IS dk gonna ever get a rework?

If took the time to actually read my reply fully and step back think about it then revisit it again it actually might have read a little differently. Emotionally charged reactive responses are never ones that take the time to take in everything fully so you can make a reply that can be more constructive and doesn’t come across as something with some emotional ties to it.
Sure I agree with you that people need to back up claims but how one personality type shows a certain behaviour that relates to some aspect is completely different to how another different type deals or shows sings of that same trait and it many cases it is not something that is obvious or actually even looks like that type of behaviour aspect.
For example you like to ask often for people to back up their claims and while not always it can even be in situations where a person has tried at some level to do this in a previous post that you respond too. However, you choose not to see it or just don’t perceive that is a viable statement that backs up their claim from your perspective not theirs…Which leads to the question of what makes something a viable statement that from your perspective would constitute someone actually backing up their claims it’s all subjective based on the individual person, but some people have that line in the sand that says yes you backed up your claims at a much higher threshold the majority of other people.

Now I also did clearly state and explain in my previous post the concept that everyone has some level of a given trait it’s just how some of these become more dominant in one person verses another; this being the second time where I have made it very clear to you the concept of the difference between someone being a little arrogant at times verses a person who behalves that way a lot more often and in a much wider range of situations that’s the difference that points to a person having one trait that is dominate for them vs another person. Leading to the concept of someone having Arrogant personality traits as something that is one of the more dominate aspects for that person over another.

I am going to use an aspect of something you said once again as a means to highlight an instance where someone is acting Superior. I am not saying you do or don’t by the way but you have just provided the necessary means to explain it using that as an example. This is very much a case of outside the box basis on when a person is actually acting superior but, doesn’t even seem like it at first glance. What happens when someone constantly feels the needs to express that people should back up their claims even when previously at some level they did but in that persons mind if clearly was either ignored on purpose because they felt it didn’t validate what they deemed as a sufficient amount to say they had; so just ask them to back it up again of course right? What is this actually a person is doing what in regards to someone statement and claims? They are saying their response is ‘inferior’ or one that didn’t manage to explain their threshold for the standard of proof required to back up a claim. This is actually a very subtle but clearly a situation where on person if acting ‘Superior’. As I explained in my previous post things are always literal when it comes to these sort of things and not something that anyone would initially even say a person was acting superior either but if you actually stop to think about it more figuratively it does actually make sense. Again I am not saying you do by the way but it was a good way to hopefully help explain a situation where superior behavior is present but not obvious at first glance.

The only point in that post where it was actually directed at you was the statement with they called you out and made some derogatory remark.
The two previous statements actually spoke about people they had met in their lives in a general context and once that final derogatory statement was removed it becomes more oa blanket general observation set of statement in relation to that person personal life experiences.
The intention of my post was to work around the general concept of what type of people where more likely to behalf in the manner that was described. It wasn’t to intended to be something that was targeted at you directly in any way but I will admit that I can see how you might take that leap from your perspective and as I said wasn’t my intention to do with my response initially.

Once again the initial post was a means to actually allow another person to make a connection in terms of the basis of what some people say or do the things they do in life while someone else does something completely different in the exact same situation that’s all and because he showed some interest in it I gave him some further details on where he could go read more about the concept as a whole if he was interested. .

You raise the question about what personality trait does someone fall under when they are constantly saying other people are awful it could be a variety of them you have to look at the events that initially lead up to them saying it and then subsequent events that resulted in the same response. It is actually in most cases an emotional response that is based on some aspect of frustration. For example again I am going to use something related to my previous example that I used to help explain a scenario where something like this might happen and it will be to do with the whole aspect of asking someone to substantiate or backup their claims over and over even though they have to the best of their ability. They have tried to back up their claims as requested by a given poster and their claims have either been ignored or not sufficient to warrant the other person accepting thay had leading to that person once again re-iterating the need for them to substantiate or back up their claims over and over. You can see how if a person is unable to articulate well enough or provide and explanation that allows the other person to agree they are in the something akin to a child saying are we there yet over and over thousands of time is going to make a person feel emotional and frustrated leading to an reaction that is clearly one derived out of frustration emotionally.

Again I am not saying this is something you do or do not do I am just using an aspect of something you have said to make something be a little more relevant to you to make it easier to comprehend.

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No, this all happened because you said something, I said it doesnt make sense and its contradictory, and then you proceeded to blame me for your crappy failures. This is annoying, it happened almost a month ago and you are still hung up on this nonsense. You are obsessive, have no sense of responsibility in your role you play and you dont know how to communicate with others.

Nowhere in your original post did you talk about theme, aesthetics or otherwise and was entirely about rotations.

This is talking about gameplay, not theme.

Again, about gameplay and holds a contradictory statement (that you kick and scream saying its not contradictory even though it is)

The next sentence also only contains gameplay.

Oh look, another sentence about gameplay.

There is nothing in there about anything that you claim it does. Its your poor communication.

And then you said that its not a contradiction and that you were talking about 2 different things but the OP says you were talking about the gameplay 100%.

Quit blaming me for your failures, you own them. Learn some responsibility and move on from this nonsense you keep dredging up almost 1 month later.

You want to tell me I need professional help? You need it being this obsessed with something that happened so long ago. Either stay on topic about gameplay or just stop posting.

I main the post, you’re the one who stays here mind you.

Having a somewhat decent conversation with someone until you came in bringing drama up from almost a month ago that you started. Boo hoo, grow up. Quit being jealous that other people are having a conversation in a thread, you sound like an authoritarian like you can dictate if, when, or where I can talk to someone else.

Get lost.

Class hasn’t had a rework since like 2016. It’s time.


It’s very over due, they need to revisit it and work on it. Dk feels so hallow to what it was.


I have logged into WoW, I look at my DK…then I close the application to watch Netflix instead. That’s how I feel about the class right now. I don’t even have the desire to do the weekly vaults atm.

Is it all DK? Definitely not, there are more factors such as queue times, activity levels, and just being a casual player now, I don’t run high end M+, or raid higher than LFR or try to do rated PvP.

I say that with this in mind, that I hope this rework does come, and that it is something that makes people want to run all of this same content again and again because the class is fluid, the tuning is done better(I know perfection will never come), and they give more amazing xmogs for the class. I think if that happened it would take me back to the good days and want to really lean into it more.

I know people will say, just play a different class, and occassionally I do. But what I want and what I can do are 2 different things.

Just dropping more 2 cents.


Once i get the tier belt im pretty much done. Ill have the colors i want and ill just go do something else. The entire game is pretty flawed in my opinion not just DK.


Unholy in keys right now feels like you’re playing OSU, but for your cooldowns. Once you’re used to it, it’s manageable but there’s no way anyone new picks up Unholy and has a great time with it.


Thats kinda how I feel right now, I’m wanting to flush out my mages set and do whatever new content comes with this small patch and take a break.

My main issue right now is how it seems like most specs have more buttons then ever but we only have about 2/3 spells doing like 70/80% of our total damage.

I like frost oblit , just dont look at the meters after a fight… they need a flat 10-20% boost on everything , and it would be nice to have oblit cleave moved into RW, having it locked into D&D is stupid and clunky


That’d make it feel better for this & next season only since it’d get zeroed out like usual going into TWW and then Frost is right back to where it started. It doesn’t need anymore bandaids it needs actual fixes.


I don’t think it’s entirely a fair analogy. Frost for example has 4 buttons flat, 5 with tier, and the closest to the spec is Fury with 5, 6 with tier, and they have 50% coming from 2 buttons. Specs that have more rotational buttons will naturally have their damage spread out more amongst those buttons.

I don’t know, I’m not on most of my alts it just seems more extreme this xpack.

I remember in BFA my frost mage, (where I was still using/needed spike) spike was a huge amount of my damage and things like frozen orb were still high.

What I am noticing is, instead of like 3 spells being higher and you seeing a small bend down, it’s more like 3 are doing over half of your damage alone by a mile. and then all the other spells and effects are less then 10% if that.

I mean, by using common sense you get that the class aesthetic is fun but the game play is boring


No you dont. The context is not there unless you inject it in the statement yourself. Like I said and went through the post, the entire thing is about gameplay.

The word theme or aesthetic wasnt said or hinted at.

I’m definitely not a DK vet, but I can say that I also dislike DND/Defile being so heavily tied to our AoE. It feels like it takes forever to get our AoE ramped up and it always comes across as just getting to the juicy parts of your cleave when the mob dies. So that’s kind of a bummer tbh!

Other than that, I just don’t enjoy frost. I don’t think it’s fun or even remotely engaging. I especially don’t like Breath of Sindragosa, it’s probably the most unenjoyable ability/talent/play style I’ve ever encountered in WoW.

I love blood and unholy, though. Minus the DND/Defile thing.


I explained to you what I meant and you ignored it to keep belittling me even when other posters understood clearly. You focused and fixated on something you personally didn’t understand and tried to make it seem like it didn’t make sense regardless of everyone else.

if it helps you understand it now there is no point you defending it still. I love dk’s flavor, It’s THEME. The rotation needs work.

I enjoy the idea of being a plate wearing necromancer who summons the undead to fight for me and spread plague and disease.

I do not enjoy popping pimples and pressing 6 cooldowns instead of having a rotation that flows and fits together nicely.

I DO enjoy dots and how they work, I do NOT enjoy talents that make it so to use my dots I have to spend many GCD’s to ramp up what is tbh very mediocre damage.

The spec feels slow and slugish, has mechanical issues of it not knowing what it whats to focus on and it kinda sucks.

And as much as I LOVE the dk and it’s THEME (since thats the key word here) It doesn’t take me long for it not to be enough to ignore those issues and get bored with it.


Jesus dude, can you just stop? It’s been explained to you more than enough by this point.


I’ve finally given up on my DK this expansion. Love unholy and blood but just so hard to keep playing. I’d even go so far as to use a figure of speech saying that it’s fun, but gets boring.
And Wolfes, I really can’t tell if this guy is just trolling you or simply lacking common sense, as evidenced by literally everyone understanding you but him.
“Fun, but boring” can be used in a sentence as a figure of speech. The reader must use context to understand it is a figure of speech and to understand the message.
There are plenty of examples of times where we use an antithesis in this form.
I’m sorry you had to explain it to him so many different times.


Then where in the original did it hint that he was talking about theme? Where are you drawing your conclusions from? I explained myself and used his words as evidence, just saying “its common sense” doesnt show where you are getting this from.

The fact that not a single person can explain it shows that its not common sense.

I did use the context of the post which I explained. Theme wasnt talked about AT ALL. So where is the “theme” context?

The first response also talked about gameplay because the OP was about gameplay,

His response to that post was about gameplay, the post after that was about gameplay, and the one after that…

So where is the theme? Where is it? Come on if you are going to basically act like im stupid then explain it to this stupid person where theme came in that post with everyone else talking about gameplay. Do it.