Is cross server raiding a bug or intended? (TBCC)

Probably a consequence of merging classic servers


The part that doesnā€™t give a damn, and understands thereā€™s a big gap between ā€œoldā€ and ā€œretailā€

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Someone just needs to disable it for TBC.

Itā€™s not old, itā€™s literally what makes classic classicā€¦ At some point we draw the line. And Iā€™m not talking boosts/mounts here, Iā€™m talking ACTUAL SERVER COMMUNITY. You know? The thing that makes classic an MMORPG? What the hell is with these retail tourists seriously.


Part of me would 100% love to dungeon grind with friends that transferred off, but considering itā€™s so buggy and canā€™t be done through the friends list confirms to me that this is not intended and is a bug

Absolutely disgusting.
If I wanted to play in soulless servers with no community then I would be playing retail.


It gives a lot of benefits to low pop realms while being able to suckle off the community and talent pools that high pop realms have. For high pop realms we trade off having a vibrant community for having a competitive market place. Low pop literally will have no downsides and only upsides at that point an it is completely unfair.

The fact that blizz hasnā€™t issued a blue post about this yet and its been 13 hours since the article on wowhead makes me think its intended.

If thatā€™s the case I think this is the most substantial change weā€™ve seen to the game so far, even more so than the boosts/mounts etc.

I hope its just a bug, but at this point I would absolutely not be surprised if its not.

If it was intended you would be able to invite through battlenet

And it would be advertised as a feature.

If this is implemented thatā€™s my line, and I cancel.

Please remove this feature Blizzard!

What is the point of these classic era servers if youā€™re just going to slowly sneak in all the features that players were trying to escape from in retail? Next it will be Group Finder or level scaling.

The community is the main content of an MMO do not forget that! Maybe this isnā€™t as important to other players but from someone who only plays on RP realms this will spoil so much of the fun we have.

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Could we please get some clarification on this!

Cross realm should NOT be a part of TBC classic. Please fix this.

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Cross realm play DOES NOT belong in TBC.

I was extremely looking forward to TBC world pvp objectives but being able to cross realm phase will make it DOA.

I understand that there may be sharding/phasing first few weeks because of overpopulation but that is wayyyy different than cross realm play.

Imagine if you will, you are fighting a small group from your server over hellfire objectives when suddenly a 40 man raid from different servers phases in out of no where to decimate you and then disappears again to never be seen again.



Go back to retail. Cross realm, along with LFR, is why we have classic now. They ruined the game.

So far with some testing, it only occurs within dungeons and raids so if it were implemented as is it is on live - no it would not affect the outside world.

Again and I stress this:

Cannot be done through battlenet
Flight paths kick players off when zoning into cities when cross realm citing something like ā€œYou cannot enter Kalimdor while players are not on same serverā€
You cannot see players of the opposing realm outside
You cannot see your party anywhere but inside the dungeon

Blizzard likes to promote any new toy they have, they have not. But they have recently copied and cloned 2 versions of a game, one is classic era and one is classic tbc.

Classic era servers are now merged realms
Classic TBC servers are seperated.

It is likely a bug left over from the cloning process.

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Playing TBCC was fun for a few hours. Not going to support this crap.

Thanks Blizz. I was was actually having fun and looking forward to my favorite era of WoW. Guess Iā€™ll head back over to retail and farm my 35048230285330974th Shadowlands mount.

Iā€™ll make an amendment to my above post, because Iā€™m not really sure how this works.

If I can group with someone on my friendā€™s list from a different realm, thatā€™s acceptable to me. But if thereā€™s a LFG system thatā€™s populated with groups from every server, that undermines the value of a server community, which leads to lack of player accountability and the rampant toxicity that exists in the modern game.

This is so much worse than the honor thing. Almost a deal breaker tbh.

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Mr GM posted a video on how this is working:

So, I am very pro-community on most things. Would I be terribly bothered if we are allowed to run dungeons with people from other realms if those other people could not actually be seen outside the instanced content?

I think this would be very helpful for low pop/faction realms, and even Classic Era.

I wouldnā€™t be bothered either way in this case.

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If your "friends"didnā€™t roll on the same realm as you, they arenā€™t really your ā€œfriendsā€.

No crossrealm. Ruins the game.