Is buying services for Gold against TOS?

I keep seeing these in game guilds selling services like Keys, Leveling, Torghast etc for gold only… not real money… Just wondering if that is also against the ToS

nope never has been and never will be only real money.


No but it’s not supported either. So if one of these groups or guilds scams you out of gold, you won’t get it back.


Not against ToS.
Them advertising it in the LFG is against ToS.
They can though in trade chat.

I know you asked one question but covering all basis here lol


No but be aware that some/many of those try and lure you in and then “offer” you an IRL money path which very much IS against the rules and could likely land you in a false positive scenario if ban wave catches you (since you were associated with the group).

Also there is a very high chance you won’t get your gold back if you didn’t receive your service. You can take screenshots but you are first going to have to get through to a human and hope they opt to review it deeply (which is very unlikely when ban waves happen).

It isn’t but it should be since you can pay to win buying gold with tokens that are purchased with cold hard cash.

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Except you can’t win an MMO and people who pay for boosts aren’t the people getting world firsts anywhere.

Well maybe you can win if you have every possible achievement in the game.


Is this supposed to be a joke?

You are allowed to buy a tokens for $20 each, sell them for gold and then buy a carry. Whatever you think of it is up to you, but the ToS allows it.

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Yep, it’s obvious that one step was put into place to monetize what was going on which is essentially a soft endorsement of WoW being pay-to-win. They spend more time and effort monetizing this game instead of making the game great with content and story.

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Pay to win what? What are you possibly winning by buying a run at the end of the patch?

Pay-to-win is the stupidest assertion I’ve seen.


Nope. Point to the winner of the game? There isn’t one. There isn’t even a winning guild. Sure some people/guilds may get world first, high PVP ranks, complete a Mythic+30, or even have max gold in the bank. But they haven’t won the game. It will all reset at the next patch and they start over. Until then, those people sell boosts and carries for gold.

MMOs aren’t about winning. They can be about personal improvement.


Perhaps in PVE, but pay to win is a very real thing in PvP right now.

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Do you even play this game? I do and I watch boosts and carries being sold all day. People pay cash for gold, people take that gold and buy boosts, this is easy to understand.

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What are they winning though? A mount? A title that goes away next season? It isn’t like winning a sports tournament or even something like an esports arena tournament. They don’t win anything real. They are just spending money for content everyone can apply effort in an play.


You could buy boosts 6 months ago.

Would you support Blizzard selling temporary stat allocation points? Just $5 for each point of additional main stat no cap. You can’t win an MMO so it shouldn’t matter. Pay to win is buying in-game items to gain advantage. The genre does not matter.

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nope, but advertising it is (although clearly not enforced)

Why are you so angry always?!

I honestly don’t care to tell the truth. I wouldn’t buy it so it doesn’t affect my game play. I honestly don’t care how powerful other players get or if they are on some temporary ladder. I don’t care if they spend money to do it.

That may be the case until the people swiping push you out of being able to do any content especially PVP because you didn’t swipe. That is already happening today.