Is buying services for Gold against TOS?

It’s a grey area.
Any service you pay for that cannot be placed into a trade window won’t be backed by Blizzard.
But they also won’t crack down on service providers as long as they keep the entire service in-game.
Anything that goes outside of the game should be heavily scrutinized.

Of course not, there is wow token money to be made silly!

9 months later…


Yes…yes it is. That gold is stolen from other accounts or otherwise obtained against the rules.

The token is made using in-game gold from legitimate players buying tokens for gold that’s earned using means that are allowed in-game.


You can buy anything you want with gold in game. Blizzard approves and makes WoW Token available to you so you can purchase even more.

thats actually not true. if you can prove malicious intent(screenshots, etc) they will return your gold

It’s 100% true.

We don’t assist in returning scammed funds because we don’t wish to encourage people to participate in risky behavior assuming that we can simply undo it.


Just do your part and report the one’s in LFG

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Okay, this is just blatantly false. It’s a half truth at best. I’m not going to delve into details but when I was in college all of the gold on my end was personally acquired by selling Challenge Mode Gold carries with friends. I am not proud of it, but I am also too proud to relegate my diet to exclusively ramen noodles every day for 3/4 a year.

Ironically, a fair chunk probably found its way back into my hands again anyway. Even more amusing, I was an economics major.

Is paying someone to go to work for me bc I CBA to against ToS?

I’m not sure what that has to do with my answer to Cererac. They didn’t ask if selling carries for gold was allowed. They asked if they could BUY gold from another website or player.

In THAT scenario, buying gold from another website etc., the gold is almost always stolen or gathered in an illicit manner.

Unfortunately, this thread was necro’d from June of last year, so the OP isn’t likely to reply to you.

That said, I’m not too sure what you’re actually asking. Are you referring to a real job or paying someone to play the game for you?


It’s not against tos unless it is an organized third party who functions outside of wow.

Was being sarcastic with OP, I tend to have a dry sense of humour.

Are you buying gaming chairs with gold like the WF players ? :rofl:

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Goldshire would become very interesting lol

This is false. If you both agreed that they would do “X” in exchange for gold, but then take your gold and run, then a GM will treat it as a scam and persue them / get your gold back. It’s treated the same as if you were to buy an item for 500g but the seller takes your gold without giving you the item.

Sure, keep spreading lies and half truths.

I wasn’t talking about legit transactions. Paying someone 500g to craft you an item is a supported transaction and yes Blizzard will step in.

However, this thread isn’t about professions or supported transactions. Buying carries falls under unsupported and they are very clear on that:


That wasn’t a carry service, the person in the post you listed was complaining that a “gold transfer” person in classic scammed them.

This thread is from nine months ago so I’m going to close it, but I wanted to cover a few things so I snag it from General Discussion since it is more of a CS topic. :slight_smile:

Simply put. Yes, it is against policy to purchase gold from a third party.

The original article announcing the WoW Token provides a bit of the philosophy on why we introduced it.

In some cases that will include gold that is legitimately acquired through normal game play though the majority of it does come from compromised accounts or exploitation.

That is actually not true, Magnificent. First, we do not accept screenshots as evidence. They may be used as a reference point but all chat must be able to be verified through our logs. Second, a scam by it’s very nature proves malicious intent, they are trying to take something without providing anything in return.

While we absolutely will penalize someone verified to have violated our scam policy, usually by applying a suspension to the account as well as removing any ill gotten gains, we do not generally return the gold.

We would definitely treat it as a scam and investigate, taking what actions are appropriate if that scam is verified, but we do not generally return gold from unsupported transactions.

Purchasing an item from another player is entirely different. Those tend to fall under supported transactions.

You may be focusing on the wrong part, Valshaw, if it was specifically a carry or gold transfer isn’t really relevant. What matters is if the “service” is unsupported.