Is "Elitism" getting out of hand in WoW?

maybe they never liked you to begin with and just put up with you until recently…

“Getting” out of hand? Eh nah, that ship sailed a dozen years ago!! :ship: :passenger_ship:

Oh and I always say if you think WOW is bad, go play LOL for 1 day :joy:

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Stole the words out of my mouth. It’s been out of hand for a long time.

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elitism has been replaced with casualism, and it’s getting more and more apparent- just look at the current progressions for what’s considered “end game” and gearing.

So insulting you makes you better? Well, that doesn’t always work for everyone else. In fact, I’m willing to bet research on influencing someone to be better than what they are would show a marked difference between being insulted, and encouraged. I’m sure you can get the same desired result if you positively encouraged someone.

Why is this thread still alive? Elites are only crying right now because the game took out so many rewards for them and added in so much casual friendly stuff that isn’t fun in the game and doesnt deserve to be in a MULTIPLAYER game. If this was single player it’d be less of an issue.

Titanforging, forced ploot, armor sets instead of class sets, AP grind, dividing horde players (but really they help Baine whether they like it or not), WQ’s giving way too good of loot, and time investment to characters not really mattering anymore.

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Never said it did (btw have the guts to quote me if that is a reference to me) I’m just calling out the kids who have anti-social skills.

Raider: Ey, uh, stop standing in that aoe.


Basically how it goes tbh. :ok_hand:


Not really



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I could always deal with how crappy this community is because the game was really good and worth playing.

Now that the game isn’t as amazing anymore, I have way less patience for this community. And I think others are definitely starting to feel the same, especially if they don’t already have a guild around of friends that they’ve played with for a long time. Especially because guilds like that are slowly starting to die off and leave people to search for new ones.

If this game wants to survive one of these 2 things has to change:

  • Better community
  • Better game design

Or people will just abandon ship, because without at least one, this game is just not worth it. There’s other rodeos in town with at least 1 of those 2 things instead.

inb4 someone tells me “there’s no better MMOs out there”. Yeah people aren’t leaving this game to play other MMOs, there are infinitely better games out there with better gameplay and better communities than WoW right now, and that’s all it takes.

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…did you just wait two days, then go back to a reply from four days ago that you previously didn’t bother responding to, and reply to bump your thread back up yet again?


No need to quote you since my post was right under yours their sweet cheeks…have guts dude it shows the person you are responding too…
Apparently you thought bringing up your work some how…validated your feelings getting hurt

And now you are just trying to bump your post back up reported

its a video game. Its supposed to be ‘fun’.
And yet somehow we bring our toxic humanity into everything we touch.

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If I did I didn’t do it intentionally and even if I did so what? You do have autonomy and the choice of not responding if you wish to move on to another subject.

Elitism will always exist on any end of the spectrum of a players skill/time/effort invested into any game. Games are games I agree but they do mean more to some than others.
Most people don’t consider that when they waste someones time for an hour in a dungeon because they’re incompetent. Well then find equally as skilled players to do things with, if you want to get into higher content but don’t want to put in the same effort then blame people for being toxic or elitist when you’re obviously garbage then don’t push to get into higher content if you can’t be considerate of others for wanting to play with players of a higher bracket.
I don’t know of a game that isn’t competitive that I’ve played in my life, Obviously there will be some aspect to each game someone compares to another person. But it’s not like I care to be the first to clear Darksouls, It’s one hell of a game and it’s enjoyable no matter how long you take to clear it although it’s a love hate relationship. Same thing goes for the more elite players doing no hit clears to be the fastest player on record, it’s not like I care to know who they’re but there is always going to be a competitive/serious attitude no matter if you’re a casual or hardcore player in any game.

I mean if you want to invite the same tank to every single piece of content and take 5 hrs to clear it that’s fine with me as I won’t be joining you. I mean other than that type of elitism of not wanting to group with players that aren’t up to your caliber of player, I’m not sure what else this would entail.

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Oh cute you started in BC

I played since launch.

See what i did there?

I would agree that has some truth to it, most players wanting/expecting classic and hyping it up saying it’s going to be amazing, most of them never experienced vanilla. Probably going off the reactions of streamers, basically sheep reading the news.

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I keep forgetting that the intellect of some of the people responding needs coddling because although I was quite clear in my usage of my profession, apparently I need to be exact and detailed. I work for a living so when I log on and I get notification via my icon and when I click the drag down and see quotation marks its obvious I’m getting a response. I have no intent to “bump” up my post. Like I said to the previous person, if you don’t wish to continue to discuss the subject, move on. Nothing is compelling you to respond, you’re responding because you choose to I’m not influencing you.

If you’re stupid enough to respond back to a subject even though you openly shared your disinterest in, its not my fault.

Wow still buthurt over your friend abandoning you there sweet cheeks