Bruh, cut your losses and bail on this thread. Stop trying to die on the hill that is your original statement, accept that you either won’t or can’t acknowledge what the original post intended, and move the hell on.
You’re not a pariah for, as I’m sure you’d like to say, “speaking uncomfortable truths”. You’re a pariah because you act like a damned troll half the time in this forum. People have gotten tired of the constancy of what seems to be your trolling, and it’s to the point where most of us aren’t interested in hearing it anymore. You wanna know why people report you on here? That’s why. You literally can’t let it go.
If it helps you I edited my post. I do think it is common sense considering everyone understood it ‘‘but’’ you.
If you do want to die on this hill that is your choice, but remember that even dying on a hill means rolling off after death if no one is there with you.
Nah, I dont like people blaming me for their failures and ill keep pointing it out.
No they didnt. People would be able to back it up if that was the case but not a single person can. Again your OP was talking about gameplay… did it say theme at all or even hint at it with the context of the rest of the post? No it didnt.
Also a lot of people say flat earth is common sense. Saying “its common sense” doesnt support anything if the common sense cant be backed up with ANYTHING.
People want me to stop talking about it then stop bringing it up. Its that simple but people cant help but bring it back up because this thread is pretty useless. No, DK isnt going to get a rework this expansion and most likely its not getting one next expansion either when you take the hero talents into consideration that we have.
My failure to understand what? Back up what he said with some context, show your work. In a post 100% about gameplay how did you pull theme from it at all? Its like flat earthers telling me the earth is flat but “you just cant see it” and they always fail when its time to deliver. PROVE IT!
Only after I said something about it, everyone before that was talking about what? Oh thats right GAMEPLAY.
YOU KEEP BRINGING IT UP! What is wrong with you? You said “Frost is fun but boring” its like saying “Golf is fun but boring” there is no context to it and its contradictory. Fun is the antithesis of boring. It cant be both. Its either fun, or boring. This is just basic english.
Explain what? That some people dont like me and they will just agree with some people whether they are right or wrong just to go in opposition to what I say?
I dont need to be defended, the truth doesnt need to be defended either. The fact that people are trying to defend you but cant back anything up is more telling about you guys than about me. I backed up EVERYTHING I said using your post as the basis and even asked where the hell did theme even get mentioned.
Explain that to me. Explain why its my responsibility to interpret what you wrote down in how you meant it to come across to others when the context isnt there.
There it is… where do I pull theme out of that sentence? I asked you and other people and not a single solitary explanation. WHERE?! You are you going just crap all over me like im some idiot because “its common sense you idiot” yet you cant point to where I am supposed to come to that conclusion. You say im being mean… well what the hell are you guys doing?
Pretty much same here. No rework in sight, and I’d even just take a Frost rework at this point, but it looks like it’s more of the same slop going into TWW.
With the announcement of hero talents, and NO CONFIRMED changes for dk as a whole in general, I doubt this class is getting any real love that we want. Maybe a few tweaks here and there, (Probably numbers tuning). It makes me sad, as I love the DK theme and lore. But holy hell wish we played better.
The one thing they have confirmed, is this garbage playstyle of having to stay in dnd to do anything meaningful… even adding DR for blood while in dnd with hero talents… ive already decided that im quitting the game if there arent any talent overhauls for dk in general sadly.
I feel you there, I’ve been using the second half of this season to play around on other classes to see if there is something else I might enjoy maining going into war within. I can’t go through another season feeling like this, I love DK but I can’t deal with the issues anymore.
The amount of autism in this thread is off the charts, getting worse for my presence, but I can say that I agree with a prevailing sentiment. D&D shouldn’t have a place on Frost - it thematically matches Unholy and Blood, IMO. I don’t hate the mechanic - in-fact, I find standing in Consecration/D&D kind of novel in some ways, but it clashes with Frost’s vibe.
It thematically matches the Death Knight. It was taken from Rage Winterchill, along with the Liches from Warcraft which are primarily frost users. It fits, its just people think specializations are classes and you wont be able to change my mind on it when people are saying “frost should only use frost abilities”
With the updates for this patch, no mention of anything for DKs again. This is starting to become a trend. Usually I play Unholy/Frost but switched to Blood DK since it’s the most enjoyable.
Now I am debaiting between Resto Shaman or Mistweaver for my healer to play. Time will tell, but will we be here or on another class by then?
Just remember everyone… we were the first hero class. Now we aren’t even the sidekick class, we are just (Kick) unless we need grip lmao.
Sorry, a little satly still.