Is Classic WoW a living 4chan?

I think it is. I’m not mad.

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It is not.


You must not know what 4chan is then


I miss the days when memes were witty. Now everything is low brow.


I personally have no clue what these 4chan 10chan jackiechan even are.


It basically what people are referring to when talking about the ‘darkweb’… well at least it use to be I can’t really say I’ve been there in the last 10 years.

No it’s not, and it never was. It doesn’t require a special browser like Tor to get there, and there’s no illegal services/products available there.

It’s just a bunch of neckbeards trying way too hard to be edgy and offensive.


Lol uhhhh…



Now I can’t speak for recent times, but if you’re speaking about the OG 4chan you could NOT be more wrong here.

4chan was like the gateway to those specific sites and where those people hung out and advertised this dark trash.

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There are no adult images, so not exactly.

Don’t listen to him Nicholaes. If you go to 4chan you’re instantly put on an FBI watch list. Make sure you go there on a fresh hardened linux distro connected via, at the bare minimum, three proxies and never in any way post identifiable information. 4chan is the darkest place on the web and no one should ever go there.

You’re clearly being sarcastic, but on a more serious note this was 100% the place where you went to go find people to do this dark stuff.

4chan was notoriously used by pedos looking for CP.

So then

and there’s no illegal services/products available there.

Is technically correct. Which we all know is the best kind.

It’s like saying that google is a p0rn site because I can use it to get to p0rn sites.

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I’m completely 100% serious. If you’re in one of the five eyes then going to 4chan is absolutely going to compromise you.

Oh no it most certainly was there too. Also, just because a drug dealers didn’t deal drugs in his doorway doesn’t mean that the doorway wasn’t used to get drugs.

Uhh not even remotely…? ones a search engine the other is where these people who did this shady crap actually went to sell/advertise/include other shady people. 4chan was more like a trap house where all these people went. I think you just don’t understand what 4chan was, I can’t speak for what it is as it’s a cess pool I haven’t been to in a long time.


lmao no

4chan is not darkweb at all, not even since launch. Just imageforum with almost no censorship.

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Yeah and no shady deals have ever been done on 4chan because of this, and there hasn’t been hundreds of arrests of people exchanging CP at all. Also there has never been a massive amount of prostitutes or people on there asking how to murder people in full detail and then posting images of them actually killing people.

Yup, it’s just an imageboard LOL

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

ANd yeah maybe not by literal definition is it the darkweb, because technically you can just have a website full of puppies that’s encrypted and technically be called the darkweb.

Normally when people say the darkweb they think of shady deals and stuff of this nature happening. Like selling organs etc. This is basically 4chan in it’s ‘prime’

Imagine thinking in 2019 that 4chan or its users are relevant in any way to anything.


4chan is a cesspit, no denying it. But the creator was getting the side-eye from the FBI at one point, so he and his mods kicked out the CP crowd. they moved out to 8-chan, which has recently been deplatformed.

8chan was where it really got bad.