Is Dragon Riding Really Fun?

How does one stay up in the air longer? Why do I have to wait for energy bars to fill up before I fly? Makes no sense…


Yep I agree. Normal flying does still have its uses (afk hovering, flying a distance straight up, landing on very small platforms) though.

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Love it. I do dragonriding WQ on all my characters and I don’t even need the gold and it’s the only world content I interact with as I mostly do M+ and Raid.


I like the challenge of landing on small stuff, even. It feels dope to be able to dive out of the sky and pinpoint a landing.


I personally love the dragon riding. I thought it was a really great feature. I would not object if this became the standard for expacs going forward.


I only do it now when I’m doing racing WQs. Gotta keep it at a minimum because of virtual sickness. But I don’t hate it. I think it’s a great addition to the game.

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Go fast to keep energy going. Use the Skyward Ascent ability while pointing the camera upwards then quickly level the camera and you’ll gain a ton of height and speed.

You can get from the lowest corner of Zaralek Cavern to the highest mountain in the Dragon Isles starting with 2 vigor.


I sent a 'toon back to Dark shore to look around and see what was going on pre new tree. Flying around felt like flying a bi-plane compared to flying a jet fighter around DF.

Honestly, to me, it’s just another mount mechanic, and a annoying one at that. Especially since it’s hard to collect treasures


Lol. Seeing how far you can go across the dragon isles from the top of that tower.

I think it’s fortunate that the devs found a formula of abilities that feels good.

The dragon daycare whelp races show alternate versions of dragonriding that were possibly experimented with at one point or another and, although maybe I’d adapt to them in time, my initial impression was that it was kind of scary how bad they felt.


Well… I’ll hop back on and practice it later on. I was just play testing Dragonflight and taking advantage of the boost and gear from my epic TWW pre-purchase.

Thx for the tips!!

Dragon riding is like…

Old flying is like……

So yea, I enjoy dragon riding a lot more.


What prevents you from flying through a planet or star?

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If you haven’t collected some glyphs you’ll want to get some of those to get the talent tree at least mostly filled up. You really want the one that gives you 6 Vigor and the one that makes Thrill of the Skies generate vigor faster.


I like it.

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I enjoy it in open areas with no trees where I don’t have to start and stop.

Otherwise it’s like ZOOM no zoom ZOOM no zoom and it’s a little… jarring.

What is fun, let alone ‘really’ fun, is highly subjective. I personally have zero interest in dragon flying, or mythic dungeons, or pvp. That does not make those things not fun- they’re just not fun for me.


Its the only thing in this expansion I like

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I was initially skeptical, but Tbc flying feels like swimming in a pool of honey now, and other than being able to carefully land in precarious spots, I don’t see any reason to go back when dynamic flying exists.