well until you pay for people’s subs, people will play how they want with what they want so long as the dev’s dont say it is cheating.
Uldir was undoable without DMB because the energy level for Mother doesn’t show up anywhere without an addon.
Hey, it’s totally fine for people to use addons, never said it wasn’t, only that they really aren’t needed lol.
You should definitely get out more then, meet more people or something.
yeah needed I see that. QoL though that is a whole different thing.
Not sure what you are trying to say.
Are you saying that all the people that think no addons would be fine for mythic raiding just don’t talk about it?
And are out there hiding in the real world?
Oh it’s definitely a QoL improvement to have them, no doubt about that.
I just think people don’t need them.
Is calling people out harassment? It really depends. If you’re using dps meters or w/e to grief people, then yes it’s harassment. But if you’re using them to help people, then no it’s not harassment.
People should just leave WoW the way it is and move on to new games for the features or lack of features they want. I’ll be leaving in 2 months.
This is why I’d rather not engage with you because you use asinine hypotheticals rather than engaging with the substance of what people are talking about.
They are, I use to Raid way back long before DBM made raids easy. I saw the transition from no Addons to having Addons for everything. At first they didn’t make things easymode, but now they do too much, so much so Blizzard has decided to not worry about adding UI elements if they know that Addons will do it.
Looking at the growth of refugees in other games from WoW, that’s already been happening and has for a while now lol
…but i literally was talking with you what you are talking about.
And your reply was to “get out and meet people more”.
How am I supposed to take that? I was trying to figure out the relevance of what you said.
No. Calling out someone for bad performance to hold them accountable isn’t harassment. Stating it over and over to degrade the person by shaming would be harassment.
In any group based event where coordination matters, sometimes people have to be held accountable for their actions (such as standing in bad all the time, not interrupting /dispelling, etc). This includes poor dps/hps performance.
As many others have stated, they’re a blessing and a curse because they help you improve your play and also see balance between different specs/classes which I think leads to better gameplay in general. But also there’s a pretty big problem in regards to players indeed harassing/abusing others for it. Depends how far people take it but I think calling people out for low DPS and then going “kick them” is poor behavior. But there are also plenty of people that have pay to play their own way and don’t care about their DPS, so trying to help them can cause them to become upset or become toxic themselves. I sure don’t know the solution, I just know even with pruning I prefer WoWs combat system to FFXIV’s.
I do think when it comes to harassment it should always be stopped and investigated, but DPS meters should be completely fine - I do think kicking someone for low dps without trying to help should also be frowned upon and I think FF has a better system when it comes to helping other players with commendations and etc.
I definitely found WoW to be a lot more fun coming into it when a lot less players knew what they were doing and didn’t have everything figured out so everyone was pretty patient. It’s kinda why I like to run new dungeons as they come out, little less stress cause there’s not some ‘optimal strat’ to do everything yet.
In before you get lots of hate for using the “R word” coz it’s racist and not politically correct anymore.
Tho moving to other games isn’t exactly being a refugee coz I genuinely like the concept of TemTem.
The bottom line is this… IF there are 3 dps in a dungeon and 2 of them are doing 20k and your doing 6k. Your getting called. SOMETHING is wrong. And your dragging the team down.
I dare say it is harrasment to go into content you are not prepared for. You are wasting 4 other people’s time. it far to easy to get up to mythic level gearing in like a day or 2 once you hit 120. maybe a week if you are new player. if you cry and moan that people are asking you pick up the pace, you should get out of the game now, your not fit to play it.
You assume everyone uses addons for raids, no they don’t.
You argue that mythic wouldn’t be possible without them, have you tried?
No you haven’t. Why? Because the content is easier to do with them and you wouldn’t want to take on that challenge.
Throwing out, oh, you’ll need them for this, especially when you consider less than what, 5% of the population even does mythic, which makes bringing mythic into the discussion pointless.
It’s literally 99% the same though >.>
The only difference is GCD which is faster in WoW lol.
We’re talking about a traditional tab targeting system here, nothing really complex going for it.
I did not assume that.
Have you? Have you even tried with them?
Tho earlier today I went like “WTF” when I saw a fury warr did 90k dps consistently (he got 2 or 3X max echoing void gear)