Is Faerin going to be Anduin’s girlfriend?

Yes, it was still poorly portrayed romance in the story. I’m sorry :dracthyr_shrug:

To be fair, she’s got her own life, history and story before Anduin ever became a thing. She’s a spirited woman. She’d probably end up more in charge than Anduin. :wink:


I hope not, Anduin likes Draenei females if I remember right

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too much laziness on Blizzard’s part in making Anduin’s girls.

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Nah shes too ugly.

Nobody like shipping ugly characters.

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Ive been thinking. Varian Wrynn had to be the worsr alliance leader of all time.

Who makes their only heir a priest? He doomed his legacy and his empire…what a terrible leader the Wrynn family has turned out to be.


And I don’t see any reasons why they would be. I swear so many people see “boy hanging out with girl, they must wanna bone” so readily.


I hope not. Faerin’s a good character but I think a lot of her impact would be greatly undermined if her relationship with Anduin wasn’t platonic in nature.

It doesn’t look like they’re trying to take her in that direction yet, of course.

No. Blizzard just teamed up two characters with matching names for absolutely no reason.

It’s just happestance that Faerin Lothar and Anduin Wrynn are each walking around with half of Anduin Lothar’s name. The man that Anduin happens to be named after.

Hm, yes. It’s all just the whim of chance.

If they hadnt done the stupid “lightforged” forsaken thing with Calia that could also have been an option. Help solidify/unite two kingdom households

Tess could also be an option for that same reason, especially with how Genn looked after/mentored Anduin after Varian died

I hope not. She deserves to be able to stand on her own as a character without being preordained as a love interest, otherwise all is cheapened.

Fanbase: I hate Anduin

Also fanbase: He needs a GF

You guys really don’t know what you want.

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Calia is Arthas’ older sister, and so older than Varian. Older than Jaina and definitely too old for Anduin.

Maybe he likes older women

Also, marriages in royal settings are almost always about power solidification/gain


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And usually about marrying someone that’s not way too old to produce heirs. If you want to go down the ugly discussion of royal marrages.


Well, a child would have to result out of the union also, since we’re talking main branch of a royal dynasty. A woman too old is out of the question if we’re arguing practicality.

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Don’t know what you fixed since this whole post is about the fans wanting him to get a girl. But alright.

This is obvious… don’t you know the woke thing how it works?? Can’t you sum one plus one equals two??

They want orcs to fall in love with elves and so on.

He is getting an Orc girl friend and he will like it.