Is Faerin going to be Anduin’s girlfriend?

i was alluding to a relationship between jaina and faerin instead of baby boy anduin oh if only

That would feel rather out of nowhere. Plus still has the same age gap issue.
Granted, her last boyfriend is a dragon so, eh. Still would feel out of left field.

Just did their little game-night Stay a While and Listen. The writers are definitely setting them up.

Take me to Stormwind, Anduin. I want to meet your dragon friend, Anduin.

A what?
Did what?
My bbc fetish detector is off the charts!


I am sorry what ?

Can you talk like adults.

Ew. Mullets.

You are some very thirsty posters!

The guy had his body crushed, dad killed, turned into a mind-controlled killing machine, gone off to basically decide whether to continue living …

and your first thought is: “So dude, gotten any lately?”

Technically , if you go Tolkien. orcs were made things. I do not think he gave them the ability to reproduce, however Mordor might have been more fun?

huh, why would he be with faerin when i thought he was a thing w/ wrath? or did i totally misread that?? or was it jaina?? idk.

Wasn’t is a Crosby , stills, nash song, “Love the one you’re with”?

Well, there’s going to be some interesting stuff to uncover there, especially since she’s a Lothar, and Anduin was named after a Lothar. I’m interested to see how that connection unfolds, or if there is any relation between Faerin Lothar and Anduin Lothar.

not force, wrathion is into it

A mullet and a rocking Trans Am.


Wrathion and Anduin are best couple though >:o


Sorry but Anduin being with another man fits so well for him.

I think Faerin is his like great aunt or something and no I don’t think so. I think she’ll play a big part that starts to get him out of his rut. I do get peoples issues with Anduin but WoW is now [trying lol] to give some story …

I’m all for seeing his arc in TWW to break through his wall and start regaining his warrior grit that his father had and he had a bit of in BFA but in Midnight regaining it and in Last Titan being a proper leader.

Didn’t our rogue pirate guy Flynn really like Taelia?

Also, it would be really interesting if Anduin and Faerin were able to unite the kingdom of stormwind and the Empire across the sea. (After we probably have to take out the emperor)



but after the arc Anduin says the path of a warrior like his father isn’t what he wants for himself

yuck. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

He should also never wear sleeves again