Is FFXIV 5.0 A WoW Killer?

To be honest I’m pretty sure people making this kind of thread just want to bait people in. And it kinda work everytime :man_shrugging:


WoW killed itself because it didn’t wanna take notes from their competitors. WoW’s competitors took notes from Blizzard and did things their own way. Look how they climbed up by being loyal to their community.


Exactly which MMORPG climbed up?

I have been playing FF14 since the day it was released.
The only numbers I have seen released from them is the total number
of accounts made at any time of the games life.


The ones that have taken WoW’s spotlight. ESO, GW2, FFXIV, but especially ESO considering that was at the bottom of the barrel.

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None of them have though, unless you have a source that says otherwise.

I would hope not tho I am playing them both atm. What I do hope is that FF14 will be an eye opener to them. Like I want them to legit have to worry about the game and make the changes to put it on a better path.

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Currently doing research on it but it seems that you are correct on that front. But I did find an interesting website that gives an overview of how many people are currently playing right now. Can’t say it’s concrete or anything but I think it’s interestingly doing very well right now.

More guess work than I originally thought due to my assumption though.

They have said that they had the biggest amount of subs of all time somewhere I think during E3 conference, which is not a number I’d give you that but place them at 1.5m+ subs which they released during Heavensward (first expansion), which was their best expansion before releasing Shadowbringers (their latest expansion).

WoW’s no longer top as of WoD. It’s been dying down since then, but BFA made it official. If you want source then look at top mmorpg games from 2018 - 2019. Do players not do these out of curiosity?

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Says who? I see sites saying different games

Yup. Only way WoW will get better is in a more competitive market

No one. Because it’s straight lies


I suppose people like you want every details on paper thoroughly than just accept the obvious. Of course other games will be there, but WoW isn’t number 1 on the list. If it is then that site just happens to like WoW more or is paid to have it at #1.

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Or imagine this… WoW is #1 because it is? And FF isn’t

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Couldn’t the same be said for w/e site you are looking at?

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I hope not. I enjoy both games.

Sadly though, WoW has been going down hill for a few expansions now, while FF does nothing but keep getting better.

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If they continue on this trend I do believe another MMO will take the #1 spot.

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Expected responses from loyal fans. It’s fine if you wanna be in disbelief.


Honestly it killed it back in WoD with ARR.

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