Dat weaving doe, yum yum.
No you’re wrong and apparently blind because the base ui wow is trash four teens you eyes on par with some third party ui people download for world of Warcraft so calling that trash don’t load a UI to make close to that same level is pretty dumb
Damn that’s some next level crazy. FF14 UI is trash. Get over it.
As someone who likes the game (and likes WoW too, it’s just I’ve played the damn thing since Open Beta so y’know… it gets old) I would say yes, personally. That said it’s not for everyone and just because it’s megahyped right now doesn’t mean you should feel like you -have- to like it.
Just like WoW, it will start out slow in the sense you won’t have most of your abilities. But it’s even worse in XIV because the GCD is 2.5 seconds long base. As you level you get a TON of off-GCD abilities to weave in between though.
The base game (ARR and the post-launch patches before the first expansion) can be… kind of grueling. That said if you’ve played Classic it’s no more of a grind than that, it’s just a different kind of grind. Instead of grinding “Bring me 10 bear gizzards with a 10% drop rate” quests, you’re grinding dialogue that can be VERY dry at times.
But the story eventually ramps up, the game’s budget and quality increases quite a bit once you hit the first expansion. The voice actors are AWFUL in the base game. They all get replaced for Heavensward and are massively improved.
You can disable spell effects for everyone but you in the options somewhere.
That said, yeah… I mean early WoW dungeons are easy, but XIV’s can be even more faceroll. That’s a common complaint about the game in that the gap between “standard” instanced content and actual more difficult content is too large. The standard dungeons are just too easy.
I would say WoW is definitely is better for the absolute bleeding-edge type Mythic raiders, no doubt… but the GCD isn’t why. Yes, the GCD is way longer, but every class in XIV has a ton off off-GCD abilities that you weave between your GCDs. It’s just part of how the combat works.
If you are looking for something to do for free then do it. Don’t expect to find many participatory things to do though.
The only next level crazy is debating with somebody dumb enough to think that wow UI is good and final fantasy isn’t when it has almost as much customization as third party addons you download to wow
FF14 UI is still garbage though. K.
It’s not you’re just dumb okay
Are you 12? Do you have your parents permission to play wow?