Is Faerin going to be Anduin’s girlfriend?

Man there’s so much better girls. Faerin is ugly and covered in anime plot armor being a one armed samurai, I hope she gets forgotten.

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Well I’m not saying he’ll be a ‘‘warrior’’ but I think he is purposefully being taken through the ringer by the writers or past writers started it to get him to become a leader with grit and direction. I mention his father but perhaps I get why he wouldn’t want to be like his father and wants to carve out his own path that way.

I still think they’ll be keeping with him being a leader of Stormwind and him just going through his trials and tribulations phase.

EDIT: Thing is, especially in this kind of writing, sons some how just end up like their fathers. I think Anduin is going to grow a backbone now after TWW or this arc. Despite your spoilers lol

Who doesn’t, amirite?

yea… Anduin could do a lot better.
Just go for Vereesa, or Taelia or someone. Heck, go for Valeera even.
Faerin is trashy. There are so many better hotties for him.

She died with Dalaran

oh did she? damn
ok, then he still could go for Taelia or Valeera, or any number of hot alliance girls

btw, why don’t we ever see Turalyon and Alleria makeout or something? :thinking:
come on blizz, give us something spicy for once

If Anduin gets with Faerin I would enjoy the forum rage. Racists, people who think it’s woke because interacial, the rainbow crowd upset about a boring het-normie relationship and a missed opportunity for representation, honestly I’d find all of it fun.

closest wrathion ever gotten to that, was a punch in the jaw.

Taelia’s my girlfriend.

Hot I mean wat I don’t have serious issues what are you talking about

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startrek did it first

Arathi are vulcans reference?

I genuinely hate Anduin as a character.

They’ve just tried way too hard to force him into the story, way too many times, to the point I just don’t want to see the character again. He had potential, I actually really liked him in MoP, but they’ve just played it way too “safe” with him, made him far too “emotional” without having the courage to actually do something with those emotions.

He has largely competed for the same role as “level-headed pacifist” with Jaina, which is why Jaina changed to suddenly in Cata. It took them like a decade to finally walk her character back closer to where she was supposed to be. There’s also the nonsensical “time-skip”, which doesn’t seem to have done anything of consequence other than let them make Anduin old, which directly means that the player-character has to be in their 50’s.

They kept trying to force all these parallels to Arthas, because they knew a lot of fans loved Arthas, yet refused to actually use Arthas during the one singular expansion it could’ve made perfect sense.

It just feels like there’s been this really weird fixation with trying to tell a “generational/passing the torch” story, when absolutely nobody wants that. Nobody wants to see Thrall and Jaina becoming “the old folks”, because that directly correlates to players that we are becoming 'the old folks" as well.

I think that’s a big reason Faerin feels kind of hollow, because her faith seems more like youthful optimism, but not really in-line with the “cool, badass” characters we used to get in Warcraft.

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i’d imagine it be awkward considering anduin is named after faerin’s family

Do you think she would be willing to get a prostehic arm in order to hold the babies?

Now I want a questline where we try to help out Anduin on a date.


I hope Anduin starts a relationship with Taelia or Tess. If it’s Tess, she must be a worgen!

Isn’t Flynn gay ?

He did have a crush on Taelia, but he’s bisexual and currently dating Mathias Shaw.