Is ff14's trial worth it?

It’s free so go for it. Admittedly the first half of ARR (The base game) is kinda rough and slow story-wise, but it certainly picks up as you go in. I’ve just finished Heavensward and I’m very much enjoying it.

im aware of that, wow doesnt have long animation stuff, this is all new to me. im going with bard, currently archer, and my filler ability has a animation, which i suppose could be compared to steady shot, which is technically a cast time, but isnt the filler ability. the stuff off gcd feels nice though since you can stack it with other abilities

This is not Uno. You can’t just “play a reverse card”. It’s pretty indisputable that WoW is way faster than Final Fantasy, not to mention FF’s bizarre server-ping snap-shotting mechanics for the “dance” mechanics (which is 95% of that game - “don’t stand in bad”).

It’s also worth saying that obviously FF has nothing comparable to Mythic+. Most of FF14’s content is heroic bosses that are PUG’d regularly, to the fact that “guild groups” are not the norm, they literally have a separate term for the minority of people who prog with an actual guild called a “static”. They’re different games. Most people are casual and not good, and FFXIV is going to be a better fit for them, and that’s totally fine, but let’s not beat around the bush dude.


Nope, FF14 vanilla is the worst game ever created. It failed for a reason.

Then more Dlcs came along and changed that.

If what you’re saying is true, I don’t think I’d like FF14 - I really enjoy WoW’s fast combat and especially with me playing fire mage, I love pressing like 4 buttons in a row in under a second while being able to move and just doing a massive combo rotation.

  1. Free trial is just that. It’s free - 100-150 hours of content through first couple expansions.
  2. You don’t need to buy the physical media for either the Free Trial or Full Game.
  3. If you decide to continue playing beyond the free trial. you can convert your FT character to a full boat character. I just went through this very process this weekend so I can confirm it works as intended.

Long story short. Worth? It’s free. Download it. Evaluate it for yourself, then make a decision. The only thing you will be out is the time spent during your evaluation.

I’ve already disputed it.
That WoW is faster than Final Fantasy is largely exaggerated, not to mention a little misleading. WoW is more responsive, but not faster. FFXIV is faster.

There are a lot of telegraphing to avoid, yes. It is in 100% of the game. But there are additional mechanics on top of that. You have to do mechanics and dodge telegraphs at the same time, it is tiring to see the same old wrong detail being spread.

I do not know how many times I have to say it, but mythic+ is terrible content, and is little more than a needless race. To mention, it was just adding more dungeon content, on top of already existing dungeon content, rather than adding actual content that can be done outside of dungeon content. Mythic+ also adds nothing real of value, other than rehearsing the already existing content, it just isn’t fun to be pressured with time, to be frank. Not to mention how absolutely, devastetingly punishing it is, it is absolutely cruel. Start a key, one guy leaves, whelp, you just lost a key. It does no one good.

Like WoW, a small part of FFXIV raid content you do not want to PUG. There are savage, extreme and ultimate. Savage is already a little eye-twitchingly annoying to PUG, but doable. Extreme and Ultimate you definitely do not want to PUG.

You can make a static out of members in your FC if you want, but I guess it is a little too horrible that you can seperate your raiding from your guild group?

FF14 1.0 was a crapshow.
Too much emphasis put into making it graphically superior, in the beginning there was no autoattack at all.

FF14 1.0 and FF14 A Realm Reborn are two different games, mind you.

FF14 1.0 was quite literally burned to the ground, it was made free for those few who still played, up until the closure of the servers. And then they rebuilt the game from the ground up, and dubbed the new game FF14: A Realm Reborn.

FF14: A Realm Reborn was criticially acclaimed as opposed to its predecessor, it did not fail. But yes. Unlike WoW FF14: A Realm Reborn, only grew and got better as expansion was added on top of it. It is clear that the developers are putting the money they receive and their experience to good use. It have only grown over the years.

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FF14 is more about combo rotations than WoW is.
It is why they have what is called ‘weaving’.
FF14, unlike WoW, have abilities that are GCD and OGCD, on the global cooldown and off the global cooldown. Weaving basically means that you throw those OGCDs in between your GCD abilities to create a fast, fluid and aethestically pleasing animation flow, and it adds a ton of damage on top of it.

You can compare the early levels of FFXIV to playing a rogue in the early levels of World of Warcraft. You spam 1 button constantly to get fuel for a second ability which you won’t be using very often anyway because 5 dots is better than 3. You then get a dot, a couple of levels later, etc. it just isn’t a good feeling, neither is in the early levels.

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That genuinely just sounds like something I wouldn’t like the “feel of”, and WoW has kinda gotten the “Feel” down for me

also the artstyle irks me and I like it nowhere near as much as the WoW style

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It definitely is more to keep your eyes on to play optimally, it is a little easier in WoW when everything is on the GCD, there is not much else to think about, which is what bothered me personally - as mentioned, it just doesn’t feel good to me, and it feels slow and is just boring to watch. Kinda why I also do not play casters in FFXIV, I fear it would be the same show.

That I can honestly agree with. I also much prefer WoW’s cartooney style, it is ageless and more vibrant. While FFXIV is by no means an ugly game, I do tend to dislike the seemingly near-realistic take on graphics. I hate it in every game.

I much prefer Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, over Fallout 4 or Skyrim, graphically as one example.

Too bad “early levels” from FFXIV could be close to 200 hours of content before your rotation starts to heat up. Whereas in WoW, you can go from a “new sprout” to playing actual end-game content in less than 50 hours. And sure, the learning curve is steep at the end, but at least this game actually has tons of resources to help you get good - whereas in FFXIV, you can get banned if you try to tell someone how to play their class.

Can’t argue with that.
FFXIV does have a filtering proces in the form of ARR.
FFXIV is not all about end-game like WoW, FFXIV do actually have varied content to enjoy and that is something which people need to get used to if they really want to enjoy themselves.
People also need to relearn to actually play a video game, and to not play Football.

The solution here is simple.

If you get through the content just fine, there is no reason to talk to a person about it. Some may be curious and they are likely to ask.

I have told a few healers that they shouldn’t heal me so much and focus more on dps, haven’t had any trouble with that. So the entire thing is largely exaggerated.

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Sure. But if you’re playing an MMO for the end-game content, then you care about the end-game content. Someone moving to FFXIV from WoW is doing so likely because they want a comparable experience, which means solid end-game content.

Yikes. Exqueeze me for wanting to do hard content and wanting other people to step up as well.

And some mythical raiders from WoW have found pleasure in FFXIVs endgame.
But as I said, playing FFXIV is relearning now to play video games, and not just a football game.

Don’t PUG them, is the solution.
But as I mentioned, I have told a couple of healers not to heal me so much with no consequence.
The whole: “If you tell people how to play, you get banned” is absolutely exaggerated. Just don’t do it like you would do it in World of Warcraft: “Oh my ducking god you nooblet, l2p you ducking moron.”

The community is actually very good in my experience in final fantasy 14 compared to wiow community which is very toxic and unforgiving I would be playing it right now though you’re correct but I’m at work you know people have lives outside of just gaming and I figured get some use out of my wow sub while it lasts

To be fair final fantasy XIV is a little bad in the race department you have human human with cat ears human with bunny ears human with dragon scales short human and beefy tiger

It’s your eyes it literally is the the same thing elvui is which makes it very customizable is a very popular download with the wow community

No. FF14 is a horrible mess of disjointed nested menu screens. Wow is bad too but it’s not that bad. Sure it’s customisable but you’re still customizing garbage.

Here’s a few POV videos to help give you an idea of what combat it like in FF14. Of course it won’t look like this right from level 1, but that’s to be expected. Even WoW has you spamming one attack for the first so many levels.

If you enjoy rapidly pushing 4 buttons in a row in under a second, there’s Ninja—you have this chakra ability where you have three element buttons and a sort of “activate” button. You can either press a single element then activate, press two elements then activate, or press three elements then activate…and depending on the combination you dialed-in you get a different activation.

It’s literally the hand signs from Naruto in game mechanics format. And each of the elements are off GCD so they’re all pressed in rapid succession.


Then there’s Samurai which I feel has a very nice, smooth flow to it. You don’t spam the same attack over and over again, you go through a few combinations and build up your finisher.


Then there’s Black Mage. You mentioned you play a Fire Mage. In FF14 there’s no specialization or talent tree, so the Black Mage uses more than just Fire or Frost in their rotations. The guy in this video rambles a bit, but it goes over some good points and shows what doing end game as a Black Mage would look and feel like while also explaining some basic mechanics (how Black Mages get a lot of pro a for instant cast spells, etc).


In the end, as has been said many times in this thread…the trial is free. Sure there are restrictions, but it’s open enough to get a really good feel for the game. Also, notice how the GUI from each video is different. That is using only the baseline customize HUD options from the game—no third party mods required.

With that said, here’s a video of a Fire Mage fighting Sir Denathrius for comparison:

Since you play Fire Mage you most likely already have a pretty good idea of what is going on in this video.