Is Dragon Riding Really Fun?

Me and the wifey will just go for a flight sometimes after raid to clear our head and we always seem to notice something new.

Feels good.


I think it is fun.
I like both Dragon Flying and Regular Flying.

Yes, it really is fun.


Dragon Riding, yes.

Dragon Racing - no.


Itā€™s not fun but itā€™s faster. Itā€™s like driving my car, I donā€™t get in and say ā€œOh man this is so much fun!!!ā€ I say ā€œUse your god damn blinkerā€


Well anything that requires my neurons to fire is technically fun.

Old flying was numlock alt tab until I got to my destination and went to do something else, or watch a video. So compared to that, yea itā€™s more fun.


Sometimes Ill just dragonride about. Like for fun. I like to skim low. Bank, weave. The emerald dream has those little curley branch bits, I like to fly through them.

Yeah, dynamic flight is fun. To be honest, it captured and improved upon the feeling of freedom and speed I got from max level flight back when I first got it in The Burning Crusade.


Itā€™s very fun and one of the best new additions to the game in many years. An all-around win for the developers.


Dragon riding is fun until you clip or run into something. I got stuck in a tree a couple of times.


Playing as a druid, I love dragonflying. In those rare instances where static flight makes more sense, Iā€™ve got my travel form on insta-cast, so itā€™s a good combo.

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I love it, itā€™s never stopped being fun for me, and having to go back to old flying feels like the difference between a flightpath and RP walking now.


Love DR. So much fun to have an engaging and ability-based method of travel. I love to be able to customize the drake, earn appearances (through dragon racing), and generally have it more an extension of gameplay and less a mode of travel.

I would like to see dragonriding in a dungeon, but only replacing something like the gauntlet portion in Murozondā€™s Rise, where youā€™re dodging the time orbs and cones. Much more fun if you jumped on your drake and flew an abbreviated challenge course that avoided the sparking orbs, for example. (not a redone Oculus, but more like the second encounter in Amirdrassil)


Yes, absolutely. Itā€™s fun, fast, exhilarating. I fly sometimes just to fly and feel the rush.

Ever have a dream where you are struggling to move, like youā€™re in neck-deep water? Thatā€™s how static flying feels now, being only marginally useful for landing on a tree branch or something.

And over time, my skills have improved dramatically, with gold medal dragonracing being the norm. Back at launch, I could never get above bronze.


Yes itā€™s fun probably one of the best things added to the game in a long time.


I really enjoy it. It is more actually immersive than 90% of the game.


I donā€™t know that Iā€™d call it fun, if only because I canā€™t help but compare it to the GW2 mounts it was inspired from. But I like it a lot more than regular flying, and more than I would if regular flying had just received a flat speed increase.

The animation and momentum is satisfying, and having something to do while flying is always a welcome idea. I like when in games it feels like Iā€™m guiding a real animal, whereas traditional mounts are sort of just static models.

However, I prefer GW2ā€™s system mostly because you can seamlessly transition between the more utility-based skyscale (infinite hovering, more maneuverability) vs. the speed of the griffon (much more situational, but faster and more satisfying to control).

Could it be a lot better? I think so, but itā€™s still a welcome addition to the game for me.

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No. My hand control is not good enough for the races but generally it serves it purpose.

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It is a method of transportation. I prefer my flight form as i created druids because of it.

If we want to talk about getting around a map, Wow is actually one of the worst. There are other games where I can teleport from point a to b and then fly a mount to the final destination. There are games where you can use personal transporters.


Fel yeah I do! I frequently used to try and mimic realistic flight as best as I could with the old flying mounts, the results were always disappointing but Dragonriding allows me to actually do it for real! Unless Iā€™m in a hurry Iā€™m always swooping around various obstacles, over and under bridges, etc.

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As a way to get around while questing or gathering, no, I donā€™t think itā€™s fun at all. The races are fun, and dragonriding is useful to get across the continent quickly, but I was heartily tired of it being the only option in DF for nearly a year.

Iā€™m bitter about the fact that Ion still has his knickers in a twist about it all, and is still gating regular flight behind max level and whatever main campaign questing needs to be done for TWW. Itā€™s stupid, and he needs to grow up and get over it.