Is brew still squishy?

lmao this guy

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Spell Block, Spell Reflect and ignore pain exist.

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Prot warrior spell reflect , BDK anti magic zone and anti magic shell disagree

Even if it was 50% it would be better


  • Brewmaster
    • Fixed an issue where Stagger’s effect was incorrectly reduced.

It seems stagger was indeed bugged lately! I knew something was off with that mitigation! We all knew it too!

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WHAT when was this

Last day in the council and they christmas wish me

No longer in community council? I didn’t realize it expired since mvp’s don’t.

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iirc it’s supposed to be a yearly rotation of people to keep the discussion… fresh I suppose?

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So, I discovered lately that Ray of Hope from priest healers in pvp will almost guarantee a death for brew. This was because my stagger was also adding damage in addition to what other players were putting into me. It’s near impossible to outheal when stagger gets yellow or red. Even if you purge it is still adding to the ray. Stagger needs to be re-designed or looked into next patch.

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This is true but generally using any defensive or just celestial brew will always make it positive. It counts any brew used as a heal

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Technically the last day but theybcould always could always change something.

According to the in game UI I lost 1-2% stagger when in active mitigation.

I could be wrong but I am pretty sure it is the case. I hope there was some additional stuff at play beyond a recalculation of stagger value otherwise I will be taking 4-5% more damage with the change.

edit: my bad, i think i was thinking of stats buffed. Did some keys and went fine, hard to get feel with the change of affixes.

I feel like stagger is nice in its unique approach via mechanics for tanking. But it feels out of place in today’s “spike” heavy and magic intense world.

Monk in the past always “smoothed” out the damage. But in dragonflight the spikes are so hard that their health ping pongs like a DK. It kinda kills the whole smooth damage intake vibes monk had.


I sorta understand that the last pack before final boss in Jade is suppose to be really dangerous and cc can be used, but on fort it just feels like my health is ping balling towards 10-20.

I feel like I need to take the extra zen med on top of saving sweep for at least two dark claws and para one if possible all while saving: dampen, diffuse, fort brew, black ox > celestial while trying to take aggro from the mini shahs and paying attention to the kick. It’s definitely a get good moment I think, but it salts me that wars can just spell reflect that pack and be mostly fine.

I’ll see how I feel about that pack next week, but every other encounter feels surmountable.

That last pull in TJS is gets stupid as the key level ramps up. I run circles like a lunatic aoe taunting to pick up the little sha. There is no finesse to it.

TJS is one of the few dungeons that didn’t get touched with the changes but it could use some with the trash, Dark claw, Golden Barrier (not an issue by itself but with everything else in that pack problematic), and the panda pair going to Strife and Peril could all use some love. Also the aoe explosions from the little sha get insane quick on fort, this one plays out hard on said final pull in the dungeon since they are constantly spawning.

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I would consider getting hit for a 300K glacial spike during zen meditation and Diffuse magic pretty broken. just happened in a RSS where I was pulling damage off my healer. guessing maybe the damage to the target wasnt reduced because I was redirecting it.

What did that actually change? So vague.

Increased magic stagger to 45% and added Gift of the Ox which has a chance to generate healing orbs when you use BOK or RSK. The orbs generate pretty steadily now and if you hit Expel Harm when you have 3-5 you’ll likely get a full self-heal. Convenient when the healer is too focused on DPS and forgets he has to heal.