There is no consensus on what should be done. Unlike the Ret rework where the majority of people agreed on what needed to be done, the DK is all over the place in what needs to be done. The only consensus is that it should be reworked.
A lot dont even think it should be reworked. Most people just say there is 1 thing wrong with the spec and that is how Obliterate cleaves, some cant even express their outlook on the spec giving contradictory statements. Blizzard doesnt look at those things and this community would rather blame the person reading the words on the screen as they are and quoting those words than make a coherent statement.
Blizzard does / doesnt listen to this community because its not a community. They will listen to certain individuals and this is what we are stuck with. More and more people are actually coming around to my way of thinking though they definitely dont want to admit it.
Ive said cleaving strikes needs to go, these people said I dont know what im talking about and a few months later are now saying that cleaving strikes needs to go. Ive said that Frostscythe needs to increase in cost to 2 runes and be the Obliterate for aoe… people said I didnt know what I was talking about and now they are saying it should be the aoe ability.
We have the tools for the spec to be fun already, there is just too much of a focus on Obliterate. It does EVERYTHING. Makes up 50% of the damage of the spec for Obliteration builds doing more damage than the next 5 damage sources combined. It does cleave, despite some people not liking how it is done, it still does cleave and can have 1m damage done in 1… 1! button press.
The only thing that really needs a redesign for Frost is Obliterate and then things be balanced accordingly. It doesnt need a complete rework. Even Unholy doesnt need a complete rework, its just wounds suck they arent anything like they were in Legion where you could build multiples with Festering Strike and pop multiples with Scourge Strike and the diseases feel like garbage.
It was shown in another thread (at least at the time) that you could drop both diseases and wounds and lose like 2% dps without touching the build. When actually touching the build the dps loss for dropping diseases and wounds outside of using Apoc, down to about .7%.
Nothing wrong with sudden doom and death coil, its really the wounds and diseases that are the issue.
Some people are saying complete redesigns for everything… yeah thats not going to happen. Its unrealistic with no direction. We really just need new masteries, and to bring the death knight back into the specs while having a specialization be a specialization and not be a code for completely different class.