Is cross server raiding a bug or intended? (TBCC)

Server integrity is a huge part of classic.


first it takes a whole day to release an old xpac to try and get rid of honor marks, now you stealth Cross realm zones and raiding into burning crusade… what the **** are you even doing blizzard?


Many things that no one wanted.

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Can somebody from Blizzard confirm this is not intended? This would literally ruin a lot of the charm left for TBC.

The cross realm dungeon groups should only pertain to OLD WORLD INSTANCES on the TBC Classic realms.

Lowbies will need all the assistance they can to find groups.

How is it taking them so long to confirm on deny this? I hope its just a holdover bug from using the SL engine but why don’t they just tell us?

There should not be ANY cross realm on servers progressing to TBC. You can make a slight argument for classic era but NOT TBC. Let’s get this thread some traction so Blizzard can see it.

cross realm is not in the spirit of classic wow, or what its trying to accomplish. bug or not, this should not be in the game at all and should be removed asap. it will destroy communities

why do people complain before testing? this has already been hotfixed. we were going to use it to steal world bosses from other servers and you cant group anymore

This has not been hotfixed… I am doing it right now…

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Where have you been for the past decade+?


"We’ve identified this is a bug and we are deploying a hotfix to resolve the issue, all dungeon item drop rates will now be reduced by a factor 10 to offset the unfair advantage this has caused.

Thank you for padding our Q2 numbers you plebs."

I can predict the future.

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The fact you can currently cross-realm raid completely ruins classic as it has retail. People are already getting raid geared through people who can use their lockouts from other realms. Hello Blizzard??? This needs attention.

Good point my dude

Asmonbald is streaming it right now

That’s exactly why this person is full of it…

Nah i want classic+

I’m not sure if it is a bug…

So, my friends and I just experimented with this.

Me on Thalnos; Friend 1 on Kromcrush; Friend 2 on Herod.

We all got in group together and attempted to Meet up in Orgrimmar and I could see them moving on my map, but I couldn’t trade or interact. I was still on the Thalnos server.

We then moved to RFC (Due to level cap), my friends could see each other and go through the dungeon together. Once again, they could talk to each other but could not trade, invite to guild, etc…

What was weird was when my one friend tried to leave the instance, it kept giving an error “All players in the party must be from the same realm to enter Kalimdor”. Due to me standing outside the instance, I believe it was trying to put us on the same shard, but the system was hard coded to not allow it. He could not leave the instance until I left the group.

I’m feeling that xrealm is going to be a real thing here in the future. This already feels like the xrealm system.

Update 1: I just logged into a DIFFERENT (international) region and invited my friend on Kromcrush. WHAT THE … BLIZZARD?

I assume he wasn’t even alive a decade ago

With Classic a few days ago they produced a connected realms list.

It’s suppose to be the WoD era merge thing. As for the implementation it appears to be blizzard using the 9.1 updated engine (saying this with some backing) because I was updating a few addons and they are in the 9.1 vernacular, they even use the 9.1 version number.

This is a different situation to classic vanilla that used likely a 7.3 rebranded as 1.13.,