ve found seems to indicate only a small percentage of these are actually required class quests. I’ve never been given any breadcrumb quests to pick any up.
  • Maybe I’ll figure it out eventually, but right now I am just doing story quests, since the rest is just too difficult to figure out.

If I can’t figure out this mess of a class system by L70, (when the trial runs out) then I will not pay for a sub.

I started playing March of 2021 and have 1k hours in it. I like it a lot. There’s a ton of content as a new player. The story gets crazy and the classes are fun.

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Word of advice. Do the MSQ and any blue quest that has a + on it. The + on the quest icon indicates it will unlock something so those are almost always worth doing. A lot of them unlock dungeons and raids.

While obviously this post is meant to be funny, it has a grain of truth to it. If you are used to WoW’s typically quick global cooldown, FFXIV might come as a bit of a shock to you. I think the base global cooldown is 2.5 seconds (although most classes have passive haste buffs that bring it down to around 2 seconds, some less), however, FFXIV has more “off global cooldown abilities” to press in between your gcds, which definitely breaks up the monotony. Because of this slower gcd, many of FFXIV’s classes actually have more complex rotations than WoW’s classes.

Is there a loading screen between a city and a outdoor environment in FFXIV? Yes, however, I don’t know if you have played WoW lately, but have you seen the amount of portals they have? I mean they literally have a portal room in org to take you places.

There are definitely more cutscenes in FFXIV and I would agree with you here. Alot of the cutscenes are just fluff and not really needed, imo. They are trying to impart that “final fantasy” feel (if you have played any of the original FF’s, they are very story-driven), which doesn’t really work when we have seen these characters since 2010. They havn’t changed much over the course of the game, and it doesn’t leave much mystery in wondering how they will act, what they will do, or what will happen. For anyone that doesn’t know, the games main antagonists are Ascians, and they are basically the same as the legion from WoW. The minute you kill one, another pops up. Lame.

The regular quest text is long also, but not a big deal imo. You can just skip through it (as you can with the cutscenes as well, you will just have no idea what is going on).

On your topic of scantily clad cat girls and boys…I raise you a bunch of scantily clad blood elves…your move chief.