Is Faerin going to be Anduin’s girlfriend?

IDK she looks like a real beauty like Halle Berry or the Asians videogames devs when they make female black people like in 2 Koreans videogames.

or Paninya in Full Metal Alchemist if compared to characters who wear prosthetics.

But as I said, Blizzard should try harder.

I think he’s more likely to get with another man at this point.

Or maybe Blizzard is not interested in creating couples, lately Western Industry is making people move away from these relationships because they consider them archaic and outdated, because they want to get away from stereotypes.

Otherwise, unfortunately we won’t see anything like that in the future, like they did with Lorthemar and Tharlirsa, love and the romance dies every day.

He should be with a draenei. I see no real chemistry between him and her. They’d be much better as friends, possibly good friends.

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Like an inter species relationship ?

He is the king he is supposed to have offspring.

Orc and human can reproduce.
Orc and draenei can reproduce.

There could be a human/draenei. He’s into draenei women. Thats right also dwarves!

Good friends make the best partners :+1:

I’m good friends with a bunch of guys. Doesn’t mean I want to be with them. Why can’t Anduin have opposite sex friends without shipping?

I think he and Faerin would make great friends!

No one reads the lore, I swear.

Anduin has a thing for dwarves and Draenei. It says so in the books. He wants strong older women who can beat him up. He has a type. None of these human women are it.

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Taelia who?

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Imagine thinking the natural male and female relationship and the only way to procreate is archaic. Humanity is in such a bad place…


Isn’t she like underage?

As I said, I would be fine with that, since I’m not a shipper, and I think relationships should develop organically. I just want to see it happen because it would trigger the racists and bigots.

Isn’t she nineteen? Or older. Because her dad dropped her off in Kul Tiras when the Scourge invaded but don’t know the exact age when she was dropped off.

I hope so, Faerin is “rescuing” Anduin, she will be a magnificent queen of the human kingdom. also, we could have an arc were she needs to make her mind between the love of her life and the emperor’s will when the light empire decides to rule it all.

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I would be cool with FaerinXAnduin.
I didn’t like the idea of him with Taelia. Not sure why. But Faerin feels ok.

But please, give her a better hairdo if she’s going to become more prominent.

Oh honey you seriously think canon stuff is gonna stop fanfic writers?

She’s also old enough to be his mother. He views her more in that regard than anything else. And Vice Versa. The closest she’s had to a real romantic interest in a very very long time was Kaelecgos.

Lightforged/Lightrisen or not, Calia is still dead, so that’s just not going to work even on a purely political level.

This I could easily see happening at some point down the line, even if just for political reasons. But makes real sense given how close and devoted Genn is to Anduin.

And you know also walking dead body.

especially the elven ladies, ever since Thalyssra locked Lor’themar down. Every adult female elf that wasn’t already in a relationship was chasing that one till Thalyssra snuck in and snagged him. Side note, still pissed we didn’t get to attend/see their wedding.

But back on topic, I have no issues with a romance spawning between Anduin and Faerin. But it needs to not happen instantly. They need to take their time with it, and do more character development and establishing with Faerin as a full on character in and of herself first. The groundwork is there, but they don’t need to rush anything.

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So looks like the consensus is that the future royal line of Stormwind will have some color in it .

Like Harry and Meghan !!

Either Faelin Lothar or Tess Greymane so they can bear a child to become the heir to Stormwind. If with Tess, the heir to Stormwind and Gilneas.