Is classic actually classic?

Also dont know how many times I moved away as soon as I recognized the whirlwind attack to only get hit 2 or 3 times. Dial up for the win.

People forget about how bad the lag was back then or how bad connections were. I see complaints about people who wont play on 75ms servers. I would of sold my first born for latency like that. I played through Vanilla at around 200 ms (on good days) and lots of times with it rocketing up to 4k and becoming a slide show on how to fail.


Lol. Thereā€™s no gear out there enabling a level 30 group to beat cathedral. They werenā€™t buffed beyond alchemy potion buffs, healers fortitude, paladins might.

Level 42 boss. ??

Level 30 tank heals dps.

Tank and spank.



Like I said. Get on Classic when it launches, hit 30, step into SM and let us know how easy it was for you. I want death count, wipe count, hours spent until you give up, etc.


I 4man dungeons on my way to 60. We twink our characters out with AH bought BoEs and farmed previous dungeon loot, blue gear. There is no possible way you should be able to even get down the hallway in cathedral as a level 30 group. Itā€™s nonsense.


I see nothing wrong here. Look whoā€™s playing it. You cant tell me they are wearing gray items random junk like most tanks would be. I assure you there are lines of people who would dump the bis gear for that level on them

show me where they are under geared during that fight.
they also have a number of items being used. Those look like some expensive kills.

but if it is so easy, cant wait to see the videos of random people walk in trying to do the same but lack the coordination and resources.


My guild group had everything. We would run in and drop multiple sapper charges etc.

Itā€™s just not an accurate picture of what an actual leveling group would look like.

If you look for the negative, you can find it. If you accept a thing for what it is, neither judging as positive or negative, but simply go with it, then you find joy.

To me, the OP looked for the negative. Outofammo looked at the scene as it is/was. You can tell the difference between the two in tone, logic, and focus.


Thanks for making me have to go watch those Asmo vids. Something Im guessing you didnt do. Neither of those fights, Armory or Cath, were ā€œTank and Spankā€

In Cath they made sure Whitemane did very little by constantly LoSing her around a Pillar and then full on kiting her. Spoiler alert, the fight was built around her doing dmg to the tank as well. In addition they had two healers just to keep the tank up against Morg and they BARELY managed it. Asmo finished at 1/4 health with both healers oom and everyone out of cds (Shield wall, LoH etc).

PS: Itā€™s also funny how Whitemane legitimately does nothing when you bring modern wow kiting into the fight.


I guess this didnā€™t happen either?

Keep refusing reality. It deffinitely doesnā€™t make you look a chump or anything.


Dude what am I looking for? Itā€™s outrageous that they stay alive. The damage that enemy NPCs do is neglible. Thereā€™s no way level 30s can tank and heal through a level 40 and 42 bossā€™s damage. But in this video they do.

This is not classic. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m upset.


You do know they 4 manned onixia right? In classic? Stop being a clown, back then no one knew how to play the game and today people have a deep understanding of the game


Nailed it.


We seen these threads over and over. They didnā€™t nerf Classic compared to Vanilla. Classic is way more challenging than Retail. This was brought up many times and Blizzard made sure to check and recheck to make sure everything was right and it is.

The damage from mobs in Vanilla are the exact same in Classic. If you want the mobs to be harder than Vanilla for even a harder challenge which is what you are asking for. I say no. I am in with the #Nochanges.

Classic is pretty authentic. Blizzard did the best job they could and it shows.


To me, seems like some people are out to prove it isnā€™t vanilla, or classic, whatever. Like they want to ruin it, by claiming the devs ruined it. But those players (or the viewers, since we havenā€™t even really started playing yet) look specifically for the proof that this game (which hasnā€™t yet released) is ruined.


First of all, donā€™t assume your memories of vanilla are 100% accurate to begin with. If you do, itā€™s just another Bernstein/Bernstain Bears scenario.

Secondly, weā€™re not going into this game blind, like we were 15 years ago. It will change our perceptions and performance in classic.


I like how OP is ignoring certain posts that prove him wrong, but heā€™s replying to other posts and making the same invalid argument over and over again.

Classic is accurate. Get over it.


The MMO gaming community is vastly more sophisticated than it was when WoW launched. Ignore the extreme experience the Classic community has with WoW specifically (Of which there is plenty) - the average MMO player is for more competent than they once were.

The vision of Classic that so many have as a ā€˜difficultā€™ game is, frankly, crap. Most people were less experienced with games in general, less experienced with the MMO genre, and less experienced with WoW - everything in Classic will be easier than you remember of the original experience. Anyone who says otherwise is full of themselves.


This is a good point. In all honesty when vanilla Wow launched I was playing Everquest. Everyone thought of it as the easy-mode mmo.

Itā€™s just another example of how easy the modern game is. We look back on the easy mmo as more challenging. ( Which it is; just not to the level people think )

My point is itā€™s still very fun and challenge will be there for people who seek it.

Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about.


Played in closed beta, 2 level 40s. Tanked and healed several dungeons as warrior/pally. Group composition, gear and player skill makes a huge impact. Additionally, some classes were broken like hunters and their +2 lvl pets.

The difficulty is definitely there. If this guy doesnā€™t want to play, itā€™s his loss.

I will be playing the heck out of Classic with much enthusiasm.


This right here, canā€™t believe op doesnā€™t realize this.

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