Ah, of course. I still wonder about the 6 month status, what was that GM thinking…
Boggles my mind how some of these streamers have “fanboys”
I guess it’s the same mentality as reality TV
Some of them are insufferable, and not even very good at the game. Literally the comedic relief that my guild used to have pull the lever in the chromaggus room back in original BWL. He’d die, we would have a good laugh, we’d down the boss.
Edit: Neat, apparently quoting you caused it to automatically delete that portion of my post?
There’s a reason there’s two factions. They’re supposed to be attacking each other. If Blizzard doesn’t like it, Blizzard can make the buffs undispellable.
It’s just a buff. In a game. A game that encourages rivalry between two opposing PvP factions. I don’t even PvP anymore and I understand this. If I’m flagged for whatever reason and a character of the opposing faction dispels me or kills me, that’s part of the game. Some times you get targeted, too. You deal with it. You don’t go whining for bans because someone dispelled your make-believe buff in your make-believe game.
Streamers are poison. Jacked up, egotistical jerks. And the GM was unforgivably unprofessional.
On what grounds?
I cannot help but echo what you’ve said. It is unprofessional on so many levels. I distinctly remember a CM saying some time ago that there’s a considerable process involved when it comes to GMs being able to log on to their client to perform any sort of action. Clearly policies and procedures have changed somewhat during the current pandemic. Furthermore, it does beg the question of how long has this GM been flaunting his/her position in twitch chat, and what other questionable account actions has he/she performed.
You keep using this word dev. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Yeah, i really think this is the core issue at hand. It is just not a good look for Blizzard at all.
GM’s shouldn’t be subscribed fans to streamers that play on the servers.
Id argue that they addressed it so quickly matters. They couldve buried it but they owned up and fixed it
Credit where its due
Im glad they took action quickly but it still doesn’t address concerns about GM’s acting unprofessionally. It raises questions about other GM’s.
Not really. Bad eggs exist. All you can ask is that they are removed when they act out
Well… call me a monkey’s uncle. Didn’t expect this to be genuine.
No one talking about how it took them 9 months to ban a few bots…but apparently some of their staff has enough time on his hands to ban a person in 5 min…begs the question why things aren’t actually being handled in a timely manner.
Do everyone a favor and uninstall the video game and dump your computer in the bath tub.
How can it be so easy for Blizzard to ban someone on a whim but so difficult to bring themselves to unban Reckful 4+ years after he had been banned.
To anyone saying—or thinking— that justice has been served by the unbanning of the dispelling [“de-spelling” lol] priest or the firing of the GM [assuming that the GM has been fired, which Acti-Blizzard has NOT revealed], I can only tell you that no, justice has NOT been served, and will not have been served, until the streamer in question is perma-banned from this game.
The streamer in question revealed, on video, that a real-world benefit was provided in exchange for in-game benefit. Questions remain, of course. The streamer used evasive passive voice. “A sub was gifted to the [corrupt] GM.” Let me remind everyone that the standard is not “beyond a reasonable doubt” nor “a preponderance of the evidence.” There is no standard of review here. Blizzard has shown that it is willing to ban people on whatever grounds Blizzard thinks adequate, as shown by this very streamer’s own videos, in which he was “unjustly” banned. Obviously, the standard for banning someone for a RMT is very low. I would imagine that very very rarely does Acti-Blizzard have (or require) video evidence of the beneficiary of a RMT admitting to receiving said benefits before it bans them.
Let me put it to you this way. I am a scrubby warrior. I started playing classic late. In April. When I played vanilla, I had all the time in the world. I grinded my way to some pretty cool things, for example, back in the day, I had a lionheart helm. Nowadays, I have a real job, and a family. I don’t have as much time, but I do have substantially more money than I had in 2006.
There are 3 things stopping me from firing up my paypal account, logging over to any number of disreputable websites, and paying a de minimis fee to have my lionheart helm tonight:
a sense that the accomplishment will be cheapened if i cheat
a sense that it will be unfair to all the other scrub warriors out there who scrimped and saved and gold-farmed for weeks or months to get their lionheart helm
- fear of getting caught, and banned, for breaking the T.O.S.
Let me tell you something, Acti-Blizzard. If I am playing this game in a universe where streamers are held to a different standard, and allowed to engage in RMT without consequence, then 1) there is no accomplishment, this is a rigged, BS game anyway, 2) obviously, anyone who did it honestly is just as much of a schlub as I was up until now, and 3) fine, ban me. Stop me from playing your rigged game, what have I lost anyway?
Acti-Blizzard, if you want to retain any shred of credibility, you need to be a lot more forthright in what is happening now, and you need to perma-ban this streamer. Come out, explain to us who was banned, who was unbanned, and who was fired, and exactly why you took such actions.
Take your witch hunt someplace else…no one cares.
He does kinda have a point though.
Make all world buffs physical and I’m down with any and all PvP. Level 12 night elf priests get at me. Lets test your PvP skills out.