I can say this about NW…
…Why not just play ESO? Seriously the games are very much alike.
I can say this about NW…
…Why not just play ESO? Seriously the games are very much alike.
If you’ve ever played a Final Fantasy game and enjoyed it, FFXIV is the best of its titles IMO.
It’s a Final Fantasy game first, and a MMO second. A lot of movie-watching and reading between the action.
But there are also incredible systems in place to play with.
It took me 3 attempts to get immersed in this game, coming from WoW. Because it’s hard to leave something like WoW after over a decade of playing it and try something else that claims its in the same genre. lol. But after I gave it a solid effort it caught me. Now it’s my primary game.
The dungeons are great, the story is great, and the aesthetics are wonderful (especially if you get Gshade). IDK how end game is because I’m still not there yet. It’s a lot of adventure on the way up.
If you were one of those people that would rather boost in WoW over level a character, then this likely will not be a game you enjoy. There are boosts, but I would not recommend it.
This sounds like someone’s just salty the competitive scene in 14 is actually better than wow with it only being one boss. I mean you can’t out gear the content it’s all skill based and the one boss raid in 14 last longer than the current raid did for the competitive players in world of Warcraft. But of course with the mechanics being so unforgiving and not being able to out gear it to your skill level like limit did with reset gear and then one shot in Sylvannas I can see why competitive wow player would be salty that 14 is better than that aspect the only thing 14 has I would say against it is the PVP
One of the best free trails out there!
You get to do everything up to lvl 60 and you get access to the first expansion. You will def get a solid grasp of the game from the trail unlike wows lvl 20 bs
I started playing FF14 about a month ago. You can play to lvl 60 for free and many do. I enjoy it. It’s not WoW. The graphics seem brighter. It take me a few days to get used to the graphics because they seemed to pop more. I’ve purchased the game and did the online download no problem.
Spoken like somebody who’s never played FFXIV, which, well, it’s obvious enough you haven’t.
Sweeping generalization is sweeping generalization.
That’s “gamers” in general, friend.
Now it’s your question OP is it worth it yes because it’s not time gated you literally can play every job to 60 do all the raids and they’re not going to be a walk through like wow because you can sync them so nobody can out gear The raid it’ll be just like when it was progression minus food which you can get stronger than. I will say there are two bad parts of the game very early the gcd is extremely slow and you don’t have any of cooldown abilities to weave so it’s a little bit of a struggle early once you start getting some off gcd abilities and start weaving gcd ability off gcd it is good now after you finish a realm reborns main story the quest chain between that and the start of heaven’sWard is a Slog very slow very boring probably the worst content I played it starts to pick up around 2.4 with the ice story but till then it’s pretty hard and it’s about a hundred quest long with horrible XP rewards you’ll go from getting like 20K experience to less than 5K and then we get to heaven’sWard it goes back up to almost 50K it’s just a grind
FFXIV is worth trying. But if your not into FF to begin with or you are just going to skip through the dialogue then you’re probably going to have a very boring experience
I’m just going to chill and wait for Ashes g.
I’m not trying to go back to those types of MMOs atm.
But who knows, the way TBC Classic is going, might be forced to with all these dead / unbalanced servers.
I gotta agree with this. Waaaaaaay too many abilities in wow trigger the GCD. It actually slows the combat down to a slower rate than FF14 does. Mage shields for example should not be on the GCD for the same reason warrior IP isn’t. The only reason IP got taken off the GCD was because asmonbald rallied all the warrior players to complain enough. There’s no one like that for the mage class so mages got screwed.
I love final fantasy games in general. What I found out by playing ff14 is that I cannot stand other people that play ff games. Ff8 is tied with Diablo 2 as my favorite game ever, but ff14 took everything I’ve loved a lot ff since o was a kid and crapped all over it with other peoples passive aggressiveness and weird elitism. Read the thread here. Any one on retails GD. Or worse their Reddit or forums. That’s the “amazing ff14 community” like the “amazing classic community.” Both are people far more toxic and elitist without any idea that they are. Just that retail wow = bad so spend 24/7 on the forums complaining about how great ff14 is while not actually playing it. Talking about how great the community is by telling wow forums how terrible the game they play is, and telling them that they’re delusional that wow is a good game. Meanwhile they admit to only being subbed to troll the forums… If ff14 was so great they’d be PLAYING it instead of crap posting here. The community is the worst part of the game imo. And they come here with their weird cult like behavior while they try to “covert” people to a game most of us had only a passing interest in but now, for me, I want nothing to do with their spam.
I’m level 31. I do a few of the main quest each week and a dungeon if its needed with the WQ. I would say yes to see the story but my god is combat terrible and slow. Just know that going in.
Be honest because from the start FF combat is awful.
its long animations and longer gcd makes the combat feel really clunky, also jumping has no hangtime so that also feels kinda weird.
ive been having decent fun with it despite those complaints though
At the start its worse than wow to be sure. But at max level its a whole different ball game. That’s not the main issue with ff14 anyway. The main issue with ff14 is its garbage UI and horrible transmog system. It still uses the out-dated version wow had pre-legion.
One thing about FF that always bothered me is that even though there are multiple races, race is never mentioned by anyone in the game.
I’m still on the trial after over 200 hours of playing, and it has been a great time. I enjoy questing though, I like the cut scenes and reading the stories as they come along. The dungeons have been a lot of fun as well, the overall feel of the game in my opinion is better than what I get in WoW.
I think that if you like story driven RPG games, you will love ffxiv. If you find yourself getting frustrated whenever the action stops and you have to read or listen to dialogue you will probably hate ffxiv.
I am on the last set of questlines for Heavensward, and there is still a ton of things I can do after that. So, considering it is free, it has been worth it for me - at this point my go to game that I can easily spend several hours a day playing and enjoying every moment of it. So naturally, I would say yes, it is worth it.
That is just the game itself, when you factor in the fact that in those 200 hours with a lot of group content in dungeons, that I have not seen one nasty remark but instead a bunch of nice people it only makes it more worth it. The players of ffxiv have been incredibly patient, and kind, plus it is really nice when I am wandering around in the cities and I see people hanging out with one another listening to music, or talking… not just in AFK waiting for their instance to pop.
I would say, give it a try - unless you hate story driven RPGs.
It’s a free trial. It will cost you nothing. It’s worth it. Plus it’s a pretty fun game.
Do people keep forgetting the early rogue levels, they are absolutely horrible. Or any of the spams of early classes. Everything is slow in the beginning.
Seriously. I think people are comparing level 60 WoW characters, with all their talents, haste on gear, etc, to leveling characters in FF. Of course it feels different, you’re comparing max level characters to leveling characters.
Is everyone so quick to forget how many complaints there are at the beginning of every WoW expansion, when you watch your haste drop to single digits as you replace your prior epics with greens and blues?