Is brew still squishy?

That isn’t working for me. I’m not sure what the “come on man” is about. I used the top player on raiderio for monk and war that had logs available. The monk was mordim and his best log was 52k in AA.

Edit : got the link to work. Yes he did 60k GJ. I’m done arguing with you. If you want to believe monk dps/tankyness is ok fine by me. At this point it’s just beating a dead horse.

If you were to shift two points in that section of the tree to be more defensive it would make more sense to go High Tolerance over Anvil & Staff. Its a flat defensive value and the haste provides some defensive and limited offensive benefits.

I think the problem with talents like Anvil is this, they want us to care about things like Brew CD but it does not translate to our damage in a meaningful way. Something similar to this is they also want us to care about Breath of Fire usage but the defensive aspects beyond the base 5% don’t make sense. There is a lot of this type of thing in the tree.

This make the tree very black and white. So what Brewmasters do is they go and take the biggest bang for your buck primarily offensive and primarily defensive talents but as a result we don’t get synergistic benefits that come with some other tanks. It also feels lackluster picking between so many talents that are so overtly one direction or the other.

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Bit of a rant here…

Last week I did quite a bit of m+, at least a 20 with all dungeons. This is on the back of 200+ keys for the season, most with pugs.

The boss I had the most trouble with was the first one in AV. A lot going on and the tank damage is incredibly high. I looked at the break down and noticed infused strike which is spell reflect-able made up about 40% of all damage taken. So, we just flat out take 50-60% more damage on this boss than a warrior, it feels stupid.

Dark claw which can also be spell reflected is another outlier. Every week a new meme pops up about the last pack in Jade Temple and yet zero changes.

I know people will make the point dark claw can be managed and they are right, but so can various non spell reflect-able abilities but strangely they got nerfed.

This isn’t a rant against spell reflect or spell block. I really like flavor type abilities. It is about balancing dungeons around all tanks not just meta. Did they even look at feedback from non-warriors, it does not feel like it.

What is the point in doing tank balance if you counterbalance it with dungeon hotfixes.

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I just want to pipe in and say that bleed damage is extremely potent to brewmaster at the moment. I can have a sin rogue or feral pop off on me and struggle to keep up with the damage. Can we get blizz to address how physical bleeds aren’t mitigated at all by stagger’s physical mechanics?

that’s mostly from the fact that tanks take like 65% more damage in pvp and bleeds are staggered as magic damage.

I don’t expect they’ll change stagger just for pvp

Not happening. Our stagger pool is already 1000% of our max health; don’t believe the default UI.

If you can’t run EK, a capstone, DFB, and BoC at once, you’ve got a very funky build. I’m able to run 2/3 capstones just fine and have EK, DFB, and BoC. Anvil & Stave was great once upon a time in beta, but the 3 second ICD makes it effectively worthless.

With very few exceptions (eg Crawth’s bleed in AA), bleeds have always been considered magic damage for every tank, not just brewmaster. What you’re experiencing is the fact that tanks take 67% more damage in PvP, not an issue with bleeds.

BoC + BoF + Sal’salabim’s Strength gives you a near-permanent 10% DR. 10 > 5. What doesn’t make sense about this? There’s a reason it’s recommended your main BoC uses are Keg Smash and Breath of Fire.

You listed a single interaction that very few take because they find it underwhelming and ignored celestial flame which no one takes.

Please explain how it is worthless. With 2 points in it it’s effectively a 33% Brew cd reduction in aoe situations. I can see single target sure it’s less bang for your buck than light brewing but “worthless”? I disagree.

I also disagree here. The issue is other tanks have mechanisms to absorb that extra damage, such as 100% uptime IP. Monks have CB… with like what 20% uptime? This is why stagger should be absorbing more…

A maximum of one extra second every three, especially when you can get two seconds from Blackout Combo + Keg Smash, an extra second off with every Keg Smash or Tiger Palm every 30 seconds during Bonedust Brew, Light Brewing reducing your brew CDs by 20%, and Black Ox Brew providing a full reset roughly every minute. Anvil & Stave’s internal cooldown and the fact that it takes two talent points that are better utilized elsewhere make it worthless with all the other brew generation options we already have. Anvil & Stave is a trap because the investment required gives you minimal benefit.

Because Celestial flames is not guaranteed. Why waste a talent point on a 30% chance for extra DR?

It’s 100% to do with tanks taking extra damage. Trying to compare a spec to a known outlier is an exercise in futility. Warriors are on another level right now, and if everyone gets brought up to their level, then everyone is going to cry when the nerf bat inevitably comes down. This is one of those situations where targeted nerfs are warranted, and more specific tuning for other specs can come into play after the fact once the initial gap has been closed.

Thanks for making my point.

I find that my brewmaster is constantly in red stagger, unlike it was in Shadowlands. My health yoyoing and constantly feeling like I’m about to pop is anxiety inducing.
Is running in capped out stagger the standard now? I feel like I’m missing something.

I think when blizzard nerfed tanks a couple months back, this is just one of the consequences of that. Blizz did say they’re monitoring tank survivability at the moment which is good because with how hard everything is hitting in DF, with the exception of Prot Warrior, all tanks are getting straight donkey punched on M+ right now.

Yes…which is 33.33% reduction.

Prot pally blocks magic and has absorb from AS. Monk should be sending more magic damage to stagger since they don’t have other reduction methods.

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thats a lie. but alrighty. brew master just has a new skill cap that came with the talent system. the new talent system was expected to shake alot of people up especially people that dont seek additional help with log reviews and guides.

also it sounds liek anvil and stave is a trap talent like soul monger is for vdh or rune tap is for bdk. i would encourage any aspiring brew master mains to visit the peak of serenity discord to further help and more detailed explanations

Dang, after being shamed by VDH forum, you still deny what top VDHs play, and continue propagating your troll builds for VDHs in monk.
Stop pretending you know this game and spread misinformation. I feel sorry for whoever listens to you.

rent free apparently. i am still very much active in the vdh forums? and no one shamed me because everything i said was easily fact checkable by sims, guides, and theory crafters.

Your recall of who was shamed is rather comical… The only person who got laughed out of the forum, both dk and dh at this point is you. Care to go on another rant about how the wowhead and iocyveins guides are terrible, while at the same time not being able to list anything that is actually wrong with them? It’s always a good read when you go on that particular toddler rant.

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Well at least I know one thing that you dont even learn how to read, I already listed the thing wrong with them, and I suggest they are for newbies, not for experienced players. That’s all, edgelord.
You appeared after that troll druid is gone. Be brave, stick to one.
Anyway, this is post for dual talks, I just requested arahgon to stop spreading his misinformation of VDH in this thread.

except again. its not misinformation and can be fact checked with guides, the fel hammer discord and simulations, not to mention with players who are actively playing or played it. soul monger is a trap talent and theres tons of data that backs it up

while guides are for newbies, most experience players often play whats on the guides anyways with their own special personal flair or salt. again actively crusading against class discords and guides that are actively being updated by said theory crafters is just a bad look in general. as long as you hold that belief then there is no reason to engage with you in any meaningful conversation about talents or specs. or even listen to your request about not spreading “misinfo” which you do most of the time. cheers

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