Is dispelling World Buffs now bannable?

At this point if you get dispelled you really only have yourself to blame.

Make Camp T your home, hearth to camp T after getting buffs, fly to ORG.

Everytime you take a flight path you drop pvp flag. You will literally waste 2 minutes of your buffs to not worry about dispells in your own cities.

Idk why people are still having these issues, i have yet to be dispelled in my own city.


Somebody didn’t watch the video and has no clue what they are talking about…he got dispelled in brm within a millisecond after he got summoned to do bwl…which will instantly queue you for pvp, so your idea doesn’t mean a thing in this instance.

Maybe you should pull down what i was actually replying to.


Dont worry i wont tell you that you have no idea what youre talking about.

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So to clarify, is steam sniping a bannable offense?


No, it appears to be a rogue GM who acted too quickly with minimal investigation

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Thank you Blizzard for handling it and thank you Kaivax for keeping us posted additionally thank you for keeping it so professional.


Why should anybody get banned for using an ability available to their class? Stop crying about it. Have the guts to take it and move on with your game. Can’t have people banned because you didn’t like what they did. Fail.

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Well, it sucks to be you because you can’t think straight.

By just using your common sense, it should not. If you don’t want to get sniped, DO NOT STREAM!

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If you freely advertise your position to the enemy faction you deserve to get camped on a PvP server.


Can someone confirm feetgod was banned again?

Stream sniping is not against the Blizzard TOS. If you choose to willingly broadcast your position and what you are doing while playing on a PvP server then you also welcome people who may take advantage of this. Regardless of whether dispelling like that is a slimy move or whatnot, it is not against the rules and should therefore have no consequences and players should most certainly should be banned for it.


when the guy who says my dad works at blizzard isnt lying


God I love the constant reminders of why I rolled on a pve server. I dodged 99% of you toxic people for making the right choice.


That priest might as well rename himself Brock turner.

but streamers don’t get special treatment remember all the streamers said so.


it’s more the streamers who roll on PvP severs and then cry when they get ganked

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Your opinion is invalid. Please provide an additional feature length film of your ideals with cliff notes after you have done more research.



The bait is just… Such low quality…

streamer privilege at its finest.