Is classic actually classic?

Ah yes. The quintessential, “You’re a doomsday conspiracy theorist” post.
Without people like me discussing how layering is garbage, Blizzard wouldn’t have added more servers. Without people talking about their concerns about a really broken mechanic, it won’t be fixed. Watch this video and just try to defend layering. Just try.
If what I was saying is based on absolutely no evidence then fine. I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist. Until that time, layering is broken and that’s the objective truth. I know you don’t like it, but defending it won’t make it better.


If you want to relive the difficulty. Play like the noob you were back then and wear bad greens and white gear that made no sense for ur class. Boom vanilla reborn.


I never said the info wasn’t out there. I said it wasn’t common knowledge. Most players back then were just really bad and poorly informed about the game.

For many, WoW was their first real MMO. The difference in average knowledge now and then is as different as night and day.


Classic was hard because no one knew how to play the game. From launch everyone was doing things for the first time and figuring it out. Gear drops were scarce, Run MC or Onyxia for 1 or 2 purples a week for a 40 man raid, you had no idea if the gear you needed would drop and even then, if you would even get it out of the 3 to 5 others of your class. Leveling was a straight up grind, traveling took forever and end game content was difficult because only a few guilds per server were doing it and proper information wasnt just handed out, you ran, wiped and learned. Things like Discord didnt exist so getting everyone on voice chat was next to impossible unless someone was ponying cash up for a Vent server, lack of communication was the number one cause of wipes. Now stuff has been around so long that things like MC and BWL are just common knowledge. Even posting this, from a level 100 boost that was just gifted to me by blizzard for no apparent reason, seems just ridiculous to me, I quit playing right after the first expansion, hitting 60 took an eternity in vanilla. I look forward to getting back to the grind


It’s more time consuming than retail which doesn’t equal to it being harder.

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Yes, yes it was common knowledge.
I found it as a completely green player right after I started.

Here’s the easy answer: Don’t like it? Leave.

There are more than enough players willing to fill the void you’ll leave behind. As for me, I’m sticking around for quite awhile. I’ve waited too long for this.

They have made adjustments to Layering since that video back in June. But you keep up the Doom and Gloom posts!

Feel free to wait until Phase 2, when layering ends to come join us on Classic :slight_smile:


Such as…? Does it fix the problems I showed you? Have evidence that it does?
You don’t get bonus gold for licking Blizzard’s balls, dude. You can point out something that’s bad in something that you like lol.

Actually they did nerf it.
They chose to go with 1.12 where all the content had already been nerfed.
Check the old patch notes, all it is is nerfs and bug fixes.

I know googling can be difficult, so let me help you out.

And there is a difference between commenting on stuff you don’t like, and “game ruining mechanics”.

I am not a fan of layering, but it is what we got, and it is better some than some of the possible alternatives.


OP is right. BiS doesn’t matter, only the level… that is why twinks make no difference in a BG and no one hates them.


So they didn’t fix the issue with layering. They just made it have a cool-down. And in the same tweet he even acknowledges it isn’t working as intended. Come on, man. Next level shilling from you for literally no benefit.
The only way I could see layering being better than just adding more servers or allowing larger server populations is that if they did implement the latter 2 choices you’d get kicked in the nuts every time you logged on. Layering is a horrible mechanic and there are alternatives. Luckily all the whining from people like me allowed for more servers to be added. We need to keep Blizz in check because they’re the ones who casualized and messed up WoW to begin with. Remember?

SM Cathedral is designed to be done at about level 40 by a noob pug.

Nobody leveling uses elixirs and enchants or engineering items. Nobody stops and farms the BiS gear in the game for a level 30. That’s worth 5+ levels, IMO.

The average pug player is absolutely awful. For example, a good, experienced, and focused dpser will do 3 times the damage of the average pug dpser. Skill is easily worth another 5+ levels, IMO.

So there’s your 10 level gap accounted for.

Also, Mograine and Whitemane are designed to be tanked and killed at the same time. They kited Whitemane and nullified her spells with line of sight, which effectively cut the damage of the fight in half. If Asmongold had tried to tank both, like most groups do, he would have gone squish.

They also had two healers, which allowed them to do a healing rotation and allow the other to regen mana. No pug is going to think to do this, nor will they think to kite one of the bosses. They won’t even be on coms communicating during the fight.

So tactics and communication also played a huge role.

Leveling dungeons were never really that hard. They were only hard for us leveling our first toons because we were learning how to play. When I first did Cathedral, we had a shaman tank, using a 2hander no less, because we didn’t know any better… it did not go well.

Nobody has seen Classic level 60 dungeons. The difficulty ramps up CONSIDERABLY. But a group of experienced players communicating on coms is going to breeze through all the leveling dungeons with ease, because they’re not really intended to be done by experienced players on coms. They are tuned for pugs of noobs, with flawed specs and non-optimal gear itemization from quest rewards and green drops, leveling their first characters in WoW, with nobody on coms.

Finally, note that Asmongold’s armor is yellow in the Herod fight, meaning they wiped a LOT getting there, like 8-9 times… but they don’t show that part.


OP is having some kind of existential meltdown.

I raise an eyebrow of suspicion to people who claim to recall (infallibly) ‘how Vanilla was’. First off - no you don’t. Vanilla was ~14 years ago and ‘how things were’ was subject to change patch-to-patch.

Your capabilities as a gamer playing an MMORPG had 14 years less experience during Vanilla than you have today. That’s not an insignificant factor when evaluating how ‘easy Classic is’.

Plenty of people have pointed out all the factors that occurred in-game to result in successfully clearing out SM Cath at lvl 30. If you think that is a result of the game getting easier and not the result of players being more knowledgeable/capable then you’re in for a world of disappointment.

The only thing wrong here is the OP’s expectations of playing a very old game which never went away - it would be one thing if this were a revival of some game that’s been long since shutdown or discontinued but many people never stopped. Going through the motions of questing/gearing/leveling/combat in Classic (while distinct from retail) is not that foreign from the game most people have continued to play year after year.


That tweet was also from the end of June, it is working as intended now. You would think someone who wants to whine about stuff like layering, would at least stay current on how it is working.

It does alleviate a lot of the issues. You won’t be layer hopping in PvP combat, you won’t be able to layer hop to grab Black Lotus (after the first hop).

I am glad they added another server for NA and EU, and I think they should add a few more for each. But if layering was not a thing they would need to add dozens of more servers for each region. and If you don’t know why that is a bad idea, then idk what to tell you.


I don’t know about you guys, but I remember when vanilla WoW was considered casual. It wasn’t meant to be this undefinable difficulty. We are better players than we were back then. And yes if you do fully twink yourself out, spec appropriately, and have the right pots this game is not that hard.

It was considered casual back then, and it isn’t as hard as you remember.


Funny how you don’t have evidence for that. Just “meh, it’s probably working as intended now. What does working as intended mean? I dunno. It just is now.” That doesn’t do anything for me, fam.

No it doesn’t. It just won’t let you do it as often. You can still layer hop out of PvP and still farm nodes.
It’s akin to, “Waiter! There’s crap in my spaghetti.” “Oh, terribly sorry, sir. I promise the next spaghetti won’t have crap in it, however the one after will.” “…can’t you just fix t-” “Sorry sir, you’ll just have to deal with it. No other alternative works, you see. Every other option is just not going to work.” “You can just remo-” “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

But vanilla WoW had dozens of servers… and WoW currently has dozens of servers… lol

Brother, just rolling over and going, “T-They’ll fix it! Honest engine!” while you wait for Blizzard to pat your belly and give you good boy points doesn’t do anything. We need to address issues, not just hope they’ll go away. Be proactive, not passive.

Uh that is false. I sure as hell respect aby elites and rare with a huge hp pool. In vanilla i didnt respect anything unless it is elite or a boss.

They are easy bith then and now.

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You make claims using evidence from more than 2 months ago in a beta, and say it was broken then, it must still be broken now! Nothing ever changes on a beta :wink:

If you want to know how it works now, go look.

You obviously don’t understand what changes were made. Again I suggest getting informed, instead of just complaining.

If you prefer to just be unhappy and complain, then more power to ya. For the rest of us we will be enjoying Classic, with layering.

Guessing this is your first time around the classic/retro servers for a game. I will share some years of experience. Classic type servers for all kinds of MMOs have been happening for over a decade. They have huge launches, followed by large population declines all within the first few months. Blizzard knows this, so if you had dozens of servers for launch, it would be great for a month, maybe 2 or 3. Then half or more of you servers would be ghost towns and require server mergers.