Care to explain if you are going to talk trash about me? What are you going to say? Im mean? Im miserable?
Im actually quite happy and feel accomplished today.
Or are you going to say that I dont see I rub people the wrong way? I really dont care if you are upset about the truth. Dont care at all. Ive been pretty clear about that since before SL. Im not going to change what I say or who I am because you cant handle a little pushback on your lack of communication (while blaming me for it like we are living in some clown world) and peoples viewpoints that they just cant back up. Or if I point out there is something wrong with someones suggestion⌠its not my problem that people cant handle someone that sees a problem with their bad ideas and guess what⌠those things that I said were bad ideas were bad ideas because those same people are still whining and complaining about the very spec they sought out to âfixâ. They just made it worse and they want to blame Blizzard on not listening to them when Blizzard did like 90% of what people wanted.
Thatâs the bad part everything they do points to it being serious and thatâs the weird part the things they say and the self awareness just make you go ânaaaaaaah no way theyâre playin arenât they nooooooowai they canât be seriousâ
Most usually ignore them because they are very good at derailing threads(theyâve had practice lol) I actually had time today to be on forums more and had a good day so I felt like postingâŚâŚWolfe stay in dk forums and just ignore them lol we need nice passionate people
Oh yeah dk reworkâŚ.bring back desecration I forgot how much fun that was lol
Kelliste has been doing this for years. Just ignore them and move on.
I really do hope DKs get a rework.
Frost: The rotation is simple yes, but not any variety in talents to take since the tuning on them is very off or can make the rotation feel very clunky. At present, it has okay damage, but I think it could definitely use some tweaks. Being the only spec that can use 2 1h weapons, there really isnât a point in doing it anymore since the 2h just seems to perform better which is sad.
Unholy: The amount of button bloat remindes me of an Arcane Mage rotation, you need to press these 10-15 buttons for burst, and hope everything lines up, while managing all your DoTs and once you can get to this point, then you can think about pet management. Iâd hope for 2 different sides of the spec tree for this one, 1 side being focused more around the pets and the otherside around the DoTs to really focus in on a single playstyle. However, that may ruin the hybrid approaches that some people may enjoy, but overall less buttons and more impact would be key.
Blood: Just starting to tank on DK again since Wrath and it feels decent, however I wish that Abom would be a lower cooldown for things like Dungeons and M+ runs so I can grab packs faster like some of the other tanks. I know there is gorefiend or other ways to pull, but with the lower mobility I would love to group the packs easier to make up some time difference.
Death and Decay: This skill still remindes me of RoP(Ring of Power) and I hate it so much. The requirement of standing in a small circle is really annoying for mechanics and building all the buffs into this small circle is very limiting to me. If they do decide to keep it Iâd rather it be a bigger circle radius, let it move with the DK like an Aura, or let us spam it like Paladins can spam concecration.
Just my small oppinions and thoughts on the matter.
Doing what? Pointing out inconsistencies and reasons why Blizzard doesnt listen to feedback? How about you guys get better with your communication skills?
How? Other than being ground targeted its not alike at all. Rune of power was completely different. Its really easy to use DnD.
Its not that small though. You can also place it towards the direction the tank will be running when you are able to use it and you be on that side of the enemies as well then when the tank moves the mobs it does to go through the DK increasing the time you are able to stand in it.
Hello, i have a frost Deathknight and hes kinda got real squishy and not much fun to play his gear is 450 ish definitly needs a rework i have a worlock that doesnt die as much and he wears cloth.
I agree with everything you said, I think cleaning up the specs be so good for us, unholy feels SO bad right now with its burst as you pointed out.
Frost is nice, itâs just bland and can use something exciting in itâs rotation. I felt the same about frost mage before spike became out go too talent.
I am really curious why you are trying to defend what is clearly something that does in many situations potentially create scenarios were a DK will at one point or another have their ability to achieve what every other melee class is able to achieve with no restrictions on having to stand in one of their own AoE ground targeted abilities to cleave.
Sure good DK players will micromanage D&D deployments to get the best outcomes while ensuring they mitigate or minimise the likely hood of them being in a situation where they are unable to drop D&D for a group of targets preventing them from being able to take advantage of cleave functions until they can actually get a D&D down; however, it isnât impossible and can and does happen enough that AoE NPC groups die too quicky from other Classes AoE Melee Cleaving etc that doesnât an element of their cleaves being bound by whether they are standing in zone bounded by one of your own abilities and if things move out of that area or the DK is forced to move due to a mechanic they loose their ability to cleave until they cast that same area restricting spell they must stand in to enable it.
I would also point out that DKâs are the only Melee DPS Class that has a their ability to cleave governed by whether they are or npcs are inside another abilities area of effect. In actual fact I remember there was a discussion by lead class designers that actually highlighted that class design methodologies that relied on that class having there movement or ability to move while still being able to achieve what is considered core functionality that other classes are able to do without the same restrictions was something they viewed as archaic and outdated class design which didnât fit the current or future design methodologies they had in game now.
Based on that design logic they actually modified or made several other classes abilities that they felt did something that was in their opinion would or could have the potential to cause this outdated situation in some circumstances for that class. So they changed it for any class that was affected through either various abilities or one ability and even classes that supposedly only had a chance under certain conditions that it might happen making various changes and reworks for each of those classes to ensure that it wasnât going to be something moving forward with the game design. However, it is very clear this wasnât done in terms of DKâs whatsoever and you have to ask Why? they highlighted it as a design methodology that they didnât want to use moving forward as it didnât fit their game designs and plans moving forwardâŚyet DK is clearly the outlier that wasnât fixed and is still running with an outdated and misaligned design mechanic that doesnât align with the current game design now and even in future.
I am also curious are you actually trying to say that Frost having their ability to Cleave with Obliterate tied to something that really isnât any part of preferencial abilities utilised as part of their ability rotations. The whole idea of being forced to use an ability that doesnât align with any part of the other abilities just feels bad⌠It provides no real benefit in terms of any other aspect for frost other than the âOh yeah I can cleave now with Obliterateâ. You know that there will be that player that doesnât understand the best times for a frost player to actually use D&D without undermining their other key rotational elements they use for frost.
Just think about the likely hood that there at least one player out there that would do something like physically stop their optimal Breath of Sing ability chain to cast a D&D because they need to ensure in their mind that they can cleave with ObliterateâŚ
I understand that D&D has a lot of flexibility however, IMHO DPS DKâs cleaves shouldnât be tied in anyway to either them or their targets being constrained within itâs boundaries. As I mentioned absolutely no other Melee DPS class has this restriction on their ability to cleave, they all have full freedom of movement and can cleave at anytime without having to play the 'please stand in this confined space to enable your ability to cleaveâ
They could easily just change it some that each DKâs spec had their cleaves linked with their respective Disease - Frost Fervor - Frost, Blood Plague - Blood, Virulent Plague - Unholy. By making it so that various DK abilities and strikes cleaves all targets in a given range that are affected by that specâs relative disease. This would for example completely decouple D&D from frost and actually align their cleave with something that would clearly be an aspect of their rotations and disease managementâŚ
Not defending it, ive said time after time that cleaving strikes should not exist.
Because DKâs asked for it coming into DF. I have 0 sympathy for a group of people that ask for something and then have issues with it when they were warned. Live with what you asked for. Too bad, so sad, should have listened to others instead of calling them a troll or that they dont know what they are talking about. Not sorry.
I say Obliterate shouldnt cleave period. We have a dead talent that was designed to be our rune spending cleave that we cant use and havent been able to use for 2 expansions.
Then DKâs shouldnt have asked for it coming into Df.
Heart Strike already cleaves so they could just increase the cap, Frost has Frostscythe just sitting there collecting dust, and Unholy has many sources of cleave that Cleaving Strikes doesnt need to exist. The things exist and I dont know why people act like the only answer to Frost cleave is Obliterate cleave.
Fair enough that all makes sense, I donât know why but for some reason I thought it looked like in a couple of your posts you were defending it, but that could have just been me misinterpreting your intentions.
You know that many DKâs have asked for a variety of things over the years and in the majority of cases it has just fallen by the wayside only to be recycled again and again only to once again be overlooked throughout the lifecycle of the DK class.
However, the saddest thing that is actually echoed in society is that there is always various small groups that by their nature cause the biggest challenges and problems for everyone else; these small groups always make sure that they are seen to be the loudest and will go out of their way to ensure they undermine or shutdown anything that doesnât align with their goals. Sadly this is what has happened in relation to DKâs all to often over the years which you clearly are very aware of.
I most definitely also agree with you on what actual purpose is a talented ability like FrostScythe is even still a thing. I think I said they could change it up and make is Frostâs replacement ability for D&D baseline instead of having it as a talent. At least that way if they did it correctly they could make it so it aligned with the overall design of the whole frost dps functional design. Honestly even something like that would be a positive change in some regard however, the chance of something like that actually happening is absurdly insignificant when you consider how long they have known and done absolutely nothing to fix or make FrostScythe in itâs current form even a viable choice at all.
Or me just not explaining myself completely. I can see how it could look like im defending something when saying people need to use something better. A lot of these people are not top players so there is plenty of room for growth. 2 things can be true at the same time. Cleaving Strikes can suck, and players dont want to even try to learn how to use it.
Yep. Things have been taken out as well for seemingly no reason.
Thats the forums for you. Any forum really but I would say the WoW forums are probably the worst.
I think the DK needs some kind of base design, a direction or goal to hit with the overall design and then make it. From Wrath to now we have plenty of things that Blizzard can draw from. They have their initial idea of what they wanted the DK to be and that they should stick with that initial idea of a rampaging killing machine, a deathbringer and bring that to the table.
I feel its a little too late for any real rework to happen though and what you see now is most likely what we are going to get in the next expansion. The only hope for any type of rework for frost at least is if they play hell with the hero talents because of Frosts poor design.
Frostscythe was viable all the way until KM rank 2. When KM rank 2 was introduced without the further balance pass, Frostscythe died overnight. Literally. You couldnt hit the number of targets that you need because it exceeded the target cap of the ability. With the balance pass to Obliterate it was a little more reasonable, but now with cleaving strikes its an insane amount of damage that it would have to do. What can people get now with Obliterate in single target? 400-500k crits? or an average of 260k⌠well that would mean with everything popped that Frostscythe would have to do more than 1.2-1.5 million damage since Obliterate hits 3 targets. Or on average over 780k. Thats just insane⌠100% insane. Thats not per target of course, but at what number of enemies should that happen at? 4? 5? 8? 10? 20? In my opinion if you are hitting 3+ enemies you should be using Frostscythe and possibly GA.
I have 0 hope any of it will actually happen unless Blizzard just has so much trouble with the hero talents for Frost.
You know, it makes me sad how many people Iâve met in my life who never feel worthy no matter how kind or smart they are.
But when you see someone awful, theyâre always very self confident, they stand against everyone and everything that tells them theyâre wrong or need to act better.
Itâs strange, but it makes sense that people who are overly confident even when wrong never grow or change because they legit donât see they need too, and instead think itâs the whole world against them.
You are basically defining a person who is a mix of two well identified and easily identifiable psychological personality traitâŚ
The Arrogant Personality Type - Arrogance can be defined as the personality trait whereby a person has an obnoxiously elevated sense of self-worth. An arrogant person is the one who acts as if theyâre superior, more worthy, and more important than others. Therefore, they tend to disrespect and have a proclivity to put others down especially in situations that they are using it as a means to make it appear that their viewpoint is the one that is right, regardless of whether that is true or not.
The Egotistical Personality Type - This is something that surfaces commonly as a part of a given personality tests and gives a persons level of egotism they have within their own personality. People with higher score values in relation to this are individuals who are generally associated with things like an inflated sense of self. Placing themselves on a pedestal is often both a valid and valiant act, requiring them to surface their own beliefs publicly, advocate for them, and actively pursue their needs and wants. But if in terms of ever meeting someone who seems to have taken up permanent residence on that pedestal, you may have an egotist on your hands. While egotistical personality traits do actually resemble those that might be linked with narcissism on paper, a person who is an egotist is far less obvious in person, making them a tougher type to actually associate and pinpoint easily in person. But, you can learn how to spot them which does enable you to be able to make setting self-protective boundaries more feasible.
Just thought might help give a more psychological definition that aligns with what you were trying to highlight in your post.
Thank you! That actually is really insightful and while I knew terms like this existed I never thought it be so spot on to this. Wow that was a good read.
Imagine what the DK class could be if they actually cared to make us good again. I watched a video from about a year ago that had devs talking on DKs. They seemed so excited, yet we feel so bad to play. >_< Makes me sad.
Youâre most welcome; and honestly if you are intrigued by all of this and wanted to find out more information I suggest you start by reading about the concept of the MyersâBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI) firstly and then based on that knowledge setting up your base foundation you can then find further details which break that down even more. For example you can then look into aspects to find details about personalities that have actual defined and understandable label assigned; Try this link if you want to see what this equates too: List of various different labeled personality types
Personally I think it is very enlightening and fantastic asset for anyone to have as it does once you understand it all fully be able to easily identify personality types for individuals they have to deal with in any part of their lives. Knowing how when you should be setting up boundaries or taking steps to protect yourself when required vs knowing what to do and say to make anyone feel comfortable with you in relation to them just canât be underestimated in terms of the benefits and advantages that it can provide to you in various situations that others have challenges with etc.
Anyway if you sre intrigued about it those two links I provided will give you at least a solid foundation to start from.
What is hilarious is that most of these people never look inwards and instead look at others. Ive already adnmitted several times that i really dont give a damn of what these people think of me. Am I arrogant? Sometimes, but ive never thought myself as superior, never said I was superior unlike the group of people who actually want me to shut up to the point of mass flags, in game mail, or even threatened with violence. Thats why I have 0 respect for these people at all. The people that threatened violence have been long gone. But people are still trying to be authoritarian because they cant handle a different view point. Look at Wolfes for example. One little criticism and they go nuts while saying I need professional help. The irony is absolutely hilarious.
And what ego? What pedestal have I put myself on?
What do you call people that rather talk about people than talk about the ideas of what that person is saying?
Like this for example, or Wolfes who after I had a perfectly fine conversation with you rather talk about me and tell me I need professional help. Who is actually derailing the thread at this point? Me talking about the game, or these people that rather talk about me. Sounds pretty insecure and they are scared of something in my opinion. What are they so afraid of? Scared of being wrong? Scared of this crappy gameplay going away for something better because they asked for it?
These people need to quit whining about me and start looking at themselves. Im not here to make friends, im not here to just parrot what you think, im here to attempt to get better gameplay thats not just shoving things into Obliterate more. If these people want friends it tells me everything I need to know about their IRL life, its empty.
You know what I find hilarious is the fact that you feel the need to attempt distance yourself from these concepts I am not going to go into all the various reasons why this is classic type of defence mechanism that we all do itâs just the subtle differences in relation to how some attempt to do this verses others which aligns with identifiable personality traits.
Now with all that being said can you please point the exact location in my post where I referenced or suggested in any way a relationship between what was posted and you specifically or for the matter anyone else at all? The answer is you canât as my response was one which was purely with respect to the very general statements by Wolfes about the behaviour of individuals they had come across in their lives. The reply that wa provided by me was pertaining to those base statements he provided and had no point of reference to actually tie them to anyone individually at all. I am curious what made you read this as firstly something you perceived was in relation to yourself and the secondly why you felt threatened in some way making you feel a sense of need to attempt to firstly try to explain why it couldnât be you while also then attempting to distance yourself from areas where you might feel align with at least some aspects of your personality.
Just to be clear my original post had absolutely nothing to do with you originally whatsoever and this might be an instance where in actual fact youâre your own worst nightmare because you have thrown yourself under the bus so to speak.
Making broad assumptions about a post that is general in nature and not specific to anyone individual being a post that was about you as a person does raise a very broad array of questions to ask yourself first and foremost.
Why would you read something that is non specific and clearly general in its intent? However you perceive it to be something that was written about you specifically? So much so that you felt the need to reply even in the first placeâ.
Is this something that is a reactive almost instinctual or habitual response you are doing because you perceive yourself to be constantly singled out in some way and any posts such as mine is clearly about yourself?
All I will add as a point of reference to just consider in relation to this last question and you asking about how your on a pedestal, I am not trying to really tie any of this at all with you but, I did think that if you actually stepped back and looked at the bigger picture you might see how the whole putting yourself on a pedestal has many ways in which it can be translated and shows up in a persons behaviours etc.
Finally I will say that everyone has some levels of all psychological personality trait in one form or another itâs just that some are more dominate over others making it the means by which a persons personality behavioural patterns and actions become clearer if you know what youâre looking for.
I will finish off by saying please understand why I am posting this to you in the first place. Itâs a post where I am actually trying to help you although you might not initially feel that is the case this post is coming from a positive place and isnât a negative one in anyway.
One last thing to make you understand something about myself if I am ever writing a post that is directed at a specific person or related to something that they have said in a post that I had issues with I will actually call that person out and actually hash it out to make sure that any misconceptions or issues are resolved in a meaningful mana. You have actually had an instance where we did this as part of another forum post and if you examine how I went about that post in relation to my questions youâll see clearly what I am stating here.
Hope this all makes sense and can take this as something that is trying to help you potentially diving head first into a pit of spikes in future because itâs not always about you even though you might feel like it isâŚif you stopped and took the time to assess it better you would see that instead of overreacting and potentially causing yourself more issues than you originally had.
Im not distancing myself from anything, like I said everyone is arrogant under that description. But people need to back up claims. Where have I acted at all like I was superior or even hinted at it.
Also, you were in the conversation of other people talking about me, you tried to put personality traits to who they are talking about⌠me. This isnt some crazy conspiracy theory when its all right there to do.
Then you went on to go into putting personality traits to it.
What kind of personality trait does someone fall under when they are constantly saying other people are awful, need professional help and are wrong and they cant back any of that up or explain how other people are wrong? I mean if we are going to derail this thread into armchair psychology about other posters, lets really dig into it. I know what I would call them but its not allowed on the forums, so lets see what the professional term is.
Well this comment was made after you tried to belittle me not using wording you liked, ignore the point of my post or attempts to clarify because instead of trying to understand you wanted to put me down most likely to feel better about yourself.
You attack anyone and everyone in these forums so often people are warning others who donât know you about your behavior and your only response is saying you donât care while writing literal books in response. People who actually donât care, donât respond.
And I did actually explain why you are wrong, because a classes theme is not tried just to itâs spells but itâs spell flavor, thats why you can have specs go through total overhauls over the years and still keep their theme. This wasnât a difficult concept if you were open minded and wanted to understand instead of attack and then ignored anything anyone said after.
So no, youâre not going to take a comment of me calling you awful for your behavior and telling you that you need help as if you have not caused this reaction by your own actions and how you behave.