Is classic actually classic?

Troll, Troll, Troll…Etherob is nothing but a troll folks…please stop feeding him


I don’t see anything crazy about a level 30 tanking SM. Cath’s final boss would be impossible but that group’s strat was not the “normal” tanking method.


I feel like I recall playing with level 36s going through that dungeon when I was 38.

And those folks would have been noobs, like me, and in mostly greens, without years of perfecting their class.

And that would have been before 1.12.

Since I think a twinked level 30 > greens 36, I gotta go with these other guys.

Gamers can be real doom and gloom drama queens.

You were watching basically a group of twinks. They had been capped at level 30 for weeks and had been farming BiS the whole time.

Going all the way back to vanilla, twinks have often been able to punch way above their weight class.


Anyone got a link to that level 30ish survival hunter twink who would win duels against 50s?

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See ya, there are exactly zero people who care you won’t play. Or you’re just complaining to complain and see you in a week.

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The lower dungeons where never really a issue. Now get to 60 and try to mass pull strat undead or scholo and see what happens! Those dungeons take time and proper pulling and knowing how to CC and line of sight pull. Yup things you never see in retail

This whole thread is hilarious. Imagine caring so much about something so trivial.

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Outofammo put it very well.

I’d just add that at least three of the players in the group are streamers who are good at the game. Esfand is a good Paladin and knows his class very well. Asmongold is into doing challenging stuff like this, seeing how far he can go.

Regular people just leveling and doing dungeons will not have this experience in Classic.


Here is 2006 video (very poor quality) of mid 30s group killing herod. Looks about the same as asmond fight but it took less than half as long to kill him in 2006 video.

Looks about right.

www youtube com/watch?v id2ZnoAQrYI


I must of watched a different video than the OP. I’m no streamer fan but this was a well thought out, coordinated and difficult encounter for this group as it should be with the level difference. It was treated as a raid boss and rightly so considering the level difference. It took a long time, lots of running out, kiting, and they nearly wiped a few times.
It also showed how strong pallies are in classic with salv and esp bop. Don’t think they do this without him.

Obviously this is not an efficient way to go about things in classic but this was a challenge so good for them. And no- just because they succeeded does not mean that classic is not an accurate representation of vanilla. It wasn’t like they just walked in there and downed the boss. It took a ton of effort.


-complains about a fight
-then admits he didn’t watch it


You’re supposed to be downed within seconds when you’re fighting a boss 12 levels higher than you. No gear. No out skilling the encounter. You just die.

Come back October 1st, bookmark this thread, by then this game will be notoriously easy mode and no one but retail players will stay. This is a hollow experience.

People were supposed to dunk from right under the basket, but then Micheal Jordan came a long and started doing it from the free throw line. Skill, planning, and knowledge of the fight won the day here. Get over it.


Twinks are very powerful. Here is an example. a 19 twink guild is dueling outside of SW and a lvl 60 shaman runs up and kills one of them. 5 of the twinks proceeded to chase and kill the shaman as they try to run to redridge. This is the glory of the vanilla balancing system, and if what I read is correct, it will be the case in classic too.

(this is a true story, but I have no video proof)

As was mentioned earlier, and something i noticed during the stress test. Vanilla and Classic although closely related arent the same. The Classic patch version were seeing right before TBC is a lot different difficulty wise from the launch version of Vanilla.

I haven’t ever played on the Pservers and my leveling in Vanilla was a lot more difficult at WOW launch by far compared to what I experienced during the stress test.

Is this a troll video or did Blizzard make classic dungeons sort of a de facto loot piñata to please the retailers…lmao if the made it easier than vanilla so the retailers could get through it…lol

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Nah man. The boss is ??. The healer is level 30. The dps is non-existent, a pair of 30 hunters, a paladin who’s healing, tank who hits for 12 damage once every 20 seconds.

There’s no explaining it. You should not be able to tank ?? Boss hits without a huge price in the healers Mana. An accurate level tank/healer relative to the accurate dungeon/dungeon level would show healer going through significant Mana to ensure the tank stays alive. While accurate level DPS burn the target down much faster because they’re accurate level and not attacking a level ?? Boss.

These guys took so long to kill the boss, kiting around, agro is everywhere. These bosses didn’t die they were hitting something for a very long time. They didn’t oom, they didn’t die, they just stuck around long enough until hunters white pet damage killed the targets. In other words, the enemy NPC damage is so low, that you can stand around doing no dps, minimal or over healing your hearts content, while the tank isn’t even thinking about mitigation abilities or threat. This video proves it. If these guys were level 35 they’d be underleveled for cathedral but they would absolutely destroy this cathedral if this is the difficulty of the game. 30 to 42 is huge. Whereas 35 to 42 is manageable but still basically suicide.

Please come back October 1st, bookmark this. You’ll see the game is easy mode and everyone has no fun because difficulty is much too easy

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Blizz is using 1.12 data, the easiest form of vanilla.
Also, everyone sucked back in vanilla, it’s why people are worried every boss is going to be a tank and spank. Take Vaelastrasz for example. Had 1 mechanic that was easy as hell but it only took 1 dummy to wipe the group. Modern raiding would have at least 4 mechanics per boss fight and any one of those mechanics is 3 times harder than vael’s.

Also, Pservers guessed on a LOT of stuff. A bunch of warrior toons have been saying they have too much rage in classic and that blizzard needs to nerf it. Blizzard has access to the data and knows what the rage regen rate in 1.12 was through the reference client. The fact that people have rose-tinted glasses and the pserver babies were playing an incorrect recreation does not mean blizzard is “wrong”.

Classic is going to be easy, I’ll be the first to say it. None of the fights spare like Chromaggus are considered “difficult” by modern raiding standards and are all just gear checks.

Have fun, bathe in the nostalgia.


I hope you realized that wow vanilla use was 4-40 rule. Whether 4 hours or 40 hourd you will get something meaningful. It was causal i.e dungeons and hardcore. 40 man.