Is BM as bad as it appears?

Because you’re replying to an already established conversation.


This was the entire point you ignored.

End of story.

Bro you brought that point up, I didn’t, Diskit didn’t in their original message. I only said that BM aoe is very weak right now, I didn’t say it was tank levels of weak, i just said it was weak because you replied to diskit’s message saying that they shouldn’t be depressed playing the spec.
If you want to play BM play it, I’m still going to play BM as well. Been playing for years and won’t stop now, just don’t start inserting stuff and making something bigger from a single quote.

I am glad I ignored that fool. New rankings out again today. Beast is rated non competitive again in m+.

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damn looking at your recent post history I’d say at least 30-40% of them are about Snozay we get it you have them blocked move on lol

Wowhead M+ DPS chart just dropped and if your BM lets just say you better be making your own groups. Two specs got last place and BM is one of the two.

I never disagreed with the fact that BM aoe is low and needs to be tuned up.

My main issue has been correcting the people that keep saying it’s so bad that they are being beat by tanks and healers.

Diskit in an earlier post said his disc priest does more damage than his BM hunter which is the first thing I commented on.

Dude is super tilted. I think I hurt his ego or something.

Once I posted the SS of being double the tank in overall he’s “blocked me” and keeps telling others to block me.

Just because it’s last doesn’t mean it’s not

Is BM aoe weak? Yes

Is it doing tank/healer level damage? No.

BM will be playable in most keys. Whether it’s title viable or not is tbd.

You shouldn’t listen to tier lists. They’re bad.

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They also are based on the top players pushing title and MDI which is why they should be taken with that context in mind.

Unfortunately, when players go to get a group, people look at teir lists. I suspect that fire mage and beast will be on the sidelines until they either over gear or have the rating. Hopefully, there will be a fix this week.

It’s very playable and the actual experience OF playing is still pretty fun as it has always been (the ability to do an entire rotation at range and on the move is hard to beat).


War Within is the first time I have ever felt like I made the “wrong” choice. It’s hard not to wince when I see other classes doing more damage with one button press than I can do hammering out my entire rotation. AoE extremely bad, worse than it has ever been. I can do competitive damage single target but the second 2 enemies becomes 3 I’m down and out.

I’ll stick with it since I am not a key pusher or a mythic raider anymore but dang man it’s rough out there.

Some of the changes coming in the Anniversary Patch look promising though.

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You’ll be declined over io more than spec

I disagree. Everything just feels like it’s harder than it should be and it takes longer than it should in a way that hasn’t been the case through SL or DF at a minimum.

It’s bad, despite what a certain now-ignored person might say on this thread. We’ll see what happens after the week 1 DPS rankings actually come out. I expect BM to be at the bottom or, at best, above Fire Mage.

I don’t expect blizzard to fix this until AT LEAST 10.0.5 and that might be 1.5-2 months away.

Basically, if you’re a hUnter, play Survival or sit out Season 1 and play something else.

why? they have shown throughout DF they are pretty quick to buff underperforming specs

MM exists too btw

I would say they have been making changes in war within quickly. Seems they have a bit of pride now. I am still hoping for an interim fix for beast as that is why I changed back to hunter after 10 years.

Beast is still the only spec. Stay true to your pets. But, survival is the backup plan.

Oh yeah no don’t get me wrong. It is the very basis of BM that I still like and which still draws me to it, the mobility etc. Finding cool pets is fun too.

But our rotation does feel worse now than it has since…maybe ever? Largely because none of our abilities really feel impactful. It’s not a hard rotation, nor is it convoluted, but it does feel rough having more buttons than we have in a long while and doing no damage with them.

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My money is on a beast cleave buff after this week


In really starting to question people’s ability to understand a statement.

I never said it was good. In fact I have stated it’s undertuned.

I’m just saying it’s not the specs fault if you’re doing tank level damage.

Definitely agree on that being buffed.

Because there are a bunch of Hunter changes on the 11.0.5 PTR.

Blizzard MIGHT bring this forward if the DPS rankings after week 1 are really bad (which they will be) but I’ve seen this pattern paly out many times: Blizzard takes too long to take corrective action (for anything, not just class balance) and then they rush in a fix that goes way too far.

Just look at beta. There was lots of feedback and testing but it was only once we hit prepatch that Blizzard made a kneejerk decision to make massive nerfs across the board. Way too much with no testing.

It keeps happening and will keep happening.

Which is inferior to SV.

I still miss the 9.2 Legendary ability of Death Chakram + Explosive Shot. It was, to me, the only innovative/fun ability we’ve gotten in years. It was kinda chaotic. It could go badly depending on how Death Chakram bounced and how mobs moved after getting Explosive Shot but that’s what made it fun.

DF BM talents were bad because they were so one-dimensional. It was beast cleve plus barbed shot because that’s all you could do. There’s a ton more they could do, just for variety.