Is dispelling World Buffs now bannable?

That’s far too rational for any of these smooth brains to understand. For some reason they equate level 12 dispellers in org the same as us not wanting to PvP. Like what ?

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Why would it? This is ridiculous on its face. Close the stream, or make it a private “true fans only” stream if you don’t want people to find you. If you are publicly broadcasting then it should be fair game especially on a PvP server.

Streamer privileges should not be a thing in this game.

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Blizzard…is it possible to get a clarification on whether or not the dispelling of buffs of players of the opposing faction is against TOS?

Shammed? I check yes on that one.

Punished? I don’t know, it is up to blizzard.


Closed stream or not, continual harassment is against ToS.

PvP is not harassment on a pvp server.


Don’t stream and u wont get sniped


It is though when you take it to a personal level and start abusing them outside of the game too.

PVP is fine, harassment is not.

He wasnt even showing the dispelled toon on stream, you dont know what you are talking about xd

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actually delusional like a lot of streamers


Why isn’t this mediocre af streamer NOT banned yet? Maybe he should cry himself off and make a brand new account on a PVE server.

To be fair, you could hear him communicating it. Also the dispeler was in chat.

Because asking if it is ban worthy isn’t ban worthy itself.

Did the streamer get banned?

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So, a GM banned a player who was only engaging in PvP on a PvP server? I would hope this gets investigated and you also take a CLOSE look at any of your other GMs who are “cosy” with streamers. This reeks of streamer privilege, especially when the ban was for doing something that cannot be even mildly construed as “griefing” on a PvP server.

While I have not watched the video, the fact that losing the buffs upset the streamer and they turned to their “good friend” the Blizzard GM to do something about it frankly disgusts me. These buffs are not necessary at all to complete in-game content. They help, yes but are by no means necessary. Not something I expect someone unfamiliar with Vanilla WoW to know, but we cleared raids all the time without those timed world buffs. They were nice when we got them, but losing them only amounted to a “gotcha” on a PvP server.

Blizzard really needs to stop giving streamers and YouTubers such extra privileges and access. These people are NOT Classic WoW’s friends at all. They are the reason so many people know about the exploits, gold-farms, and best programmable routes for the bots to take. They are the reason people know how to fly-hack the game. They are the primary reason that the instance limit had to be imposed after they showed the general public all the pathing exploits and gold-farming routes in the game. They are antithesis to the spirit of what was Vanilla WoW and should be Classic WoW.

Please, stop kowtowing to them. They do more harm to the community than good. Make your GMs aware that this kind of quid-pro-quo is not only against the professional ethics of being a GM, but is also a terminable offense as it should be.



And this is why Blizz should never favor streamers anymore than any other player.


Agreed. Removing buffs without actually attempting combat is FAR from PvP.

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“If you didn’t want x to happen you shouldn’t have worn that…” “maybe you shouldn’t have been out after dark and x wouldn’t have happened” Sounds awfully familiar to something i’ve heard elsewhere. :grimacing: yikes from me dawg.

Over dramatize things much? People on pvp realms explicitly agreed to this kind of behavior when they rolled on a pvp realm.


Man it really doesn’t suit that streamer’s age to QQ like a little B that he got dispelled in a pvp server. It’s just a game bro. People have much bigger problems. Suck it up
And one of his arguments being “that he is a main tank”. Oh boy you got STATUS now hahahaha
People on his server should team up and camp him on every corner.


The streamer did nothing wrong, this is all on the GM. If you watch the clip the streamer asks if what the guy is doing is against the rules. The GM told him it was.

edit: and to be clear, the real question here is why a GM is all cozied up to this streamer and has given him his own personal GM hotline.