IS dk gonna ever get a rework?

Nope, and it seems you have a history of being dumb and fighting for fun.

I explained what I meant, other people understood it. You can find something fun and take issues with it.

I’m sorry your mind is ‘‘either or’’ but some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time.


I get what you mean by fun yet boring, like demon hunter is fun but its rotation can get very dull quickly.


100% I love beastmaster hunter but after a few days 3 spell rotation mostly gets boring.

I adore my dk and the class fantasy but the second i have to do my boring rotation perfectly to perform I just…lose interest. It’s such a strange rotation and the wounds feel weird at best.

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Frost needs an entire rework from the ground up, and Unholy needs some QOL. All of this needs to be done alongside some fresh lore that will actually give Death Knights an actual relevant and modern class fantasy and purpose, explaining how exactly the hero talents make sense and how Earthen will be able to become Death Knights after the Shadowlands lore.


Hey guys! You know what I think of when i make a master of Death and Frost put together!!! PASSING A SNOWBALL BACK AND FORTH!!! COOL RIGHT!!!


This video is older, but still has solid points. Not my vid.

When blizz… How much does your community need to bring this to your attention before you even respond…


Blizz wont rework the class because they dont even play it. As far as frost and unholy goes, they dont even care to balance it well enough to let it compensate for its shortcomings (no raid buffs and limited group utility). For years dk has been an unnecessary addition to any raid and especially m+.


There is no consensus on what should be done. Unlike the Ret rework where the majority of people agreed on what needed to be done, the DK is all over the place in what needs to be done. The only consensus is that it should be reworked.

A lot dont even think it should be reworked. Most people just say there is 1 thing wrong with the spec and that is how Obliterate cleaves, some cant even express their outlook on the spec giving contradictory statements. Blizzard doesnt look at those things and this community would rather blame the person reading the words on the screen as they are and quoting those words than make a coherent statement.

Blizzard does / doesnt listen to this community because its not a community. They will listen to certain individuals and this is what we are stuck with. More and more people are actually coming around to my way of thinking though they definitely dont want to admit it.

Ive said cleaving strikes needs to go, these people said I dont know what im talking about and a few months later are now saying that cleaving strikes needs to go. Ive said that Frostscythe needs to increase in cost to 2 runes and be the Obliterate for aoe… people said I didnt know what I was talking about and now they are saying it should be the aoe ability.

We have the tools for the spec to be fun already, there is just too much of a focus on Obliterate. It does EVERYTHING. Makes up 50% of the damage of the spec for Obliteration builds doing more damage than the next 5 damage sources combined. It does cleave, despite some people not liking how it is done, it still does cleave and can have 1m damage done in 1… 1! button press.

The only thing that really needs a redesign for Frost is Obliterate and then things be balanced accordingly. It doesnt need a complete rework. Even Unholy doesnt need a complete rework, its just wounds suck they arent anything like they were in Legion where you could build multiples with Festering Strike and pop multiples with Scourge Strike and the diseases feel like garbage.

It was shown in another thread (at least at the time) that you could drop both diseases and wounds and lose like 2% dps without touching the build. When actually touching the build the dps loss for dropping diseases and wounds outside of using Apoc, down to about .7%.

Nothing wrong with sudden doom and death coil, its really the wounds and diseases that are the issue.

Some people are saying complete redesigns for everything… yeah thats not going to happen. Its unrealistic with no direction. We really just need new masteries, and to bring the death knight back into the specs while having a specialization be a specialization and not be a code for completely different class.

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This 100%. After playing Wotlk and coming back to retail it feels like a shell of a class.

Frost needs a little more than just obliterate tuning imo, but I agree with majority of what you expressed.

One thing that does have me happy is in the interview the devs mentioned they want to bring disease play back to unholy. As for what that means, who knows. They did also mention they are looking at dnd cleave, but nothing to announce for it yet. (They seemee reluctant on it)

Even blood needs work.

Dk needs to feel like a class again, not 3 classes. I think they can easily make dk feel better with talent redesign like they did DH, ret, rogue for example.

I just wish the devs would give us any kind of feedback on if they are even considering working on our base talents. I feel like it is hard to give feedback on war within hero talents without even knowing if our base kit will improve.


Unholy badly needs a complete rework too - though I play primarily arena these days - the obscene number of cooldowns present and gcds required to get said cooldowns rolling makes it very unfun having so much ramp time


I’m sort of in the same boat. I love DK and decided to main frost even through the worst of times but I can’t figure out how to play properly. When people say it’s easy and boring I just feel dumb like I’m playing it wrong. How should it go?


I love DW Frost, but agreed, it is getting old. Would love some changes. Excited for the frost/blood hero spec!


The small circle on the ground abilities are a testament to how out dated this game is and a testament to how they balance the entire game around the raid.

The only reason the D&D, Efflo, Healing Rain, etc radius are so small is because of raids lol, period, end of story.


Death Knights don’t need an overhaul in the way that seems to be trending in the forums.

They felt great up until the Global Cooldown change in Battle for Azeroth, which put global CDs on every ability across the board for every spec in the game making them all feel clunky and sluggish. A lot of classes since then had many of their GCDs reverted as well as some with more baseline haste making them feel more smooth and natural.
Unfortunately DKs got left behind on that.

The reason as to why the setup for Death and Decay is such a pain is exactly that. Lets look at frost. Grip, pause, blind, pause, remorseless winter, pause, abom limb, pause, death and decay, pause, pillar of frost, pause. Meanwhile rogues over there can sap, blind, step, kidney, blades, symbols, dance, strike within the time it would even take you to put down your decay.

DKs need more baseline haste and a few more abilities with cooldowns (besides decay due to its extra charge) taken off the GCD.


Increase the crit and haste % received from secondary stats.

Improve cool down reduction for PoF.

Frost strike damage +40%

Frost scythe damage +60%.

Howling blast damage +30%.

Reduce cd on remorseless winter or increase buff time to 10 seconds.

Take DnD off GCD and reduce CD by 10 sec.

Or just cleave to RW.

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Based off the hero talents theyve shown us, as well as their responses and thoughts about them. I dont think any dk spec is getting any changes/reworks in the next expansion.

Its pretty sad. Been playing dk since wrath, and while i may have been on and off the game multiple expansions, for the first time i feel like dk just isnt it for me anymore.

Ive already decided that if there is no rework, i am just going to quit the game or just play some other class. Itll probably be the former, since i dont really like other class aesthetics much.

And it sucks because every other melee spec has the things that can fix dk. But our devs are just too stubborn/dont car/or simply thinks our class is perfectly fine (its not).

And we’ve seen their response to having ground effects dictate a spec wasnt the way to go (mages). Yet they still think its the best approach as seen with paladins and these dk hero talents.

Also, having people cry about wanting to be arthas with frostmourne BiG cRiTz tWo HaND. Yeah, i see no future with dk if they listened to most people on the forums.

Even with the posts from theorycrafters that are actually doing the math, and sims for the class with proof of how bad the spec is, they barely listen at all.


There hasn’t been anything outside of the developer interviews, which were clearly prerecorded and simply give insight into where they’d like things to go.

They revealed the trees the Monday before Christmas. There wouldn’t be any response to player’s initial feedback because they’re not in the office.

And I’m not saying they will respond, but the “We’ve given all this feedback on [Warrior/Paladin/DK/Evoker] Hero tree and no response because XYZ” is pretty premature, because there’s literally no one allowed to or able to respond until next year.

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I mean, clearly they intend to keep us stuck in our dnd to do anything meaningful.

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You’re thinking in binary. Enjoyment of Death Knight as a class is multifaceted. Parts of it are boring while other parts are fun. Thus, both at the same time. Its ok if you lack perspective but don’t be a nuisance.


What in the world are you talking about? What is with the DK forums not providing any damn context to anything they say?

Binary thinking? What kind of absolute nonsense are you talking about?

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