If DnD is a core part of our damage rotation next xpac, im quitting the garbage game
DnD, on frost dk, should be nothing more, than a pvp ability used to stop drinks or break stealthies out of stealth. It should have absolutely 0 relevance in PvE. And the associated cleave should be attached to remorseless winter if anything, With the idea that you wont cleave the 3 targets as hard. perhaps the cleave obliterates hit the targets at 70% effectiveness. Or keep the 100% effectiveness and just make it 2 target cleave
Personally, I think unholy should be the AoE cheese blaster spec, Not frost. Frost should be about melee attacks and ST/light cleave
Spreader of diseases and plagues makes a lot more sense thematically for a AoE class, Than an Icy harbinger of Doom delivering vicious weapon strikes. When i hear weapon strikes, I think ST/2-3 target cleave. Not big add packs of 30 npcs to use our dragonboys to breathe on them
Yeah I think thatâs what most people seem to enjoy the idea or fantasy or whatever you want to call it.
The class is thematically awesome itâs just been worked on by people that donât have the same care for the game as they used to it seems
Itâs hard when you look over at classic and get to see what the original outline looks like and see how much fun and enjoyment probably went into making the class
Also yeah I think the entire forums are sick of that mean person. Never seen someone with that many problems rolled into one that didnât want company in their misery lol
Except they dont. Its an undeniable fact at this point or else people wouldnt get the idea or fantasy completely wrong. People saying the LK didnt summon undead during the last time we fought him which was in ICC, when he summoned ghouls, shamblers and valkyr.
People are making up their own fantasy of what the DK is instead of what Blizzard made. People want to say that Arthas was Frost and when pressed on it and put in a position of defending it, its crickets. But I can give you a list of things from WC alllll the way to the LK fight of Unholy abilities.
People just like the skulls and chains and spikes, they dont care at all about the story or lore behind it. Thats why they all have this revisionist history of it.
Also, if I was so mean I would have been perma banned by now. Also⌠have you read the forums? People dont need me around to be miserable.
hi, I care about the lore and the story. Telling people they donât b/c you disagree with them isnât cool and itâs also wrong.
You can change a classes rotation without effecting itâs fantasy, these two things donât exist together. Many classes have had tons and tons of changes and overhauls keeping their fantasy alive with a whole new playstyle.
frost mage ALONE has changed 4 times as I have played wow and our fantasy is the same.
You seem like a really miserable person. You bring nothing of value to topics and just seem to start fights for fun with no real purpose to understand others or communicate. And when people point it out you shut down and try to wiggle out of reasonability.
Stop being mean, stop talking to people how you do or log out of the forums until you can communicate better with people.
BoS is not viable anymore in raid or in M+ for the similar reasons that it requires it to be maintained. Problem is that there will be down time where players are selected to do a mechanic or boss phases causing the player to not be able to maintain BoS uptime⌠Outside BoS our dps is just garbage, and is a huge drop off. Suggestion is to make BoS one big cd which will only last x amount of time without the ability of it being maintained (how bonestorm works for blood for those who can remember) and increase the dmg done of abilities outside BoS CD.
For Obliteration, just increase the amount of dmg we do in PVE content. a 15% buff at least is required.
For M+, if you build BoS the way that was suggested i think it can be viable in m+ provided you change it into a 1m cd similar to that of a paladin. For obliteration spec its really not that complicated, frostscythe was killed off by blizz going into BFA as it was very good for m+ during the last season of legion. It needs to be buffed on dmg then players will have choices for either frostscythe on 4+ targets or obliterate for 4- targets.
As for the Obliteration proc, for frostscythe just make it a 100% crit rate since there is no way for you to get half a rune.
Frost is now at the bottom of the bucket of dps and unholy is not fairing any better yet ppl say dks are the love childs of blizz, and that is totally untrue because they just made mages A tier again who are the real love child of blizzâŚ
I agree, DK is my second most invested class and nowadays it just doesnt feel as âimpactfulâ as the others. Numbers wise sure but the FEELING just aint there.
I wanna see unholy DK be a true bringer of disease and necromancer, not just some âwait for cooldownsâ class like demonology was.
Frost idek what is even going on with that spec anymore, nor do I have much experience with it so eh.
Blood though is probably the most well designed, I am enjoying blood as of late
This is a wonderful way to view this and you can change rotations mechanics and the class still feel like a dk. I feel like all classes need devs that genuinely love the class for what they have been and care enough to have the insight to find fun gameplay while still keeping what the class is.
I feel we havenât had devs that likes dk as much as the people working on wrath did thatâs my opinion and thatâs all that is.
And for the most happy person on these forums they really do believe that their opinion and point of view is the correct one 100% no matter whatâŚitâs very concerning when someone thinks like that and lines up with a lot of underlying issues but thatâs my small life experiences lol so who knows
I was having high hopes for FDK before 10.2 and got my gear up before patch to livl 443 comes the patch. I only login a few times. Is still boring unfinished and unfun and do no damage.
Heck even just doing quest in the new zone it took longer to kill mobs than my warrior or pally of about the same Ilvl
I dont think you do. If people cared about it they wouldnt get it so wrong.
No, you either get the lore right, or you get it wrong. The people disagreeing with it are the people that get it wrong and want to continue to push that idea. Juggernaut⌠thats nowhere in the DK lore nor is it actually reflected in the gameplay since its inception. The devs designed us to be killing machines and in lore if DKâs dont inflict pain they go on a rampage. A part of a rampage is the rush around part.
Well, they do. If you make a DK spec ranged⌠well that doesnt fit the fantasy. Or if you make Fire DKâs that doesnt fit the fantasy either.
And you are just wrong. You are, you are bad at communication and all you can do is try to insult me without providing anything of substance. Go stay with the mage and leave DKâs alone.
Pot meet kettle. The only one being mean around here is YOU.
That would be you. Time and time again and you flew off the handle because someone brought up that you said that DK was fun and boring. A contradictory statement based on your poor communication skills.
how I do what? Finish your statement.
Says the person that cant communicate with people.
Do they? Because I dont see it. I havent seen it for 3 expansions at least.
Because they want the DK to be something its not. Thats not my problem, its not blizzards problem.
Ive explained that. If someone says âits fun but boringâ with no other context then that is a contradictory statemtent. How can something be entertaining yet not entertaining. Its at odds with each other.
Dont blame me for peoples piss poor conversation skills. If you cant see the blatant contradiction in the first post then thats on you. Its just you guys cant stand me that you rather be against me than be right and get a better community out of it. Get better communication and maybe just maybe blizzard will give a damn of what you guys actually say. All you guys do is blame others for your own failings and its embarrassingly sad.
Armchair psychologists have no place in these forums in an attempt to get a jab in on other people.
You guys are actively ruining the class. Other people agree with me because your suggestions dont fit the class fantasy.
Even if I was only 50% right, its better than your 100% wrong. Period. You guys get the DK wrong so many times and when corrected you blow up, say things like âthey just want to be rightâ âthey have underlying issuesâ âthey just dont want us to have funâ well what about me having fun? What about other people having fun that is opposed to your outlook on the spec? The ones that follow the lore.
âThere arent any other DW dkâsâ which I have heard countless times⌠yet they are all over the place if you guys just bothered to look.
Every single class have people that say something along these lines. So do the devs just hate every single class? Or are the people on the forums just have a warped view of what the class should be and in that warped view dont actually like the spec / class?
Its a serious question. People say the DK is supposed to be this that and the other but they have absolutely nothing to back up those points. So where are they? The evidence should be overwhelming if this many people think the DK should be a certain way but it never comes to fruition.
For instance I have heard for years that the DK was supposed to be a 2h class entirely and that 2h was always better than Dw when it comes to frost. Where did that actually come from? We have the devs saying that Frost was designed to be DW, and DW was better basically always. Now the spec is split again (something I said shouldnt happen while people like you pushed it) and what are you guys doing now? Are you complaining about the spec or are you guys praising the design.
MAYBE you guys should stop acting like im wrong for once and start listening.
I feel bad that conflicting opinions really get to youâŚ.idk about anyone else but when I give a view on something I say what I like and express why. Itâs unfortunate that people seem to think their opinion is the 100% right answer end of discussion no looking at anyone elseâs view story anything when unless last I checked blizzards is the right view because they make the game lol.
Im glad for most people here that can have discussions about the things they like donât like and things they wish would happen. Very nice to see like minded people enjoying an amazing game with flaws as anything has.
And then there is the one person who seems to hate/disagree/look down/negative everyone and everything except themselves. Arguing everywhere to what endâŚ
I hope blizzard keeps going in the direction of the hero talents in the area of trying to look like they care about fun stuff or thematicsâŚ.mechanically yeah stuff always can be changed for better. Dk has awesome lore to draw from I think I miss presences a lot even though in pvp unholy sat in blood alot because kill target. I wouldnât mind bringing back those if they could contribute theme wise
No they are 300% serious itâs been like this(for me) Iâve seen it non stop since coming back for df on here all the time and miserable with everyone other than self lol
But we arent actually talking about opinions here.
The story is the story. You should be able to back up your view point of the story from within the story and you guys cant do that. For example if someone says â2h was always better than DWâ thats not just an opinion, that can be verified or debunked. Saying its fun or boring is an opinion, but saying its fun and boring is conflicting. Now if the OP would have said âI find the lore behind the DK interesting but the way it plays is boringâ then this whole thing would have never taken place. But since I pointed out the contradiction for some insane reason im the bad guy⌠care to explain that?
Then you guys should follow Blizzards view. They specifically stated what the DK is supposed to be multiple times, its lore states what it is supposed to be, how it played followed how it was supposed to be so where did you guys get your view about it being a juggernaut or 2h only class or anything else you guys have said? Its not in the lore, its not from Blizzard, its not from the gameplay, its not from Arthas and what he has done⌠so where did it come from?
Thats just your opinion, I look down on people that get all huffy and puffy because I point out their contradiction. Or I point out their blatant lies like â2h was always better than DWâ⌠why isnt 2h being used in Wrath then? DW Frost got rank 1 DPS in cata on Alâakir, DW was better all the way up until Highmaul where the weapons were even but the spec was just garbage doing half⌠HALF of what other specs were doing.
To get the truth. To figure out where in the world people are getting their view points from, to get a better class / spec. You cant get to the truth of something if you are in an echo chamber, if you want that then you arent going to get it here. You guys are ruining the class with your false viewpoint of the class that isnt reflected in lore or gameplay.
I really dont know where they are getting the stuff from for these hero specs. Doesnt make sense at all.
Does it? They didnt expand on anything in SL and ruined a lot of it. Everything was already represented, Sanâlayn (even though thats not really anything to do with the DK and Arthas never did anything blood related being the penultimate DK) Deathbringer is a title and any DK could gain that title, and all DKâs are Riders of the Apocalypse.
Anyone who says this and only this has nothing of value to be said. They just want others to shut up so they alone are heard. Pretty sad viewpoint you have there that you are the most important person out there and Blizzard should only listen to you.
Youâve got to be joking ainât no one lacks this much self awareness and is THIS bold about it. They have to be joking I actually feel sad if theyâre not trolling.