Is duelist "good"?

It’s probably 15% of the people who arena get it. The 1% takes entire playerbase into account and the majority doesn’t even touch PvP. There are a lot more raiders than rated PvPers, so there are a lot more CE people.


Duelist is not good imo. If your into pvp 2.1 is def not a notable achievement unless it’s super early into the season as it’s your first real stepping stone into competitive arena/rbgs. Almost anyone can get duelist in pvp just playing games, reading up, grinding gear renown and proper specs, and actually trying to be decent.

It’s like gold in league of legends which is really really easy.

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Who cares que up!

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I got 2200 early in the season and just called it. Was doing carries on my arms warrior but im good on gold now so also benching him as well. Cant wait for next season!

The only noteworthy achieve in pvp right now is the rank 1, hero of the horde/alliance which is significantly lower in skill, and then the 2700 achieve which is like hero a reasonable skill level of your class.

what about 2400 Gladiator achievement. :slight_smile:

After getting 2400 on my five Alts this season I’d say the game is really only catering for participation drake awards. They need an elite transmog for 3k plus or something to keep ppl driving for something in the season outside of the r1 title.

When I played back in the day gladiator actually felt insane when new season started and you constantly felt ladder pressure those final two weeks.


:thinking: :thinking:

oh man the casuals on these forums are not gonna like this statement.

I mean it’s whatever it’s his opinion not a fact lmao. Nothing to get upset about

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Yup that’s what free speech forums is about. Speaking our mind.

Actually enjoyed helping my friend get his first glad playing a super off meta comp that is def not even a tier last night. Rmp has been boring to me once I hit 2700 early in the season so I tried a bunch of new specs and learned a lot. Maybe next season I’ll have a drive to push further but really in no rush each season 2700 seems like a good stopping point for my skill level.

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The humility in this thread is astonishing :joy:


That’s generally why a lot of posters come here, for that “feel gud” moment. They know who they are :slight_smile:


I wish I was good but I know I’m just above average. That’s why legends like reckful and snutz in their prime always brings me to joy to look back and appreciate greatness.

Duelist is good. You can down your enemies at will for the most part. Sadly everyone who cant fight you has warmode off and arena is viewed as very difficult to get into and toxic so alot of players dont try it out.


depends how you define good.

It’s wild to me the amount of self-loathing arena players have. It’s like people are afraid to feel good about themselves because they don’t want to accidently put themselves out there to be examined and ridiculed.

I’ve seen you play on stream before, you did really well. Riding a Glad mount is still impressive, wearing a elite title, even being a rival player means you played the game enough to learn your class and queue up.

Only a handful of people ever get to wear a tank 1 title, or see 2700, Hero even still takes the willingness to keep at it considering after a certain MMR you’re basically playing a few groups of players who control the content. No one would tell a college basketball player they suck because they didn’t go pro–theyre still better than most people.


The simple answer is : Yes.

Duelist is “ good “ for sure.


I think there’s a few things that contribute to this; as soon as a discussion gets a bit heated or someone starts “losing” the factual based argument the rating shaming or personal attacks start up which affects it.

I also don’t think that some posters who are obviously good/great players “really” think they are as bad as they say they are; they want compliments like yours which is human nature I suppose :slight_smile:

Slum is right lol. Youre like a Dr Phil nephew.

All in fun.

(Edited to make my meaning of clearer)
Duelist is solid, and if you get duelist, more than likely you can get gladiator, if you have the time to play.

I honestly feel the difference between duelist and gladiator just means you put in more time, and your friends were available to push during those times. The thing is once you get duelist, you will most likely be playing with people who have equal achievements or higher and your games should go smoother as you keep climbing. Getting duelist opens doors. Keep at it!

Once you get there, remember, it can seem intimidating but the plays are all the same. Get their trinkets, defenses and their HP to zero before they do that to you.