Is classic actually classic?

Vanilla wasn’t difficult. This is a myth/meme by the masses who don’t remember it properly.

You used to have groups running dungeons with only a hunter pet tanking and a few rogues.

The “difficulty” that people are remembering are from pserver people who play on inaccurate servers.

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I think multiple memories aren’t accurate here.

I recall many wipefests while leveling. Pets and fear bombs often made pulls more challenging. Not paying attention to the healer’s Mana was frequently an issue, too.

The game wasn’t stupid-hard, but many players made it seem so.

that’s how hunter worked in vanilla. ( and retail)

ranged attack cannot be dodged or parried, they are only affected by the base miss % chance.

since hunters do not scale as hard as warrior and rogue, they’ll still be outdps once max lvl and geared.

AKA… it’s not broken. working as designed.

vanilla wasn’t hard. people were just bad.

the thing is though it is harder. I died so many times just leveling my warrior to 15 in the beta. I had to plan my moves and having a bow was needed. I couldnt take usually more than 1 or 2 mobs, and if they had any abilities i was dead.

I knew it.

We’ve been bamboozeled. Possibly even Smeckledorfed.

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Even worse, we start off in the middle of Perez Park. Many characters will never make it to civilization.

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The damage these mobs are doing was compared to the original 1.12 source code, on a running 1.12 internal test server, using similar characters–level, gear, etc. The numbers are correct for actual 1.12 WoW.

Pservers have always always always admitted they did not have a complete database to work from as not all of the data is included with the client, but rather exists server-side. They never had access to this and had to approximate. They were wrong in this case.

I hope you aren’t insinuating that Blizzard, with the original 1.12 source code and ALL of the data, running an original reference client to compare (and have actually fixed multiple beta bugs this way) is somehow less correct than your private server that has had to guess and fill in blanks where information outside Blizzard HQ does not even exist.

And to top it all off you’re trying to blame retail players for this, when literally none of us, not a single freaking soul outside of Blizzard HQ, has any say whatsoever in Classic’s development beyond bug report tickets in a closed beta.


The rumor is, Chuck Norris was in that fight tanking. You just couldn’t see him.

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At the time of that fight there were 2 significant bugs that later got identified and fixed.

Hunter auto shots never missed regardless of the level of the mob
Weapon damage was using legion algorithms or multipliers making the damage slightly more than vanilla.

Both of those bugs were reported, acknowledged by Blizz and fixed.

Classic is not an exact replica of vanilla.
Their reference build is 1.12 client running 1.12 data on a 1.12 server.
Classic is not that. Classic is 1.12 data running on a Legion server.

So it’s quite possible code changes over 7 expansions alter the 1.12 data passed through it and that is not caught and fixed until players report bugs and Blizzard can look into it.

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What a rediculous post.

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I never, ever, at any point said it was, dude.

I’m telling this person they are being completely asinine throwing a tantrum over something that has been compared to a full dataset vs a broken, incomplete dataset filled with guesswork.

Of course it is. And it was ticketed and bugtested into oblivion, and the numbers were in fact determined to be correct the last time this subject came up in beta.


This can not be overstated. We now have the internet to tell you which group makeup works best, the best gear to wear, what weapons and stats you should have, plus guides on what to do and when to do it. Not to mention many years post vanilla experience with raids and dungeons.

People should also remember that the private servers they played on were vastly overtuned and not an accurate representation of vanilla. The Pserver fans can live in denial if they want to, but its the truth.


No, the numbers were not determined to be correct.
Blizzard acknowledged that legion multipliers were being used for weapon damage.

Here is the bug report with Blizzard’s acknowledgement of it.

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Also remember before any classic was available everyone was saying that pservers were vastly undertuned because so many were able to complete MC, BWL and Naxx on pservers.

I would attribute that more to the length of time they played vanilla…14 years of fresh servers for them to play on.

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Very true. My group of friends and I leveled to 60 without fully grasping the Tank/Healer/DPS trinity. We were happily doing the instances with a Combat Rogue as our “Tank”. Believe it or not, we did quite well overall.

However it all came to a screeching stop when we first entered Dire Maul North and the ogres would one or two shot the rouge and our Warlock and Hunter pets.

So it was months really before we actually had a clue what we were up to. Quite amusing looking back on it.


Unless you ARE skilled and DO have gear, in version 1.12, with 14 and a half years of WoW experience, and have a Pally AND hunter in your group with the BEST tank class in vanilla leading the way!

I always said that it had “artificial difficulty,” because it came from things hitting way harder than they were supposed to and having a bonkers amount of health comparatively. Because mechanics weren’t really a thing outside of Living Bomb, Deep Breath, and aggro management.

Because #nochanges

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Haha nice. When I first played DAoC during its launch I think I played about two months before I realized aggro mechanics were a thing.

Pretty sure we’re getting 1.12 Vanilla- which is basically the BC prepatch.

So we’re not getting Vanilla, we’re getting BC with a 60 level cap and no Outland.