Is ff14's trial worth it?

Most likely I won’t be able to afford the dlcs or anything for quite a while, so I’d be stuck on the trial and maybe the monthly sub, is it still worth?

(I’m asking this here because a lot of people here play it as well)


It is actually quite amazing! I think especially if you’re ‘story orientated’ you’ll have blast.
I don’t know of other game trials which will literally let you play through several expansions worth of content, but I think the hook is that you’ll crave so much interaction that you’ll want to buy it :joy:


I mean its free , just try it and see for yourself!!(you’re talking about the free trial period of X days right?)

Personal taste is very vast and no matter what others do say, you may think differently and thats all fine and dandy!


I played the free trial for a few days and turned and bought the game as I loved it so much. Tried to log into WoW afterwards and saw how stale and meaningless shadowlands is and just couldn’t get anything done. Now I play FF14 all the time but still prefer the WoW forums. :joy:


Free is always worth a try.


I’m still undecided.
Dungeons feel far more bland.

Plus my screen looks like it’s vomiting color… not sure I can put up with it even though I enjoy it lol

New World is at the end of the month so you will have that option. FF not my kind of game

I’ve noticed a lot of the PvP streamers I watch are still on NW.

While the FF hype came and went, I see NW being a legit contender for pulling away PvP players.


Its a free trial of basically 100-150 hours of content. More than that if you end up doing the relic grinds and all professions. Yes its worth it. The arr dungeons are less complicated than end game dungeons (and the heavansward dungeon) but its fine and it works just well.

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It’s… free, so there’s that.

The quests are incredibly boring. You basically do the same three quests over, and over, and over… Go kill X targets, go interact with X objects, go talk to X… Now, repeat this about 500 times, and that’s the questing in FF.

To be fair, the entire game is like that…

Want to run a dungeon? Clear a small group of mobs followed by an easy boss, followed by more mobs followed by another easy boss. This is every single dungeon in FF.

It’s like 200 hours of a great final fantasy game so even if you are playing it solo It’s worth it.

If you’re just wanting to try the game out to see if you like how it looks and the combat, it’s very worth it.

Just remember it’s a Final Fantasy first and a mmo second. It’s all about the story and the journey to get there. the storys are great, I love the questing and I love running dungeons again.

Same, after getting into FF14, Shadowlands is just…really bad in comparison. forums>the actual game


Click ESC - Character Configuration - Control Settings - Character - and then go down to Battle Effect Settings. You can opt to only see your own spell effects, and limited or none of your parties or others. It helps.

i’m into the competitive side of wow so FFXIV has absolutely nothing for me. Like sitting in my room staring at a wall has more for me than FFXIV.

If you like Gilnean RP, creepy child races wearing bikinis, furries and yiffing then FFXIV is prob more your speed

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This is what it looks like side by side.

For others who are curious too.

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Both Shadowlands and Shadowbringers have their faults. Shadowlands so far just isn’t fun to me while Shadowbringers is basically copy/pasted. It adds nothing innovative. Not saying it’s not “fun”. I had fun with Shadowbringers more than I did with Shadowlands but it didn’t last. Heavensward is where I think I had the most fun.

yeah I don’t really mind the furry races in any MMO as they’re common in fantasy but the lallafells or whatever they’re called kinda throw me off

Yes, final fantasy is awesome.

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