Is classic actually classic?

Not about nostalgia. Not about mechanics testing players individual skill and reaction times. The game simply will no longer demand respect. In classic, you didn’t wanna engage something that much stronger than you it’s a suicide. In retail classic, you’ll see that no one respects enemy damage, cc will not be needed, healers won’t need to pay attention, tanks will never take any damage.

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He’s a human, so he hits like he’s a level higher.
Do you not notice all the glancing blows/dodges/misses he has?
He most likely specced into the prot talent that gives you like 10 Defense skill, I bet he mostly pushed crushing off the table.

On top of that. herod is an incredibly easy boss.

Vanilla mobs and bosses didn’t hit as hard as you imagined. That’s all dude. The reality of the situation is that people were just really, really bad back in the day.


There’s a video of tipsout getting 1 shot in the beta when they tried to enter Mara I believe it was. He was with sodapoppin and the boss just wiped the floor with the group. I think the longest living member of the party was soda and he survived 3 hits from full health.

In vanilla if you spec right and twink gear you can do content way above your level.


You are ignoring a lot of info. First off that wasn’t just a level 30, it was people who had been 30 for weeks and farmed BiS gear. They had a stacked group and were using lots of consumables. And through all of the boss was still hitting him for 10-15% of his HP per auto.

Blizzard has shown evidence that elite damage is not low. So sorry your feelycraft memories are a little off. Vanilla WoW was not hard back then, it is not hard now.

Knowledge, Gear, and player skill does make all the difference. Denying that just makes yourself look foolish.


Yo can I steal this line?


WoW has never been a mechanically hard game.
What made it hard is that most people(both now and then) are terrible at gaming.

Modern WoW just tricks you into thinking you’re good by giving you random epics from quests.


I can’t claim it, and I don’t remember it’s origin. But absolutely! :slight_smile:

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There is no such thing as a challenging mechanic / boss fight in Classic / Vanilla by todays standards. The raids will be similar to current LFR and even that’s pushing it.


“No! I can’t be wrong! It’s impossible!!!”
Nah, fam. You’re wrong. A fully buffed out level 30 group with perfect gear can easily take on bosses higher level than them. That’s not even a question. In fact, there are plenty of instances of this happening with level 40somethings taking out level 60 players in vanilla WoW. Buffs and gear are important.
There’s plenty of other things to be worried about (layering is the big one). This is not a hill you want to die on.


WoW has never been, and never will be “hard”. Sure, it is time consuming and tedious at times, but never “hard”.

Games don’t have to be “hard” to be fun.

Also, Classic is Classic, but Classic isn’t Vanilla. Classic is Vanilla+.


This. Remember, this is not vanilla. Vanilla didn’t have game ruining mechanics such as layering.

I absolutely agree, WoW Classic/Vanilla was not and is not mechanically difficult.

The challenge to Classic, is the time sink, and the need to play with others. You can’t do 90% of the game solo.

However, knowledge I was referring too, was how to gear, what is good stats for my class, how to react to X mechanic, etc. Most of which is pretty common knowledge now a days, but was much less common back then.

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Do you realize the way they got Classic was to roll back the source code to 1.12? Like this is literally the original source code with some adapters to make it work on the modern engine.


Just because many people were toddlers during Vanilla doesn’t mean it was that much harder then than it is now.

What seems to be happening is this: All the people who spent years going “You have it so easy! Everything was so much harder in Vanilla!” now are afraid that people are going to see that it wasn’t as hard as those people made it sound. So now they are all just saying “this is nothing like it was. It was way harder than this!”

I mean what else can they say? Gotta keep up that illusion that they were raiding gods and nobody that started from BC forward deserves to stand on the same hallowed ground as them.


Its still a great game and much more engaging and fun then modern wow :face_vomiting:


You are right, it did not have layering.

However, it did have Chicken Littles constantly crying the “sky is falling” though.


You clearly weren’t around in Vanilla.
Alakazam and Thottbot(WoWhead now) were around.
There was a plethora of information for every class, you just had to look for it.

The arrogance when talking about Vanilla is hilarious, ya’ll act like modern WoW is super duper hard. Everybody I’ve talked to has said Modern wow is easier than vanilla except for Mythics. Like, the whole game is easier(instances, levelling, crafting) except for Mythics.

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They were twinked like crazy. Most lvl 40s didnt have there stats. Its would be the same numbers and outcome if this was redid with same gear in 2006.


No, you are dead wrong.
You’re making classic out to be this insane unconquerable beast when it never was. Yeah, it’s much harder than retail, but 5 level 30 players with BiS CAN take on a lvl 40 boss without dying or going oom. We’re not “dead wrong” you are.
Your confidence in being right doesn’t make you right.

Be humble and consider everyone in here trying to tell you that you’re mistaken. You don’t have to keep on lying to yourself because you’re too prideful to admit you’re wrong.