Percentage wise its probably good the same as how Diamond is technically good in league of legends. Similarly, you are called Diamond Trash by those above you and you get rating shamed as a comeback in WoW.
If you accomplished a goal and its good for you then just be proud of it.
People hit the answer in this thread but amatox summed it up well. Of course “good” is subjective and based on perspective.
To the general populous of this game, yes. It’s incredibly good. It’s also good by any standard, you definitely know the game to a high degree.
But asking this in a very small community like the arena forums; who are mainly frequented by the sweaty; is asking to be disappointed because the bar is much higher to use that word. For instance to use myself as an example, I’m a multi glad player. If I play with or against duelists, I notice so many things they do wrong. I recognize they’re better than 1600 people but it’s not really challenging. However I can absolutely acknowledge that there are people that would do the exact same to me, and I’ve played with some of them. There are soooo many people far better than I am.
Someone else summed that last part up well by saying you’re trash until you’ve won blizzcon. That’s kind of how these communities work. The military is no different. PoGs are criticized by grunts. Grunts criticized by things like EOD or recon. Those by ones who have a CAR. Those by ones who actually earned their CAR. Above that you start getting into spec ops and such. (And those dudes are genuinely very humble).
Moral being, you’re always going to be good to some and trash to others. So I wouldn’t worry about it.
Don’t get caught up in the word “average.” Average isn’t subjective. There is an averages based on the qualifiers. Good though, that depends. Yes 2600 according to R1 players is not good, compared to them
it’s actually hilarious. the most toxic of players on these forums got they’re first glad in BFA. Dont believe. Check-pvp them lol. There’s a certain Feral druid on here who is constantly attacking me on here that fits the bill.
I thought 2.1 was hard to get until I got to play with a good healer. I think it means your head is not hollow at the very least. Saying that, even at 2.1 there is people who could outclass the shiet out of me by miles.
Duelist used to be much harder to obtain when it was tied to a percentile and not a rating threshold. It’s not remotely close to what it once was as far as scarcity and being generally hard to obtain.
Duelist is still factually above average, and therefore quite good.
I hit duelist on my resto druid the other night it was a struggle. Most of my other alts are in the rival 2 range.
To hit 2100 I would say you have to know your class and all other classes pretty well in order to counter them. Your partners also need to be good at the class they play, know all other class abilities, and know when to use defensives.
Last time I checked it was like 10%-15% of players get Duelist but other sites are reporting like 1% which doesnt make sense since that would be Glad no ?
Duelist is definitely good when you consider the entire scope of the game, but that’s a lot because rated PvP is kinda boring and not a lot of the community does it. Think only 12% or so even does rated arena, so just getting Challenger already puts you in top 12%.