Is Dragon Riding Really Fun?

Love it, a joy to use as it makes flying actually enjoyable and not a chore, the super speed is just the cherry on top as I would use it every time even if it didn’t. Very happy it is now evergreen and going forward as dynamic flight to be available from day one of future expansions from now on.

I spent the first 3 hours of DF learning and doing all the races. It’s so much fun, i love that a good portion of the zones want to make you fly through ridges, and over mountains. It’s great!


I feel like you must have the wrong car, or maybe it’s more about where you’re driving. I get in my car, and I love driving it. It’s fast, fun, and I love it, even after 17 years. I’m afraid to get a new one, honestly, because I worry that I won’t ever love a new one as much as I love the one I have. :rofl:

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Honestly i love every aspect of it aside from slow vigor regen.
If you get grounded for whatever reason, you are stuck for a few seconds. But meh. Its not a deal breaker.

All the races were great. Some frustrating, but still good.
Being able to get from point a to b in a good time is really nice. I loath having to old world fly in old zones.
DR to old world cannot come soon enough.

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I love it. Especially when I’m waiting for a queue as a dps main. Flying around much better than laps in Oribos

I don’t really think about it other than it’s fast as hell. I used to always postpone things like loremaster and such before because travelling from point A to B involvolved a lot of alt tabbing and youtube, so while I won’t pretend I am having the time of my life every time I am dragon flying, it’s way more interesting than not playing the game.

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I like it, but I don’t really care for dragon races.
It doesn’t add anything , just a silly thing that really is there to exist.

I like. Feels more like flying. Sky Swimming always felt kind of weird, especially if you dive towards something on the ground, but you go at exactly the same speed all the way down… Can’t wait for flying to be added to some of my other 310% protodrakes; they look so LABORED when sky swimming, its kinda sad now.

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I’m 50/50 on it.

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As a Demon Hunter main, anything that makes me zoom faster is more fun. Simple as that.

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Depends if you mess up or hit a tree and have to wait for vigor to recover. Too much of the game is waiting around. Like you do at a bus stop or doctors office.

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The latter.

It’s a means of transportation. It is not something I log into the game to do for its own sake.


I use it because it is almost a required mechanic. Fun? It would need to be more aerodynamic for that. I mean you can’t do loops and turning radius is attrocious. Plus trees are inconsistent. Some you can fly through. Some will stop you dead in your tracks. Some are mostly fly through except one little twig on branch 819. Always look out for branch 819.

It is really just a means to get from point A to point B really fast and when you don’t care about anything else going on in the world.


Every time I launch it’s as a rocket, going straight up then gliding down. That’s not flight it’s a ballistic missile. It’ll be better when they get rid of vigor so you can actually flap in a straight line instead of doing the ICBM thing.

And I dare anyone to say I’m wrong about this. Entire expansion we’ve heard “fly up with your vigor then glide down,” well, that’s not how flying things (with wings) fly. That’s how rockets fly. If you like being a rocket, well then the current situation is great, if you want more immersion than that, you’ll probably need to wait but I suspect they’ll get the message at or before TWW.


Regular flying feels like swimming through molasses now. 10.2.5 can’t come soon enough.

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For me, personally, no it is not fun. I don’t have the reflexes nor the desire to go blowing by the entire zone. I prefer to take my time, enjoy the sights and be able to easily indulge all my “SQUIRREL!” moments. I have yet to be comfortable with how the DF mount essentially crashes rather than gently touching down.

Since we’ve been given regular flying I have yet to use a DF mount as I just haven’t found a need to do so.

Very happy DF is there for those who enjoy it.


I don’t enjoy it and am miffed it’s in the current raid.


If you pull up and slow down shortly before landing you can touch down gently. You don’t have to face plant if you don’t want to.

Yes it is to me. I understand why others dont like it but Im also a fan of static flying so I can use all the mounts Ive spent time collecting.

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Hugely. I sometimes just fly for the sake of it. Doing big dives and then zipping up high super fast. Great fun.