Is Classic WoW a living 4chan?

By this standard they are only normal because 95% are oblivious to its existence like the dummies in the video above. They only care about it once their perverted dck root pics get leaked on the internet.

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4chan is just a forum for people who like to come up with clever ways to troll others. Somehow, the media has latched on to this idea that 4chan is a collection of white supremacists and hackers. Which given their goal is to goad people into assuming memes are real, I’m sure they are most amused.

Classic WOW is not 4chan. Well, okay, maybe Elwynn Forest chat is.

nobody went to 4chan to get to the silk road. the ignorance is dumbfounding. if you weren’t into bitcoin when it was 20 bucks don’t ever talk about the deep web like you know wtf you are talking about.


Jesus christ the weird flex on this was outstanding.

Maybe you need to reread what I actually said.

If I do that, we both could lose the possible amount of pleasure we can both aquire from this

also you said, ppl used 4chan to get to the dark web. which I said is false. nobody went to 4chan to get to the silk road.

There are many buttholes of the internet and 4chan is one of them.

Also, this thread is 2edgy4me. So many Jason Bournes on here!

Never been there. But isn’t 4chan a place where people post hilarious memes? That’s what I’ve heard anyways.

Well that’s just factually incorrect.

That’s where a lot of pedos went to get there. I mean a simple google search will prove you wrong

/pol/ announced that they’ll be playing on Alliance Grobb a few months ago, so hey, not like it was a secret. I for one welcome my Kekistani brothers. Shadilay!

Nope. Not #myclassic. A vocal minority would like to see wow be like 4chan, but fortunately blizzard doesn’t share their vision, as most of what happens on 4chan is reportable in wow.


Even more proof of the grob mob trash heap. Ty. Keep up the good work proving me right.

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What are you talking about? Care to elaborate? You rage quit the other thread, so I’m not sure what your grievances are.

You’re definitely angry.

No, forgot to go back 2bh. Clicked to see a notification n got distracted. But you know exactly what I am talking about. You merely feign ignorance. Keep you, your ilk, and 4chan scum over of dumpster fire grob.

I really do not know what you’re talking about. Enlighten me.

That grob mob is trash, driving people away with how bad it is? It’s attracting 4chan community en masse lmao. Don’t need any more proof. Stay there, it’s best for everyone else.

Good day Grob Slob.

This is the definition you’ll find of 4chan in the dictionary trust

Tell me how is it trash, and why is 4chan community bad. 4chan is literally an image posting board for people of all backgrounds. There’s a board for basket weaving, for Magni’s sake. What do you have against basket weavers?

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