Is Classic WoW a living 4chan?

I would say Twitter, Facebook & Instagram are even bigger cesspits; especially, in the era of “Cancel Culture.”

Many people believe these forums are a cesspit as well!

8chan is down for a reason many people well never fully understand.


Not even close. Community of Classic WoW is a lot more politically correct than 4chan.

It’s not even deep web, as it comes up in search engines.

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Yes it is, which is why I stopped playing it.

Just wanted to add that while I’m not sure 4chan counts as “the dark web”, it is monitored by the FBI because it’s the place a lot of mass shooters have posted their manifestos before shooting up their school or another place. I remember some guy also posted a picture of his girlfriend there after he murdered her. It’s also where many white supremacist groups congregate. It’s an awful place, pretty much the butthole of the internet, and I recommend never going there, it’s just not worth it.

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This thread and these replies…

Needed a good laugh after lunch

Also: We all know that this “bad stuff” actually comes from eBaums world…

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Reminder whitemane is the main 4chan server

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Is this the part where you looked up the literal definition and pushed your glasses back on top of the ridge of your nose before typing while audibly saying “AHHKTUALY”

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No it’s common knowledge newb.


Go ask a random person what they think the darkweb is. Do you really think the average person is going to say “An encrypted site most people can’t get on”? I would say the average person doesn’t even know what encrypted means.

I used to say 4chan was the Mos Eisley of the internet; you will never find a greater hive of scum and villainy.

Then they kicked out 8chan and became…less bad, at least

No, it is not.

What exactly is 4chan about it?

To be fair in my experience the average person also wont give your definition of the dark web either.

They’ll say they have no clue what that is, then ask me what it is.

If you want to argue the semantics of what the average person would say, 4chan still isn’t dark web.

dude just admit you were wrong, you’re going full 4chan nerd on us m8

The original /4chan was where all those sweet pics of the tribe in africa where they all have elphantitis of the balls and they are posing by sitting on their boulder sized nutsacks came from. They made their way silently around your office and you all silently giggled while publicly condemning such disturbing images.

uwu check and posture

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Uh, have you ever been on 4chan…? 'Cause it doesn’t sound like you have.

As with all things I’m sure there is overlap in the communities but I think a good 95% of the player base is just normal people. So not 4chan.

El oh el @ this thread. Got your degrees in 4chinz studies from plebbit U.

4chan is extremely diverse, so yeah possibly. But if youre referring to a select few who always get the spot light the no, no its not.