Is final fantasy better?

I say do this

Me too.

I just have to get past the bunny boys and cat girls. And the anime art style. And… well it’s a process :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

I say give it a go! it’s a fun game. The story is wonderful. You’ll find A Realm Reborn difficult to get through (if you like stories) because they hadn’t fine tuned their game back then, but the story sets up the rest of the xpacs so it is worth going through.

Best thing is you can give it a try for free and if you dislike it, you’ve not had to put out any money. I do recommend you ensure you get on a busy server so that you can find a Free Company that meets your needs.

If you like alliance where everything’s just a different sized human sure.

Tried it got bored after about lvl 29
Only way to know is to try it yourself. No ones going to be you. :slight_smile:

I’ve played both and like both for different reasons.

FFXIV looks simply stunning, and the soundtrack is amazing. It’s no wonder Soken has won so many awards. Further, the game is far more single player friendly than WoW.

Alongside FFXIV, imo, WoW looks like something out of the mid 00’s. Sound wise, it’s decent.

Gameplay wise is where things are closer. I love the job system in FF, and how one character can be all classes and you can swap on the fly. However, the crafting system in WoW is a lot more user friendly as doesn’t rely on specific rotations to ensure the craft is successful. Further, combat in WoW is less slow than FF, and fights can be over a lot quicker.

Transmog wise - FFXIV trumps WoW massively. The items, gear, etc that you can get in FFXIV for little effort to make your awesome glam/mog sing takes far less effort than WoW. I have yet to see anything in WoW that looks as good as the Paladin Anima Sword and shield.

In the end, WoW does things better, and FF does things better.


Yea I have a deeper appreciation for WoW after playing other ones. The big takeaway that I remember about ff14 was the music.

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I don’t understand this. The FF glamour system is far superior to WoW, and there are actually a hell of a lot of universal items that aren’t bound by class/job.

Music in FFXIV is so damn good.

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FF XIV’s glamour system is really not superior. We have to store everything we want to use in limited storage spaces. WoW has an actual tab for that where we can access our appearances on the go.

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So you make appearances you like in the glamour dresser, put them on a button, and put on your action bars.

It’s not that much of a slog to get to your GC HQ to access the dresser.

You must have missed the limited storage part. That’s a pretty big issue. Retainers, glamour dresser, saddlebags. That space doesn’t go on forever. And there are thousands upon thousands of glamour pieces in the game.

I didn’t miss it, I Just chose not to address it because I never had an issue.

Not being sarcastic etc - honestly just never had an issue. Then again, I really only had a few different looks I did use.

I miss my 90’s TV show Hercules Paladin :frowning:

But it’s still an issue, especially for people who’ve been around as long as I have. lol That’s my point. FF XIV gear design is definitely far superior in most respects, but the glamour system really needs to be made more like WoW’s. There are various logs for things in game. It needs a glamour log.


Bad place to ask, this is wow forums so people are biased. As a gamer of ESO, FFXIV, and WoW thought, I can tell you its different and better in many aspects indeed. Give it a try!

One huge tip thought - do NOT try it with a wow mindset or “comparing it to wow”…its not trying to be or copy wow. It’s a unique game on its own.

Yeah it really could do with a glamour fix.

From what I read the game is run on spaghetti code and they want to add something similar to WoW but it’s a huge task for them and maybe not possible.

Final Fantasy is an absolute mindless boring slog the first 200 hours.

Only then does the mindless cinematic story get decent.

But even then… it’s still children npc’s being cutesy about literal, rumor drama.

Every problem you solve is always some petty, little squabble between friends or something. WIth a magical, cartoon episode , happy ending.

But underneath it all, the main protaganist story and villain arch, is top notch.

All the “weeb” stuff is just… it kills the entire game. The forced main story quest line is horrible also.

I would say it was worth it, but honestly it was a huge disappointment. I literally quit just a few days after hitting max level and realizing how shallow of a game it is at that point.

In theory it would take up less actual space since the appearances would only need to be loaded on demand. Having to store so many things on retainers and other various places has to be way more taxing on the servers. Considering how many times they’ve cried “but mah server space!” over the years, they should have done this by now.

All code is spaghetti code, wow’s code is worse in that regard. They literally are blocked from doing sliders and all wow transmog is painted-on armor

Not in my opinion, no.

Like most people in this thread, the answer is “Yes and No, depending on what you like.”

FF has a more consistent story line. But to get there, you have a lot more cut scenes, and dialog that can’t be skipped. While you’re still learning, the story expands more slowly. It eventually picks up, but it takes some time. But that also means that to reach current content, you need to play through the entirety of the game to that point. For better or worse, you can only be carried so much.

The closest equivalent of a Final Fantasy storyline in WoW, is the origin of life on Azeroth. What starts as a quest in Uldaman (and maybe there’s lore before then) with the Disks of Norganon, is finally only resolved in WLK. It’s a story that took a long time to unfold, and is something that Blizz has gotten away from.

There’s a lot more to do in FF than in WoW. Professions, multiple in-game games (including real Mah Jong), housing, and a slew of things to collect. You could reasonably spend long periods of time in FF poking around houses, partying, gaming, and never even touch combat. Which is a bad thing if you really like combat, because FF combat is slower, and apparently at the higher raids, completely unforgiving. As in “if one person misses on CD usage, the entire raid is wiped”.

But most of all, FF doesn’t have the same flow as WoW. There’s a ton of instancing in major cities - imagine going to Org or Stormwind, and having each seperate part of the city be an instanced area. Load screens are everywhere. You wouldn’t think this would be that bad, but it definitely is something you feel.

Also, for a game that prides itself on RP, they make it very annoying to do so with more than one character, and even in the game itself. Your character is generally the strong, silent type. You rarely have any dialog, and when you do, I’m not sure it makes a difference. In WoW, you don’t expect anything of your character - but I expected FF to be a little more in-depth.

As mentioned above, there’s also the alt issue. There are no Bind on Account items, there is not even transfer of items between different characters on the same server. If I want to play a Male Hyur named Ezekiel Book (which I do), that’s easy. I can even play all the classes, and changing is easy (except I have to reserve space for all the equipment). But if I then decide I want to play a Miqo’te cat girl, that has a more race-specific name, I have to create, equip, and level a new character from scratch, without any help from my main. There is no such thing as an Army of Alts.

Anyway, long story long, it varies. Try it out. It really is free for the first many levels, and worth playing just to see it. Just remember that the game does get better after the first many levels.