IS dk gonna ever get a rework?

I love this class, I want to play it but it feels so weird and outdated compared to reworked or newer classes.

Frost is fun but feels very boring and I feel like I need a book to learn my rotation consistently for unholy.

Blood is the ONLY spec that I enjoy playing for more then a few hours before wanting to set it down for weeks and I don’t want to tank.

I’m curious about some DK vets opinions, do you enjoy the specs play right now rotation wise free from damage meters?

I love dk’s THEME and FANTASY, I don’t enjoy it’s rotation for very long and it pushes me away from the class.

(Edit made for just one person)


There’s some small things I’d like changed for Blood but I enjoy it overall. I don’t really play Unholy so :man_shrugging:, but Frost has been taking multiple steps backwards since mid-BFA to now and needs major work to be a remotely fun and passable spec.

But after 10.2 hit the PTR without any DK changes and we later had confirmation it was the last tier, I gave up any hope for any DK reworks till 11.0.

But with how often people on these forums keep throwing out suggestions that literally boil down to “What if we continued to put more damage into Obliterate?”, I don’t have any hope for a Frost rework to not suck.


Thats a shame, ty for your input I have not put a lot of time into my DK since WOD. I got him max level and it just still feels awful to do my rotation properly

they need to rework DnD its awful having to use this ability to proper AoE

also put Wraith Walk in the baseline kit

Chill Streak is just bad and boring even tho we are forced to use it because the tier


God I hope so. Blood though fun, has issues and I really hate how its own mitigation mechanic has so many downsides when compared to other classes.
Frost… need I even say it?
Unholy… please remove the pimple pops…

This video is not mine, but sums it up really well.


How can something be fun… Yet be boring. Fun is the antithesis of boring.

These kinds of statements leads people to ignore what people say.

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Unholy is still mostly enjoyable in raid, I’ve always found it rather clunky in m+/aoe and I don’t particularly enjoy DnD cleave though compared to frost it’s mostly a non issue.

Most of 9.X I was playing BoS as obliterate was not a viable alternative, but having played Unholy for most of DF, going back to play BoS is probably one of the worst feelings in this game. Having a mechanic, movement, tank, or raid player positioning end up in the occasional dumped BoS is just plain depressing, especially when unholy hardly suffers from downtime.

As far as m+ is concerned, having both unholy and frost effectively play as ramp specs feels/is bad when grouped with any front-loaded damage specs. Until you start to climb into higher keys you end up with delayed CDs due to how pillar works with crit CDR, and it just compounds as the run continues. The current DnD and oblit cleave design puts all your damage in pillar and KM. It’d be nice to see frost move away from the ridiculous number of modifiers, cdr, ramp, and DnD cleave mechanic. Don’t get me wrong though, it can certainly do damage as the keys get higher, but then there are simply better classes to bring with more utility and better damage profiles.

Having not played any unholy in m+ this season, the jury is out here, but traditionally without large pulls and huge add health pools, Unholy suffers from many of the same things.

Both specs need a lot of work, I honestly don’t expect to see a rework any time soon which is sad, but I feel the devs or whoever is currently responsible for DK should not be responsible for further development of the spec and the laundry list of small bandaide fixes that have lead to where we currently are design wise.

I’ll finish the raid for this patch, and maybe catch some m+ on an alt, but I have zero desire to play my DK at this point and going forward.


Not really, I’m talking about two different things.

The class is fun as in lore, fantasy, pets and spell names. I love signature spells like death griping enemy’s and having my pet go after them or freezing everything with remorseless winter.

But after playing awhile I can feel the flaws in the rotations, it feels ether very lackluster like frost or outright clunky like unholy. Which pushes me away again.

No matter how much fun I have playing as a DK it isn’t enough since I am pushed away due to this awful, cluckly and boring rotation that feels outdated.


Um… I know I didnt read it wrong.

And yes, boring is the antithesis of fun.

Yes it’s fun but boring long term, I just explained this two you twice and the other dk’s seem to understand what I mean.

You’re trying to take something out of context when I gave you context.

Please don’t be that person. You know what I mean


That makes absolutely no sense. These are contradictory statements. And no, they arent agreeing with you.

No, you didnt. You just doubled down on that fun is not the antithesis of boring… somehow.

Im not taking anything out of context, learn to put what you mean into words that dont contradict itself instead of blaming others. This is why Blizzard doesnt listen to people like you. If you make a contradictory statement there is no reason to put you into the “good feedback” pile at Blizzard. This just goes into the trash because it is contradictory.

They listen to me fine, I’ve had more things I’d asked for put into this game over 10 years then not. Heck I even requested a full rework with detail on how in Wod and moonkin got a lot of the changes I wanted.

I am not CONTRADICTING myself, I am telling you something is FUN but gets boring long term.

Things can be fun due to some factors and boring in a overall sense or after a long time. This classes have a lot to them and are more then one thing.

Stop and go find something better to do this close to Christmas. Have a good day

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Thank you that was a very good watch, this really sums up my feelings perfectly.

Here’s to hoping they listen and do something about it.

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Dont bother, all kell seems to do is just argue for the sake of it.

Tried giving kell advice to just stop this crap but it doesnt seem to have sticked.

Also for when kelll does reply to this comment, just stop kell, no one cares, I probs wont bother to read it anyways.


Thank you for the advice. God misery really does love company


Yup. I feel that frost is fun in the sense that some of his skills like Obliteration are so satisfying to use, like the sound the damage and all but in the other hand Frost feels kinda old and, in some ways, clunky.

The new tier set doesn’t help either lmao.

Meanwhile something like Ret paladin just… Works…
It is much more fluid.


No, you just short circuited and kept yelling stop.

A contradiction is a contradiction. Fun and boring are at odds with each other. Im having sooo much fun doing x but its soooo boring. Like… what?

Maybe… just maybe, people need to learn how to actually convey their message instead of saying something contradictory and then blaming the person for not understanding their nonsense.

Fun yet clunky… sure. Fun but has issues… sure, nothing is perfect. Fun but boring… not a chance even if hell froze over. They contradict each other, its an either or.

again, take my advice.

Just stop.


Stop making sense? Sorry but no.

Dont blame me for other peoples failures, yours included.

UH in dungeons doesn’t seem that bad, tbh. Wound popping feels like an afterthought though and should probably go away. Maybe just give Festering Strike the job of applying the disease tick rate buff. :man_shrugging: