Is brew still squishy?

I think you got him wrong as he did a reply to that one:

I don’t know either what issue was meant exactly.

Me neither man. Blizzard hasn’t been exactly forthcoming when it comes to how stagger innately works with calculations. Stagger really does need some kind of re-work.

The worst part about stagger is the magical damage.
Physical tanking is actually quite nice - even if we could have some more HP for wearing leather and… well… being a monk.
BM’s stagger somewhat like one third of magical damage, receiving 2/3 immediately.
Diffuse Magic is a great def CD against magic, the other CD’s are nice, too.
With that healing BM’s are viable as tanks but unfortunately are somwhat like BDK. They were intended to smoothen damage out and not to ping pong around.

A solution might be a bigger health pool, a much bigger stagger pool, a very high stagger % BUT an increased damage-income, meaning to take more damage than other thanks but having it smoothed out nicely. Just an idea, there are sure better solutions than this.

Most likely scenario is they just had some sort of issue causing a physical damage form somewhere to be staggered as if it was magic.

brew isnt squishy, 10.0.5 didnt make brew bulk, it did bring qol improvements however. brewmaster does have a effective skill cap that separates good brewmasters and new brewmasters. with brewmaster seeing more play post buff and multiple mdi tank streamers advocating for it, there is a heavy influx of new brew players.

I have to say on 1 target like in raids Brew feels solid. Scaling to big pulls it’s not war level but I find it more tanky than my pally for instance. My beef at the moment is to become more tanky as Brew you really have to sacrifice dps unlike war or to a lesser extent paladin. I’ve not played the other tanks yet to comment on them.

?? thats weird cause people are doing big dps while staying bulky. but im not to well versed in brew, i just know from watching streamers(not equinox) and hanging around awesome brewmaster people that talk about it.

if anything prot pally has to sacerfice damage for defense due to avenging wrath might sharing a node with sentinel

yea i’m not sure what that poster is talking about, brews don’t sacrifice dmg for tankiness in their tree. Pretty much all the end tree talents are dps focused.

For example boc and anvil and stave are both excellent defensive talents in m+ but taking them requires you to drop either dfb/cp or exploding keg or a capstone. Therefore must people aren’t running them. Anvil and stave in particular is a huge Brew reduction in aoe.

Anivil and stave is garbage because of the internal CD. .5sec brew CD every 3seconds is not good, that’s the reason nobody takes it.

1 every 3 is not “garbage”. Even 0.5 every 3 isn’t. Might want to check your math lol.

1 every 3 means 33% cd reduction in aoe where it has max uptime… Yeah totally “garbage”. With 1 point it is just shy of as good as light brewing. 2 points it’s better than light brewing.

No one uses it because they would need to drop dps talents for it… Like I was talking about earlier.

we dont need more brew reduction with all the other talents, the best thing said about anvil & stave in any guide out there is, “it’s underwhelming” it’s a meh talent where there are better defensive and offensive choices elsewhere in the tree.

If it were any good at all, and brews needed more defense, somebody would have taken it on their brew in higher keys, nobody does.

It’s such a non-talent that icy veins doesn’t even mention it existing.

It could be removed from the tree and nobody would notice.

If it cost 1 talent point and did 1sec every 3 sec it’d be an option.

so it sounds like a trap talent? like soul monger and bonestorm?

Nah. The reason it’s not taken is due to its location in the tree you would need to drop a dps talent to take it. That was my whole point in the first place… Some tanks have to choose dps vs defensive talents others get both together.

If you have a prot war and a Brew try this - run a reasonable level key using the standard build. After that run the same key running all the most defensive choice talents possible. What you will find is prot war already takes almost all the defensive talents in the standard builds and your dps won’t be much different (slightly less because you take bsv). Brew will do substantially less dps…I’m talking like 20-30% less. Is it more tanky? Definitely. Is it worth that much dps loss. Definitely not. That was what I’ve been trying to say.

i see your point and i understand what your trying to say, but considering what vlorax said and my own research in monk cord, the usage of anvil and stave seems to be lack luster due to its internal cd and compared to other brew cdrs it just seems like a lack luster “win more” talent that brew doesnt really need because tis bulky enough. sure you can be bulkier, but sacrificing damage (as you know brew master does alot of damage) for it just seems counter intuitive especially for a little bit of bulk.

theres just isnt a reason to run anvil due to its position, interal cd, and slightly bulk increase. so it just seems like a trap talent.

the point being brew master is and was already bulky before the patch and after the patch. it just has a high skill cap and if your not touching that skill cpa then your just gonna feel squishy. to the point you’ll sacrifice offensive talents for more defensive talents because it seems more appealing. at that point why play brewmaster if you just want to turtle. which leads to a even bigger problem of threat loss, especially in raids where your co tank will have to int his own rotation to make sure he doesnt steal boss aggro on taunt swaps.

I mean I guess it just shows how far ahead prot war actually is.

Looking at top player logs:
brew is doing like 35-40k dps overall with ~75% mitigation
prot war is doing like 50-60k dps overall with ~90% mitigation

I think brew needs a rework to make some of the damage talents baseline so they can take more defensive. THats just my opinion.

I think it’s okay if monks take more damage - being leather after all.
But as I mentioned before: In my opinion the damage intake should be made flat.
They will require more healing (having selfheal they can heal themselves too) but it will be a lot more comfortable for healers to heal this class as it should be.
Requiring more healing but in exchange having a consistently slow dropping tank.
It would be probably difficult to properly balance this.

All tanks should have theit benefits and shining in the one or another area. It would be perfect if every shared the same tier. Even if that is rather not possible. But within a bandwidth… sure.

But thats just my opinion. I don’t want to say that his is the best way for monks - just a good way in my own eyes.

what logs are you looking at, because brew is around the 60k+ range in logs that are public. brew is tanky enough, but considering they are buffing bear and bdk i wouldnt besurprised if brew gets buffed instead of prot eating a nerf bat

Check top brew on raider Io has logs none are 60k.

www.warcraftlogs com/reports/z49QGqgX2PrKpB6M#fight=3&type=damage-done

come on man, most high key logs are private btw