Is final fantasy better?

I liked it. But the combat isn’t as fast as WoW

No definition is really needed. The #1 criticism of FF14 from longtime players is generally about lack of content.

Even its own devs are perfectly fine with people dropping in for a patch and quitting after 2 weeks, because they recognize the game lacks content.

Lack raid content, specifically. Which WoW players generally define as the only “legitimate” content.

M+ and PvP probably get more action than the raiding does, so that isn’t correct.

“Lacks loot treadmill content.” Better? :wink:

And FFXIV’s PvP is an abomination. The less said about it, the better. No candle to WoW, here.

But again, it has breadth that WoW players do not consider “legitimate.”

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They are revamping PvP a bit with the next patch in 4 days, so hopefully that will fix things a bit. For the most part though it is being hyper casualized, which is right up my alley. But they are keeping a ranking system in place alongside the new one. Both have their own rewards. Should appease both crowds, in theory, but time will tell.

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I can’t sing praises about WoW PvP. But I’d agree that WoW has a better foundation for PvP

WoW’s combat was designed with the understanding that you would actually fight other people. FFXIV’s combat was never designed for that, so its PvP is shoehorned in and very awkward even in the best of times.

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Eh, it’s more that the side content like that also exists in WoW, so it’s pointless to bring up when comparing the two.

WoW has pet battles, but who actually cares?

Few more things… you’ll appreciate WoW zones a lot more. Ff14 zones are fun and have great music and atmosphere but WoW zones have so much content in them.

Ff14 doesn’t have a lot of that collecting and rare killing that WoW does. It’s hard to compare the two because it’s like apples and oranges in terms of design. But I certainly appreciate the heart and soul WoW devs put into zones after playing ff14.

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Regardless of the answers you get regarding the Title, just go try it.

Either it’ll catch your attention or it won’t. It has a decent free trial that’ll get you far enough to see what you want to see (short of skipping straight to current endgame, which obviously plays out a bit differently than leveling content).

It has many things that it does (subjectively) better than WoW, and many things it does (subjectively) worse. Kinda depends what you’re looking for if its worth playing long-term.

Ff14 has way better professions. They’re actually fun and enjoyable

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Housing, in-depth crafting, an entire minigame “class”… some people even subscribe to FFXIV just because it houses the best virtual Mah Jong available! WoW doesn’t really hold a candle to what it considers to be “side” content, precisely because it considers it as side content.
And it shows.
And that’s fine.

FFXIV paid many a raid tier to the breadth of other avenues of content. WoW players generally can’t understand why, though.

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Do I think it’s better? No.
Do I think it’s worth trying? Yes.

Elder Scrolls Online
Guild Wars 2

I am glad I played these MMOs. Yeah, I quit within the first month of playing. Yes, I prefer WoW over them.
But I still have good memories of all those games, and I feel like I am more critical of WoW but in a good way.

Go into it expecting a story and a time sink. Don’t go into it expecting action and intense combat. That’s really my main advice.

FF14 is fun to me and in a lot of ways better then WoW, but both games offer very different outcomes for doing similar styled content.
The instanced content in FF14 is a huge adjustment, the games “Raids” are usually single boss encounters with(sometimes) sliding difficulty. The leveling dungeons are more the feel of what WoW dungeons are, trash, boss, trash, boss, etc. As far as i know each dungeon is tied to story progression so there’s reasons to be where you are. unlike the early WoW dungeons where if you were horde you just wandered into VC with no real story back up. Every dungeon is relevant content even at max level, you never feel locked into X set of dungeons as in current WoW.

PVP is actually a side game for fun and is not taken seriously, I do enjoy that enemy player names are hidden during BG’s. the PVP system is getting a revamp but the creators don’t want the same level of Esports involvement in their game from watching how they treat PVP.

The main turn off for a lot of people is that this game is LARGE on story. Almost all advancement is tied to player story progression, your character moves the story, instead of the opposite that WoW has fallen into of the story moving you. you can purchase skips for specific content but i dont suggest it, i used a skip up to shadowbringers content and had to do some back tracking to unlock some story adjacent content.

RNG is less awful in this game. didnt get the item you want from current content? theres a token vendor for that or the equivalent of WoW’s tier token. upgrading gear like WoW does will VP exists but it is not the grind that WOW has.

Ultimately play the game and find out if it fits your style of play. it is not the shiny happy universe of all friends and zero conflict that some people make it out to be, FF14 gets DARK at times. almost every victory is bittersweet.

It’s worth the try. I enjoyed it more with my friends, and once my friends stopped playing it became less attractive for me, personally. But WoW isn’t in a great spot, either. What’s the harm in giving it a go?

I’m literally playing it right now so here’s my opinion. Neither is better. It depends what you’re looking for.

I personally enjoy FF as a single player jrpg-style experience. I enjoy wow as an mmo.

I find the FF community far more patient and kind, but I’m exposed to the community far less than in WoW (lack of utilized zone/world chat channels).

I enjoy the story of FF in that it’s a well crafted character driven experience. Although I still like the world of Azeroth more because FF’s world building is rather bland.

I find the general FF leveling experience more enjoyable because the story is nice, but it’s also way too long. Unlike wow, just hitting level 50 in FF (90 cap) takes like 40+ hours. They make you play through ALL of the story, old patch content as well.

Endgame loop, speaking strictly in terms of gear/power progression, I find rather shallow in FF. There’s a lot of just grinding the same old braindead content for your daily tokens. The challenging content that does exist is significantly more scarce than in WoW. People spend far more of their end game time on what would be considered side/niche content in WoW.

You can change “jobs” (classes) at any time which is cool. They need to be leveled individually however but thats to be expected. This is a downside for me as this combined with the insane time cost of going through the main story means alts are kind of pointless if not discouraged. I like alts.

Jobs don’t have specs. This gives jobs much stronger and more consistent thematics but I dunno, I just don’t like this. I like the look of Dark Knight, but have no interest in tanking so I guess I’ll just never play a Dark Knight. /shrug

Also FF transmog system is objectively worse in every way save one, dyes exist. That’s all I have to say about that.

There were other things I wanted to say but I can’t recall atm; I’m busy doing my daily old content grind. Sorry for dumping my random thoughts.

Edit: Additional point. FF is VERY story focused and it IS an FF game. This means there’s a LOT of cutscenes and dialogue. I think like 75% of the leveling experience of Endwalker is just cutscenes and dialogue. Some people will like this, some won’t.

Aspects of it are a lot better than WoW, in fact, most of it is better than WoW. However, I can’t get past the Animeishness of it. I dislike Anime.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Go to the final fantasy groups. This is world of warcraft. Stop spamming.

I honestly couldn’t stomach the playstyle or pokemon feel of the graphics, It was too nice for me