Is duelist "good"?

This is not true. After having seen your other post I’m guessing you have some animosity that will reveal itself soon but I promise there is a difference between someone who plays at 25-26+ and a routine duelist. It’s not just friends.


(Updated with slight edits)

No, it’s a time grind. That’s the biggest difference between duelist and glad (in my opinion and its just an opinion). When a friend of mine started playing WoW full time he finally got gladiator multiple times since that point. I have no animosity. I’m just being honest and trying to encourage this person for their achievement. They accomplished something and shouldn’t be discounted for that.

Nor should the time that gladiators put into their grind be discounted. That is dedication. Just like someone who farms reputations or mounts. That’s all different types of focus, and they are all equal in a game perspective. No one is better, just different.

And if you get duelist you will most likely be playing consistently with better players and thus the push should go smoother. Again, just trying to be encouraging when I know there are people out there on these forums who might not encourage this person.

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? I mean I’m not discouraging anyone’s achievement. 100% I’m with people hitting their goals.

I mean, mount collecting or whatever else, sure. Subjective content. But glad is better than duelist. That’s just… true. And it’s okay to admit that. Just like rank 1’s are better than glads.

Edit for clarification: I personally don’t have much time to play. Anyone who knows me will attest to that. I play for a long time when I can, but that’s sometimes like weeks apart. There was a time where I knew I had the ability to push higher and actually tried and succeeded. I’m not saying there’s no casual duelists out there who can’t play closer to glad level. But you still have to be good enough. It’d be closer to say 2400 players are glad level but even then you’d have to be able to play at that rating consistently and win. That’s a lot different than touching that rating once and never seeing it again. Overall it does take time and with time comes improvement but there is still a vast difference between games at 21 and at 26.

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Yeah, again… Can’t agree

I don’t know about that, chief.

If I were to be 100% honest. The higher I’ve climb the games got easier because of the caliber of people I was playing with. You might even say the same.

The hardest games I played were on a fresh toon with no gear in shadow lands but then those got easier as I climbed higher.

When I was tied for top 2 for my class on my old account I played 4-5 hours per day with my friend. Our push finally stopped when we kept queuing into the same unbeatable comp, over and over on the last day of the season. It was que RNG. But at that point, so few teams are playing. I’d have to say rank 1 is a high achievement, and there is nothing wrong about that.

But to say the games get harder as your climb, is not 100% true, because if you are at 2100 you are now playing with almost all other duelist players, so your push should become more consistent.

At the 1600-2000 range you could que with anyone and honestly, that has always been the hardest part of any arena push for me, personally.

I think now you’ll see what I’m saying. If you are playing with other equally skilled players, your push is that much smoother. One someone gets their 2.1, the game will open up more for them and they will get into better groups. Then after 2.1 the games will be more consistent.

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Lol, people say the most delusional stuff.

“It just means you put more time in!”

You don’t say?! That’s literally how you get better at every possible thing out there, you put in time and learn/practice.

God these forums are worthless.

I think it depends who you ask. For example, if you ask rank 1 players, they’ll say Duelist is basically below average. But if you ask the casual player, they’ll say it’s extremely good! /shrug

Uh huh.

Listen I don’t know what exactly you’re on about but higher rated games are harder. Period the end. Like yeah you can play with better teammates but you also play against better opponents. They will require you to act in tighter windows with fewer mistakes and … like it seems troll that I’m having this convo. I don’t know man, agree to disagree I guess. There’s a reason less and less people are higher rated. I mean that goes without saying. And the reason is absolutely not time. I got my glad this season in 2 sessions. Surely everyone has that kind of time. And I got it with two people who had never gotten glad before. So…


When was the last time you qued with random players at fresh CR on a fresh toon in shadowlands? Even 1600 players. All my comments are strictly referring to pugging.

I’ve seen so many things. Like a DH imprisoning our go when he was at 10% hp when we could have easily interrupted. I’ve seen the most puzzling things from rogues. Blinding the wrong times and creating a DR issue. Using their burst outside of a go when there is no CC on the heals. DPS ignoring grounding totems. Face tanking a DK’s burst. Not stunning fist of fury when HoJ is up. But when I climbed higher, those things aren’t so predominant and then the games become more scripted.

Its all perspective, but personally the hardest part of this game is the first part of any push.

Tale as old as time.

Was the healer in CC? Did they have dispel? Because at last check fists is just to stop damage.

When I made my alt druid some weeks ago? I don’t know if you realize just how often I play with people I don’t know. It’s like, my staple.

Yea people… make misplays. Maybe I don’t even understand your main point. What are you getting at? Just because there’s scripts to follow doesn’t make the game easier. Lower mmr games should be easier because if you’re someone who recognizes off script plays then you can punish them. You’re talking like at low ratings, only your team has bad players. It’s universal.

All I see in this thread is it’s considered “good” if you want it to be. It is all subjective at the end of the day. Even if someone tells you otherwise.

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Yeah basically. I mean you just have to set parameters and establish a baseline is all.

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i think duelist is good. I am biased as i am only a duelist from time to time, but i get there on multiple not meta classes sometimes. just takes me a bit.

I think im good. i dont think im amazing. A duelist knows and understands the mechanics and back and forth of the game, but doesnt always execute perfectly IMO.

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I don’t know about all that. So far this season I’ve learned I can roll whatever and climb to 18-1900 pretty easily (and that took me some work), then games start getting harder for me. Now, this could also be because I just play with whoever whispers me and almost never seek out anyone in LFG for whatever the FoTM comp is, but regardless–I’ve played against plenty of Glad healers this season. Their positioning is just much better than mine is, and that’s just what I can tell from queuing into them–they probably recognize tons of stuff beyond that that I’m doing poorly.

However, I actually do agree with that in M+. I find timing a 15 easier than timing a 7 just because the players I’m playing with are generally doing what they need to be doing in the 15 key.

Well his interpretation of my posting style was more of an insult since it insinuates unprofessionalism and educational failure, it doesn’t bother me since that’s how things go here. (If someone irks or says something cute or in a way that is “annoying”; best bet is to insult either directly or passively.) :slight_smile:

Oh dear me, I just did it again :slight_smile:

I do see the correlation though and you are always a respectful poster so I don’t mind the observations :slight_smile:

Honestly, with PvPers? duelist is good.

with the majority of the wow playerbase? 1800 is good… lol


I get what you’re saying bro

i am duelist and i am terrible